Chapter 05: Lunch

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November 2010

Lunch with Charles had been going surprisingly well and you had actually started to have fun. He was kind and funny and it felt like you'd known him forever. Like one of those friendships where time meant nothing and you continued where you left off, each time you saw the other after a long while.

He definitely wasn't boyfriend material, and you were extremely glad you had both already, albeit awkwardly, clarified that your meeting today was not a date. You were just two acquaintances, catching up after a really, really long time. Charles needed a friend in Sydney and you were always open to having more of them. Now finding it funny that you had ever been nervous or dreaded meeting him.

"So, you really don't know anyone in Sydney? Besides those of us you found from school? No family or relatives?" you asked through a bite of cheesecake. As Charles was buying and it wasn't a date, you had been taking advantage of the situation and had slightly over indulged in a larger lunch than usual.

"Nah. Just Josh, and now you..."

You continued to chew on your mouthful, covering your mouth with your hand so you could speak through it. "I saw Josh in person, maybe a month ago. He lives, like a suburb over from me, so I've run into him a few times. Plus our mums are friends so that kind of helps I guess."

"Are your parents still here in Sydney?" Charles asked interested.

"Nah. They moved up the coast a few years ago. My Dad's retired so they bought a house near Byron. Dad wanted to get away from the 'rat race' as he calls it, but then again he always whinges about the yuppies that are taking over the town they're in. Meanwhile he was technically one too." you chuckled.

Charles smiled along with you before continuing to ask some follow up questions. "You had a brother too right?"

"Mmhmm," you replied through another bite of cheesecake. "You're good if you can remember that! "

"Well honestly, I saw him on your Facebook." Charles replied sheepishly. "I hope you don't think I'm some psycho stalker now..."

That comment made you choke as you remembered Jaz's words about the girl found in Kuring-gai and your own first impression of seeing him. Quickly you picked up your cup of water and took a sip, clearing your airway. "Okay. I'm not gunna lie, the thought crossed my mind that you could be a serial killer," Charles laughed loudly at that. "...But you seem legit..."

"Thanks," he added with a grin. "I also discovered you have a sister too."

"Well if you've been on Facebook, you can probably tell me how many cousins, uncles and aunts I have too... You know I'm going to have stall you back when I get home later now right?... So anything you wanna tell me now to save me the trouble, would be most appreciated..." you delivered cheekily.

Charles took another swig of his coffee before moving his hands to play with the serviette he'd placed under his plate to keep from blowing away. He fiddled with it nervously, folding the corners back and forth with his thumb and forefinger, making you regret the way you'd approached the topic. "Yeah... Well my parents, ah, they're, not in the picture... But I have a sister too..."

"And judging by the way you're pulling at that serviette, I'd say the two of you, don't, get along?" you asked more delicately.

"Not exactly." Charles nodded slowly. "She's, well we haven't spoken in a long time. We don't get along on a good day, but even if I wanted to speak with her, I can't. She was locked up for doing, some pretty dark things..."

Your eyes widened at his words and even though he was being vague, you felt the need to clarify. "Locked up? As in jail?"

"Yup." Charles added with a pop on the end of the word. "I don't like to talk about Amara much, but we were close once and she's my sister so, you know, family's family and all that."

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