Chapter 06: Laying It On The Table

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May 2015

"Still sounds like a d-bag..." Dean added, still currently driving you all home to the bunker. "And he told you he was living in America before he moved to Sydney?"

"I told you that in the diner when we first met remember? We went through all mine and my friend's histories!"

Dean turned to smirk at you. A slight blush formed over his good and swollen cheek, making his freckles stand out more than usual and you realised, once again, his brain hadn't retained that bit of information. It had nothing to do with cars or hunting, so why would you assume otherwise? "I can't remember everything from your case file!" He continued to smirk.

"What car did I own back then Dean?"

His eyes were now carefully watching the road. You could see his lip still upturned on the good side of his face. "A Toyota hatchback..." he chuckled.

"Thought so." But you gave him a gentle squeeze of your hand to let him know you were only teasing. "Yeah," you sighed. "He lived here in America, at least that's what he said..."

"Where?" Sam asked interested.

Technically, you'd never told Sam much about your life in Australia, though he had read the case file you still kept on your abduction. Unlike how you had with Dean just now though, you gave him more lenience. "Umm... Ohio... I remember when he first told me, I'd linked it back to that Drew Carey sitcom from the nineties."

Dean had just let go of your hand for a  brief second to overtake a large truck. "Is everything a reference to a sitcom for you?" he chuckled as he reached out to take your hand in his again.

"Dude. Everything is an eighties movie to you. You two are perfect for each other!" Sam chided.

You shot Sam an appreciative smile, catching Dean giving you one in return as you turned your head back in the direction you were travelling in. "Yeah we are," he agreed with a wink before asking, "So where did he live in Ohio?"

"Ummm, that I can't remember..."


On the twenty-sixth of May, sometime after two in the afternoon, Dean pulled Baby up on the small gravel incline out the front of the Men of Letters bunker. His hand had let go of yours so he could manoeuvre her safely along the bumpy ground, but the second he cut the ignition and placed her in park, he reached for it again. Just like using his shoulder as your pillow was the default position for your body when you slept, your fingers interlocked comfortably into each others creating their own.

Dean pulled your arm gently to exit the Impala through the drivers door with him. Something you found amusement in but kept to yourself, as you were still enjoying the extra attentiveness he was showing you, possibly a little too much.

Sam was already walking down the stone steps with Cass on his heels when you turned yourself to look at the concealed entrance carved into the hillside. It had only been a week since you'd been here but it felt like a lifetime ago and you took a moment to appreciate the home you'd come to know and love.

As if reading your thoughts like usual, Dean's arm wrapped around your waist to pull you against his side, whispering, "welcome home sweetheart," in your ear.

You rested your hand instinctively on the middle of his back, letting him guide you inside. Together walking down the curved stairs and past the war room where the large centre table was currently littered with beer bottles and the Winchester's laptops. "You guys throw a party or something while I was gone?" you attempted making a joke, but Dean didn't find it all that funny.

 Abducted: Part Three (SPN | Dean x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now