Chapter 01: Kiss And Make Up

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May 2015

Dean loved you and you loved him in return. You were back together, you were both alive and you couldn't be happier. Sure, you still had some issues to iron out and more than likely a few heated discussions to get through, but eventually, hopefully, things would be good again.

First things first though, you really needed a shower.

After walking the long seventeen plus mile distance between what Sam had phrased your 'respawn point' and Spearville, you were feeling particularly gross and still hadn't had the opportunity to do anything about it. Being in the comfort of Dean's arms again just felt way too good and part of you worried that if you took your eyes off of him, even for a second, he might not be there when you looked again. What if all of this had been a dream? Or an illusion?

Rather than questioning any further, you pinched yourself to check. "What're you doing?" Dean chuckled at you softly. Clearly not missing the action you'd just performed. He never did.

You pulled away from his chest, where you had still been snuggled into after your confessions, and looked him in the eye. "Pinching myself. Making sure this is all real..."

His leg twitched as he snorted at you. "And is it?"

"I think so... I did the same thing when I saw Charles on the platform during that illusion though, and it felt real then..." you replied. "I'm just worried if I take my eyes off you, you won't be here when I come back."

"Where exactly are you planning to go?" He side eyed you.

You chuckled back at him, but mostly at yourself. "I've been dying to have a shower since I got here. But I didn't have anything with me and I didn't want to greet you guys in a towel. I didn't know about you and me and, well I think Sam and Cass are self explanatory..."

Dean smirked at you before nodding his head towards the bathroom door. "Go on. I'll be here when you get back... Unless you want me to join you?" He winked.

"Always..." You smirked in return. "But you must be tired... And maybe you should put some ice on this?" Your fingers moved to trace along his jaw where the muscle below the skin was still swollen and bruised. "What happened?"

"Cass happened..." he stated reluctantly before asking "I thought you really wanted a shower?"

"I do..." you sighed. "But I'm fairly certain you've got a story to tell me too..."

Dean nodded his head absentmindedly. "Yeah... And we'll get to all that... Come on. Shower first. Just because you've had a catnap, doesn't mean we all have..." he added with a pat on your thigh.

You took his hint and stood up, removing the jacket you'd still been wearing and placing it over one of the chairs. The shirt you'd worn, while quite dark in colour, was covered in blood stains. Obvious to you, and Dean, due to their placements. Looking down, you noticed for the first time that your jeans also had some staining. You must've been a sight to see for the cashier and motel receptionist and it was no wonder they had come off as rude as they had to you. You were quite an oddity.

"Did you bleed that much the other times?" Dean asked concerned. Stepping closer to you to inspect your clothes. Acknowledging them himself for the first time.

"I was able to clean them up fairly quickly the other times, except with the Grigori... It did feel a little different, when I woke up this time though. It felt stronger... Must've been part of the pull that brought me here, there. I felt it too actually. When Cass struck me... I felt like I was splitting in two... Although, I'd already been sick because of the book, so it..."

 Abducted: Part Three (SPN | Dean x Reader )Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang