Chapter 27: Error 404, Title Not Found

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August 2015

You soon found yourselves in yet another persons house. A different state from Sera Siege, but with the same old Supernatural paraphernalia. This was becoming a pattern. Only the walls that surrounded you were a fresh minty green and the space more homely. What with toys scattered around and a washing basket full of freshly laundered clothes sitting in a corner.

Becky must have an older child you assumed and you hoped you wouldn't come across them. Kids and you did not mix.

"Make yourselves at home," she chimed in as you manoeuvred your way across the shaggy carpeted floor to her couch in the centre of the room.

There was a low groan from behind you and you turned around to see Dean with an ankle lifted up to rest above the other knee.

"Sorry about that. Junior recently discovered Legos."

Lego? It was lucky you'd kept your shoes on.

To the untrained eye, Dean was stoic but you noticed the way his mouth turned up in one corner. "Sorry Junior," he muttered as he picked up the little blob of bricks that had moulded their way into the crevasses of his boot. Rather than placing them back on the floor or on one of the many small surfaces Becky had in the room however, he held onto it, fiddling with the pieces as he sat down next to you.

"So?" Becky elongated the word as she got comfortable herself. "It's been a really long time. I never thought I'd see you again Dean."

"Yeah. Me too," he muttered.

"Well you sure haven't changed. Or have you?" Her eyes flicked between you before they focused on something behind you where you heard a faint clatter.

'Shit. Not the kid.'

"Is he asleep?" Becky smiled sweetly.

"Down for the count," a male's voice spoke from that same direction and you turned your head to see Becky's husband, Rod, walking into the room. "Are these your friends from outside, Honey-Bun?"

You exchanged a look with Dean. This was the life he supposedly wanted. Honey-Buns and Lego. But even he looked perturbed, much like you felt.

Rod reached out and shook both your hands in turn while Becky gave the introductions. "This is Dean Winchester and Margaret Doyle."

Dean had interrupted you before you'd had the chance to give her your real name outside and you were yet to find out why.

"Nice to meet you," Rod said, choosing to sit on the armrest of the chair Becky sat in. "Winchester? Isn't that the name of the guy you dated before me?"

Dated? Is that what drugging a guy and forcing him to marry you was called these days?

You had read between the lines when Sam had told you the story of their wedding in Vegas and your understanding was that Becky had almost sexually assaulted him. Something Rod obviously knew nothing about on top of who Dean was.

He had a Supernatural shrine in his living room but made no connection between the man before him and the action figures staring back at you. Though, that was probably a good thing.

In regards to Becky, she had apologised to Dean profusely outside for her behaviour the last time they had crossed paths and he accepted it. Technically, he and Sam already had previously but he was forced to remind her of it again. Something he was more annoyed over.

You knew Dean didn't want to be here but he was here because he wanted to find Chuck just as much as you did, only for slightly different reasons. "That was my brother," he said through gritted teeth.

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