Chapter 11: Dealing With Deputy Dumbass

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June 2015

After Baby was returned safely into Dean's eager hands and Sam had been dropped off close to the Markham's home, you and Dean went to check out the site where the sheriffs body was supposedly found. He had been watching you closely the entire drive and you knew he was more than likely still concerned by the way you were handling things but he said nothing. Choosing his glances to be enough.

"Looks like it's over there." You pointed to the right side of the road with your free hand. The other held your phone from which you were using it to navigate with Google maps. "Next to that shed, or whatever it is..."

Dean followed your directions and pulled Baby over. The two of you getting out in sync to investigate the crime scene. Traces of the forensic team's work had been left behind, including some yellow tape and a couple of wooden survey stakes still jutting out of the ground. A patch of grass indicated the place the body had been found with minimal traces of blood splatter contrasting against the green of the ground cover.

"There's definitely no sign of a struggle. Check it out. Nothing's out of place. That Markham was a big guy. Surely he would've put up a fight. The body had to be dragged here." Dean commented.

"Yeah but what's the point in staging it?" you asked rhetorically. "Since when do the monsters care where a body is found? Anywhere in this town could've easily been classed as an animal attack. Isn't this place known for bears and such?"

Your questions amused Dean. "You learned about the bears from Google didn't you?"

"And the steakhouse," you admitted.

"Don't ever change sweetheart!" He grinned before the smile turned sly and he asked, "So you going to admit the real reason why I finished your steak for you?"

Instantly you realised he'd been waiting this entire time for an opportunity to bring up your sudden aversion to your lunch. The bear had been his opening. 'Dammit.' You had walked yourself right into that. "I'm lucky seeing the body before the steakhouse didn't turn me into a vegetarian, alright? I almost ordered only chips and veggies."

'Chips' he mouthed, before speaking with more animation in his tone. "Can't have that! The meats the best bit!" He brought his arm up to drape over your shoulders, walking gently with you back towards the car. "I told you I get it, I do, I just hate seeing you looking so uncomfortable. And then not finishing your food because of it."

"Ah, but you got more steak out of it!" you added. Nudging him slightly into the side with your elbow.

"I got the salt and burned version of one... There was no way that cow was coming back! You and the cook made sure of that!" he chuckled before turning serious. "Just, promise me, you won't push yourself so far that you stop eating all together alright?"

You opened your mouth to reply, wishing to remind him that skipping meals because of the gross side of hunting was nothing new to you, but his phone rang and both of your attentions turned to the sounds of the guitar riff instead. "Sorry sweetheart. Hold that thought. It's Cass. He might have a lead for us... Cass?" he addressed the device upon pressing the screen to answer and placing the call on speaker for you to hear too. "What's new?"

"I'm confused that orange is the new version of black. And what it has to do with female prisoners?" The monotone in Cass' voice had you stifling a giggle and you turned yourself away from Dean because his expression wasn't helping you.

 Abducted: Part Three (SPN | Dean x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now