Chapter 02: What Happened To You

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May 2015

You woke up the next morning to the sound of Dean's guitar riff ringtone. Normally, it would be a wake up call you'd rather not have, but along with his body, pressed into yours, it told you that last night wasn't a dream and he really was beside you right there and now.

With a low grumble which sounded like a possible "fuck off" he moved away from you to retrieve it. "Sam," he sarcastically addressed his brother. "Yeah well, I've been busy... Sleeping... Cause we didn't sleep much during the night." You closed your eyes and shook your head. Poor Sam. Though it did sound like he brought it on himself.

"Hey! You asked man." Dean quipped into the phone and you opened your eyes to glare at him. "What did you expect?!..." he winked at you. "Yeah, we're probably going to need to skip the big family breakfast... No. Well maybe..." he chuckled. "But her clothes are covered in blood. So I wanted to take her to a store first..."

There was a longer pause after he mentioned your clothes and you wondered what Sam was saying. "Ah, yeah... That would be awesome actually. You wanna swing by and grab the keys?... Sammy! You know I'm taken man!" He then looked down at himself before adding, "I'm wearing boxers alright... Yeah, okay..."

He wasn't wearing boxers. He was butt naked.

When he hung up the call you watched as he walked over to the bathroom to retrieve the discarded clothes from the bathroom floor. As he placed them on the table and actually put his boxers on, you were able to finally question him about what was going on. "What the hell was that?"

Dean grinned at you as he picked out the Impala's keys from his jacket pocket. "You might wanna duck under the covers sweetheart. Sam's just coming by to grab the car keys."

"Yeah..." you scoffed as you pulled the sheet up around you. "...I got that much. I meant all the rest of it..."

"He asked me why we were still sleeping..." Dean informed you as he moved to the door. There was a knock and he quickly glanced at you to check you were covered and then opened the door up to Sam. Handing over the silver set of keys to him standing outside with a, "here. I'll message you her size."

"My size? "Hang on what?!" you called out to him.

"There's no need to get all self conscious sweetheart..." Dean begun.

"What?! No. No. That's not what I meant. Why do you need to message Sam my size, exactly?" you clarified.

Assuming was the wrong thing to do, of course, but putting two and two together you realised they were most likely organising a change of clothes for you. And if you were right, while it was indeed sweet, it wasn't necessary or welcomed to be honest. You'd promised yourself that you wouldn't allow them to treat you like a helpless child anymore and whatever this was, was looking suspiciously like one of those instances.

"Your clothes are covered in blood." Dean replied with an amused look. "I was planning to take you out to a store, but Sam's offered to get you something so you don't have to worry about putting your old ones back on."

You closed your eyes and breathed in and out, calming yourself before you voiced your opinion on the matter. "That's really sweet guys, but I'm good. I can handle the ones I have 'til we get back to the bunker."

"You sure?" Sam called back from the door.

He still wasn't visible to you. After being greeted by Dean unashamedly only in his boxers, he was probably worried he'd see something else. "Yeah!" you answered back. "She'll be right!"

Dean tilted his head as he shared a look with Sam. "Well, you heard it straight from her... Give us a minute to get dressed and we can go have that breakfast after all." He then closed the door and turned around to face you looking concerned. "You don't wanna get clean clothes?"

 Abducted: Part Three (SPN | Dean x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now