"W-What? Why? Why this AU in particular? And why don't you just destroy the barrier?" He asked with a serious face as he glared at me with the eyes of a king. Sighing, I explained this again.

"I whould destroy it, but the humans are as bad or worse than before the war. Monsters whould just die aimlessly and you don't stand a chance against a few billion humans." I explained as he looked at me, almost falling off his throne, hearing that number.

"F-Fine. But you didn't answer my question. Why this AU?" He asked, quickly composing himself.

"Chara" I simply added as he stared at me for a while until he understood the situation.

"I see" He said with a big grin on his face.

"I'll send an order to gather all the Monsters in the capital. Until they arrive, let's go over those plans of yours, shall we? Oh and can you also bring Gerson here?" He asked as I nodded and snapped my fingers, teleporting the old turtle between the two golden thrones.

He stared in confusion for a bit until he recognised me and I began explaining everything to him as Sans made a phone call to gather the Monsters.

I erased my throne and made a table with a few blueprints from my mind as they stared at them with curiosity.

While discussing all the places, we heard some loud commotion outside, so we headed with the plans towards the population of monsters.

We stepped onto a podium infront of the Monsters as I looked through the croud. Every single monster was there, even Papyrus and the monsters from the ruins.

'That must have been Chara's doing.' I tought and smiled as I listened to the confused voices of the croud.

"ATTENTION!" Yeller Gerson as the murmurs stopped and Sans stepped forward.

"Thank you for coming here today. First of all, I'll start by introducing The Creator we all heard so much about. Everyone greet Y/N!" He declared as I stepped forward and he continued.

"We were informed that the humans on the surface are currently at least as bad as they were in the past, so destroying the barrier whould lead to another war, but do not fret as The Creator has decided to expand the underground and make it better than the surface." He declared as the croud stared cheering after hearing the last part.

"Now, Y/N, if you will." He said as he stepped backwards.

I closed my eyes and imagined the new underground as I snapped my fingers and everything started to change.

As I opened my eyes, I looked at the croud and admired the new spacious underground, but most importantly the new sky....

It was currently day on the surface so I made it the same down here. Of course a day-night cycle whould happen every day.

I made sure that the sun and moon do not affect any of the enviorments, like melting the snow in Snowdin or cooling up Hotlands.

The croud was still staring at the sun until they're eyes started to hurt. After a while, everyone took in what just happened and started to cheer as I saw Chara teleport behind me.

"Hey Ch-" I said as I was cut off by a hug.

I hugged back as I stared the sobbing chocoholic and smiled.

"T-Thank you...." She said as I looked into her blood red eyes and smiled.

"Your welcome." I muttered as I planted a kiss on her soft lips.

After a while I noticed the silence all around us. I broke the kiss and turned back only to notice we were still on the podium. Chara burried her head into my chest as I looked around.

Y/N the Creator (Alphatale Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now