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I have always been between two edges insanity and death they are the world that I revolve around, each time I try to fall into one it pushes me off to stay in the middle....

But for today I have a strong sense that I will fall into one forever....

Drinking more sniffing more smoking more...

Dancing lost in every thought...

The flashing lights and swirling colors of the dance floor cast shadowy shapes on the walls and ceilings, making it seem as though the room was alive with movements.

As the night wore on, the shadows became more frequent, and I began to feel like I was being watched from all angles. I tried to shake off the feeling, but it only grew stronger, and I found myself sweating and muttering to myself under my breath. I knew I had to escape the club before things got any worse.

The shadowy figures are taking shape of my nightmares the devils I could see all of them around the club.

the shadows and the devils along the walls and ceiling seemed to reach out and grab me. The music thrummed louder, the lights flashed more brightly, and the sensations became overwhelming.

She felt like she is going insane, trapped in a world of shifting shapes the devils and unformed shadows. Panic set in, and
She clawed her way through the crowd, desperate to escape the club and find a place of safety. But the shadows followed her, taunting her with their strange and sinister forms.

She stumbled out into the street, breathing hard and feeling her heart race. She had to get away. But for now, the only thing she could do was run, run as fast as she could to escape the grip of the shadows that were chasing her, threatening to consume her entirely.

the devils seemed to follow her, closing in with every step. She heard the whispers of the darkness, urging her to stop, to give up, to let the shadows and devils take her. But she knew she had to keep running, to escape the clutches of the beings that were trying to seize her. The shadows and devils grew closer, reaching out with twisted, malevolent hands, trying to pull her back into the darkness from which they came.

As she ran, feeling like she is on the verge of collapsing , one of the devils lunged at her, hitting her square in the ribs. The impact was like a bolt of lightning, sending her flying backwards, landing on the hard, unforgiving pavement. Her head spun as she struggled to get up, feeling like she is being swallowed by the darkness. The shadows and devils were closing in, closing in on her , surrounding her on all sides.

As she get up running as blood drips on the floor.

As she sprinted down the dark, crowded street, she could feel the shadows and devils growing closer with every step. The fear was overwhelming, the adrenaline coursing through her veins as she tried to outrun the sinister beings that were trying to take her. She had to get back to her penthouse, had to find a place of safety. Running as fast as she could, her heart pounding in her chest, She finally reached the entrance to the private penthouse building. But the devils were still there, still following her , not ready to let go just yet.

She fumbled with the card and hand id , finally unlocking the door and bursting through into the elevator, slamming the door closed and hitting the button for the penthouse. As the elevator rose the devils no longer followed her.

I check my body as I feel my two guns and my daggers if the devils come I will shoot them...

The elevator opens to my penthouse I feel uneasiness like someone is inside my penthouse suddenly.....

The bullets flew through the air, hitting the walls, the ceiling, the floor, shattering glass and tearing fabric. The sounds of gunfire, of broken things crashing against each other, filled the penthouse, making it impossible to hear anything else. Stasia stood in the middle of the wreckage, a gun in each hand, a wild look in her eyes. She is a one-person army, fighting against the shadows that had invaded her penthouse. She dodged and weaved, rolling and diving, firing and reloading, aiming and shooting. The shadows kept coming, but she kept stopping them, one by one, until the floor was sticky with blood and the walls were covered in bullet holes.

She is a force to be reckoned with, a whirlwind of destruction, unstoppable and uncompromising. And when it was over, when the last of the shadows was vanquished, she stood there, breathing hard, the guns still in her hands, the silence surrounding her like a blanket. The fight was over. The shadows were defeated. She had won.

But she doesn't know if it's hallucinations or she fought actual people....

She stumbles to her car to go to the other penthouse as she drives covered in blood...

As Stasia lay on the floor in the bathroom of the penthouse, the memories started to hit her like a ton of bricks. The sound of the devil's laughter , the smell of the rotten flesh they made stay with, the feeling of blood on the skin. It was all coming back, creeping up her spine like a chill. She felt the panic rising in her throat, the weight of the darkness bearing down on her, crushing the air out of her lungs. She felt her hands starting to shake, a cold sweat breaking out across her body. She tried to take a breath, but the air felt heavy and thick, like she is  drowning. The images started to come, flickering before her eyes like a strobe light. The sounds rang in her ears, her screams, their evil words, the explosions. She could feel her heart racing, the blood pounding in her ears.

the panic was overpowering. She could feel her heart racing, her hands shaking, tears welling up in her eyes. Everything around her seemed to be melting away, a blur of colors and shapes, she could hear her own breathing, heavy and ragged. She felt her stomach twisting, her mind racing with the flashbacks and what her family did and said to her and what if thoughts. It was all too much, too much to bear. She felt trapped, like there was no way out, like she is  sinking into a pit of darkness.

Today she will fall into one edge...

Stasia stared at the dagger in her hand, feeling the weight of it, the coldness of the metal. She could feel the pain, the pain of the past, the pain that was eating away at her mind and body.

She couldn't take it anymore, couldn't bear the burden that seemed to crush her chest, making it hard to breathe. She needed a release, a way to numb the pain, to forget, even for a moment. So she reached for the knife, a small, sharp blade that looked oddly innocent in her  hand. She could feel the adrenaline pumping through her veins, the surge of adrenaline that made her heart race. And then she cuts deeply, once, twice, three,four,five times, the blade cutting through her skin like it was nothing.

As a smile greats her face as she closes her eyes waiting for death like her old friend...

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