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Stasia Hale is a dream, but inside she's empty, and when you are empty, addictions come

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Stasia Hale is a dream, but inside she's empty, and when you are empty, addictions come. She can be self-destructive; the abuse she suffered at the hands of the Italian mafia has done great damage that is engraved in her skin and soul.'

"But she didn't only suffer at their hands.
She suffered at the hands of him."

Then she suffered at the hands of her adoptive father. She is very much capable of killing him, but the trauma she suffered made her go into fight or flight.

Having depression was the worst. Having hallucinations was a nightmare. Self-hatred and self-harm are the key to numbness.
Anxiety is always there. The paranoia, the fear of being close or intimate with another human, scares her.

As in right now she's racing a sexist motherfucker."

"YOU THINK YOU CAN WIN, GO TO THE KITCHEN, WOMAN," the sexist motherfucker

"SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU SEXIST FUCKER," I scream back, giving him the middle finger.

A girl comes in between our cars, and she waves the red flag.

I rev my engine and I speed past the fucker.

I turn to the left and I drift, making a show for people. I suddenly feel a hit on my car. The fucker is trying to fucking hit me.

"I immediately swerve and speed past him. I can see the finish line. I hit turbo and speed. I WIN."

The fucker parks next to me. "Now who's the fucking loser, you sexist fucker?" I say.

"FUCK YOU," he screams. "You wish," I chuckle.

I take my money and I leave the place.

Where to now, oh street fighting?

I get into the club, go through the secret passage, and put on a hood.

"ID, sir," the bodyguard demands. I show him my tattoo of the Diavola, which is the face of a female devil with a serpent coming out of her mouth. He gulps and his hands shake.
"Welcome, Diavolo. It's an honor to have you," he says, slightly stumbling and bowing his head in respect.

Entering the large place filled with people, I immediately go to the back where fighters change and speak with a manager.

I go to a changing room and change into black fighting pants and a long-sleeve shirt.
Then, I braid my hair, put on red contacts, and lastly, put on my signature mask.

I wrap my hands with bandages and I turn to the manager. "D-Diavola, you are up now for the fight," the manager says in a trembling voice. I nod, then I prepare myself for the fight with some warm-ups.


The lights immediately go to me and I get in the ring. I see a bulky man. He has a knife inside of his shorts. I can see the shape of his left leg slightly on the inner side. His leg is injured, weakness, baby.

"A woman really? Really? Come on, is this a joke?" he shouts to the crowd. "No, asshole, it's not a joke. Fight me!" I shout back, a bit pissed. "Well, now I will have to destroy you.
Don't worry, I will f*ck you afterwards," he shouts again.

"Well, you will do no such thing. Pussy, fight me and shut your fucking mouse-like mouth," I shout in a cold voice.

"We circle each other, and he throws the first punch. The mistake I easily dodge it. 'Is this all you got, pussy?' I taunt him."

He tries to kick me, but I trip him, get on top of him, and punch him punch after punch. His face looks very bloody. I don't care. His hands ball into fists, and just as I turn my back and raise my hands, I feel him coming at me. I turn around just before he stabs me. He slashes my arm. It's not painful. Then he punches my lips and my ribs. Fuck, that hurts. But I conceal my body language so he won't know my weakness.

"I laugh to distract him. He takes off again, charging at me like a bull. Before he could slash me again, I take the knife from his hands. I jump on him and pierce the knife into his head. Bullseye, baby."

"Diavola wins again, the legendary winner, the icon of the ring wins," the commentator shouts while the crowd raves in chaos, screaming in happiness. I bow down and leave the ring.

I get inside the change room to take a quick shower, my ribs are blue, almost black. Fuck, it hurts badly, bro. I put ointment and bandage it. I clean my bloodied lip and put on my clothes, leaving the place and getting inside my car.

Drive you insane by Daniel Di Angelo is playing so l increase the volume and sing my heart out to it.

I find an empty wall, I park my car, and take my mask and my paint.

I paint and paint till I'm done. Before I could admire my perfect job, I am disturbed by my fans again.

"Put your hands up and turn around," an officer said.

I back up a bit then I run to my car. The police officer shoots but misses. Haha, pussy. I get in my car and drive away. Hey, they are following me. FANS.

I'm in a car chase with the police. Eyy, not my first time nor my last.

Since they didn't catch me in the last ten car chases, I will let them have it this time.

I do a cool drift and stop my car, and I get out.

"Hello, beautiful people," I say in a fake cheerful voice. "Put your hands up, young lady," an officer says."

I put my hands up and he comes and cuffs my hands. "You know I'm into this stuff," I say, referring to the cuffs.

The officer is in a deep shade of red. I laugh.

The officer is in a deep shade of red. I laugh.
"New officer, you might not know me as I am going to my most visited place so let's go!" | tell.

We get to the station."

"HELLO PEOPLE I'M BACK!" I shout. They all yell a hello or an again or "What did you do this time?"

"Release Miss Stasia, Officer Robb," Jon says."

Ha, that's why he's my favorite officer.

"Stasia, come sit. I need to inform you of some news," Jon says.

"Okay, Jonny, get on with the news," I tell him.

"Okay, your adoptive father has died in an overdose this morning, and we took your DNA that was from your hair in your favorite cell. We did a DNA test, and it matched with a person who was in this cell. He took a DNA test because he didn't want us to know him, but we did a DNA test and his family baited him out."

"Finish your words," I say in a calm way.

"Wait, you are not sad for your adoptive father?" he says, confused and shocked.

"No, l'm not. Continue what you were saying," I say in a cold tone.

"Umm, okay, so the DNA test came back positive and you are related to the Romanov family," he says.

My knuckles turn white, my jaw starts to hurt, and I realize I'm clenching it very hard. I try to focus on my breathing. Fuck, they abandoned me. Why, why gods, l'm going to kill someone.

The Robb guy comes at me and tries to drag me, saying I'm a criminal."

Before anyone could do something, I roundhouse kick him, get on top of him, and punch him - punch after punch, punch after punch. The station is in chaos, five officers trying to get me away from him. They succeed, and I admire my work of art.

His face looks beautiful. Ah, I can't even recognize him; blood suits him."

"Get her water and take her to the cell until her family arrives as you Mia already called them," Jon barks out.

I feel myself go into my very unpleasant thoughts and memories.

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