You Don't Know Me

Start from the beginning

Korea. Who would have thought that one day I would be back here? Everything felt the same as I had left, the same calm weather, the same gentle breeze, even the same feelings. Outside, the sun was shining brightly at the top of the sky, making me imagine what the beach would be like at that exact moment. It had been a long time since I had enjoyed the grains of sand pressed between my fingers. In fact, it had been a long time since I allowed myself many things and I don't know why, but being here brought them all to mind.

Back because of my father's request, doing him a favor and with a promise ring on my finger. Who would say? Not in a thousand years would the old me believe it. I raised my hand to look at the ring and found myself smiling to myself like a fool. I turned around, ready to say something, but I couldn't. Chaeyoung called me towards her with her index finger and her legs crossed under her body on the bed.

I didn't waste another second and threw myself in front of her, bringing our mouths together at once. I felt her lips break into a smile and mine ended up doing the same soon after. I love kissing her. The sweetness in the contact of our mouths, she was so affectionate and loving. Our kisses always started slow and full of love, her hands, when they weren't entwined around my neck, were fixed on my face gently like now. Her thumb moved from time to time in a spontaneous caress while she seemed to focus on bringing all my desire back to life.

I tried to intensify the kiss by passing my tongue into her mouth at the first opportunity I found, my hands rested on the mattress on either side of her body and I let myself advance on her slowly until we were both lying down. On the way, her legs uncrossed only to return to the position behind my hips. We were in the best of tangles. My body fit perfectly over hers, separated only by the precaution of crushing her with my weight.

We held the kiss for a record time. Despite the clear and agonizing presence of excitement, it developed slowly. Her tongue was in no rush to touch mine, and when she did, she showed the same lack of rush to move away from it. I don't know where I got so much breath from, but our breath melted over our skin, breaths and more warm and delicate breaths. As we escalated things, the hands that had previously touched me gently were now inside my shirt, slowly delighting from my stomach to my back where she dug her nails in.

I was caught off guard by such an act and then saw my free pass to do the same. I dropped my body a little more onto hers, now supporting myself on one of my elbows while my free hand slid across her silhouette. Our bodies now saw the possibility of rubbing against each other and did so.

- Minari... - Chaeyoung said in a sigh, stopping the kiss. I opened my eyes enough to see her expression and I smiled victoriously, scratching her lip with my teeth. - Mina...

She seemed to want to say something, but nothing other than my name dared to escape her lips at that moment and that was extremely pleasurable. I ran my mouth sloppily down her jawline, stopping only when I reached her neck. There was only one thing tastier than her mouth and that was the moans that escaped there. All that innocent and naive image that she wore, even if involuntarily, remained on the floor, along with all our pieces of clothing. Chaeyoung had no shame in expressing herself to me and didn't mind doing so in every way possible.

But then a shrill noise crossed the room making us jump in fright. It was the intercom. I mentally cursed whoever it was as I reached over to take it off the hook right next to the bed. I put the device to my ear and watched Chaeyoung beneath me, the voice on the other end playing a welcome text and offering us a special lunch.

We exchanged intense glances during that time. I couldn't explain it, but it was mesmerizing. I could feel the sweetness and love leaving her eyes toward mine, and I wondered if I could make her feel the same. I love her so much. She is so incredibly beautiful in every way. I sighed without even realizing it and came out of my trance only when I noticed the smile that had formed on her lips. I squeezed mine into an awkward smile and thanked the attendant on the other end of the line. I put the intercom back on the hook and buried my face in her chest, squeezing her sides with my hands. At this point I was already completely draped over her, but only from the waist up.

- Who was calling? - she asked expressing her amusement at my little clingy scene. Her hands came straight to my hair and started the cafuné that I loved so much.

- It was from the hotel, we got a free lunch.

- What? And you think it's bad? Mina, let me teach you something: free food is never bad and there is never too much of it.

I laughed against her skin, lifting her face soon after.

- Are these your morals as a human being?

- Yes! Now let's go, because half of my moans didn't come from my mouth.

I laughed realizing what she had just said and so we headed to the hotel restaurant. We weren't in the most expensive room, but the place was five stars and, somehow, they decided to treat us like that. While I tried to contain myself in the face of so much food, Chaeyoung did exactly the opposite. She set up her plate and for the first time I wondered where so much food were going to. This girl maintained that body without the slightest effort, her metabolism basically did everything for her. A little later, Nayeon joined us and it wasn't as awkward as I thought it would be. The three of us talked, most of the time about her life and even bet on who would eat the lilac tripe that was on the table as an aphrodisiac appetizer.

When we got back to the room I already felt a thousand times better than when I entered the first time, I had even forgotten about Changbin's rudeness. The few free hours we had, we lay in bed reading. Chaeyoung was leaning against the headboard completely focused on her book, her hair lazily tossed to the side, while my head was in her lap and I pretended to read as hard as she did. But it was difficult to concentrate, every now and then my eyes would escape the words to grace her serious face. My admiration for her knew no bounds.

I had about ten minutes yet but Changbin was already knocking on my door. Chaeyoung finished cleaning the flaws in my lipstick that she had made herself and let me go to the door.

- Miss Myoui, we're already... We're ready to go - he trailed off for a moment and I assumed he had seen Chaeyoung over my shoulder. His eyes looked down at mine reprimandingly and I couldn't care less.

- Any problem? - I asked sarcastically, narrowing the opening space of the door.

- I believe I was specific about the orders, Miss Son should be in her own room.

- Please, we are not sleeping together on a park bench. In a place like this, I have no reason to worry about unwanted visitors. Or do I?

- I don't care what you think, you must obey. - he finally showed his teeth, I was eagerly awaiting this moment.

I turned around and went into the room, said goodbye to Chaeyoung with a kiss, picked up the portfolios that I would need and followed him down the hallway.

- You still have a lot to learn.

- Don't think you'll outsmart me like you do everyone around you, I've read about you and I know exactly how you behave.

For this one I had to laugh. I called the elevator and watched him, now that I was wearing heels, the height difference wasn't that big. After scanning him with my eyes, I took a step towards him wearing my best mask of futility.

- Don't be convinced of this so quickly, written work is always easier than practical work and, if you know me as well as you say, you should already know that. - I spat out words filled with the most intense hatred and walked away without breaking our exchange of glances. The elevator door opened and Nayeon crossed our path towards it.

- I don't know what you did, but she seemed very serious. If I were you, I'd be careful, because she can actually make your life a true hell.

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