Tough luck!

Because of this, their alone time was quite exhausting, but it appears that his little wife's turmoil outweighed his slight resentment of her, and he was no longer upset with her. How could anyone remain angry with her for so long.

And while his professional situation is difficult, he didn't want his personal life to suffer any longer.

And his boss was still a jerk. So he can't expect anything from him and on the top of it he had taken a leave for a week and that too paid leave. So he can't take anymore leaves. He needed to conserve those for his exam days.


The second couple was a different story.

After having a candid conversation with his brother, Yug had taken everything into consideration and went to speak with Ruhanika two days after they had returned home.

"Yes!??" Ruhanika looked up and questioned. She was going over the students' test results.

"Here." Yug indicated a mug with his hand. Ruhanika gave him a dubious glance.

"I don't drink coffee." She spoke while focusing her attention back on the sheet in front of her.

"It's Tea," Yug responded and sat on the swing, while Ruhanika sat on the ottoman and used a tiny table as her desk.

She tentatively took the mug while hesitantly glancing at the beverage as distrust seeped from her honey-brown eyes.

Yug gave her an indignant eye roll and a tongue click before sitting up straight and responding, "Drink it, Zehar nahi hai usme."
(I didn't poison it.)

"Kya Bharosa tumhara!"Ruhanika prodded and gulped the liquid. She let out a relieved sigh because the work had made her exhausted.
(I am still dubious about it.)

A lengthy serene silence reigned until one of them made a sound. They relished the brisk nighttime air. As October drew near, the weather started to become chilly.

"Ruhanika," Yug called her name while inhaling deeply.

"Hmm." Ruhanika hummed as her head tipped slightly in his direction, but her eyes remained fixed on the same object. Yug examined her field of vision but was unable to determine the cause of her fixation.

He shrugged and recommenced his sentence, "Don't you think it's getting cold?" He questioned while keeping the empty mug on the floor, rubbing his fingers and shivering slightly.

He received a snide glance from Ruhanika. He appeared to be donning a baggy tank top. It should have been evident that he would feel chilly in the thin garment. What a moron-

Hold yourself in check, Ruhanika. Her inner self berated her. She sat up straight and observed his dramatic behavior.

"Then go inside. You've got a really big room to yourself." Although Ruhanika said it respectfully, she is unsure of why it came out as more of a taunt to Yug.

Yug sagged backward in his seat. This was not what he had intended. He had given a huge pep talk to himself before he prepared to come and have a humanly conversation with her. However, it appears as though it will go down the drain.

No way, he's not going to let that happen. With a newfound zeal, he gave it one more shot.

"Don't you feel cold?"

And right then, Yug bit his tongue, gazing at her alienated expression and her eyes narrowing at him, obviously stating, "You're getting on my nerves," because he realized it was so stupid of him to ask such an apparent question.

Chaotic Marriage (Vol I)Where stories live. Discover now