-A long night ahead-

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The rain was lashing down outside, the window was howling and there was thunder and lightning given, it was weather like that made Viv feel uneasy, she hated. When the staff members came to the conclusion that it would be the safest place to stay as the winds and rain were dangerous to drive. When it finally Viv like a ton of bricks, she excused herself from the dinning hall and said she was going to the toilet, the second Beth saw Viv leave the room she was close to follow. Beth's heart broke for Viv, the second that they were told they were staying for the night, Beth knew wouldn't be easy for Viv, every time we had a bad storm Beth and Viv would find themselves snuggled up under the duvet, curtains drawn tightly closed, fire on, Viv's head on Beth's chest, it was Viv's comfort in times like this, but it would be more difficult here to do so without the girls being annoying, they both knew that they were only joking but it made Viv feel awkward when they would say things when Viv was uncomfortable. When Beth found Viv in the toilets and saw Viv, her back facing in the sink, her head in her hands, Beth instantly embraced Viv and tightly wrapped her arms around her, "We'll be okay Vivianne, I'll find a way to comfort you, it'll be okay Viv."

Once Viv's face was slightly less red, the two of them made their way into the chill room, where most of the girls were. There was an empty seat so Beth and Viv made their way there, Beth sat down and placed her arm around the back of Viv's shoulders and Viv placed her hand in Beth's that was resting on her shoulder, every now and again Beth would squeeze Viv's hand as a reassurance. A little while later the staff members had started bringing blankets around so that the girls would be warmer overnight, Beth placed both hers and Viv's over them the tapped Viv's shoulder signalling for her to rest her head on Beth's chest, which she did, Beth ran her hand through her hair and comforted Viv, but the weather was set to get worse overnight, if Viv was already feeling like this how earth would she feel when the weather got worse? All this was going through Beth's head, while Viv was comforted by Beth's embrace, "Aw look at the Meadema's." Kyra smiled, Beth smiled as she looked down at Viv who was looking up at her, she placed a gentle kiss on Viv's forehead before continuing my conversation with Jen and Steph, the next thing Viv heard was the thunder growing louder. Beth felt Viv tensing slightly, Beth lowered her head so slightly so that she could whisper in her ear, "It'll be okay baby girl." Beth kissed Viv's cheek, just then Beth came up with an idea, "Anyone fancy watching a movie?" Beth asked the group, everyone nodded their heads or said yes, "Viv watch out a sec, I wanna close the curtains." When Viv caught onto what Beth was doing for her, she couldn't help but smile, "Viv what's got you smiling like a cheshire cat?" Katie asked, "Nothing." Viv said simply, "Hmm." Katie responded. Beth came back and sat next to Viv, she opened her arms for Viv, "I'll be back, anyone want anything from the snack draw?" Viv asked, when she realised that there would be a lot of snacks to carry she regretted asking, "I'll give you a hand my darling." Beth stood up and then two of them made their way into the cafe, "Thank you." Viv said once they were out of ear shot of the girls, "Nothing to thank me for Vivianne." "Beth, you've literally replicated what you'd do for me if this was in the house, you didn't have too." Viv smiled gratefully, Beth pulled Viv in close to her, she wrapped her arms around Viv's neck, "I'm always gonna look after you, Viv." Beth smiled, Viv wrapped her arms around Beth's waist, she leaned and placed a gentle and loving kiss on Viv's lips, "I love you Beth Mead." "I love you Vivianne Miedema." Beth smiled against Viv's lips. Beth grabbed a basket that was sat on the unit and filled it with the snacks that the girls had asked for, when they walked back into the room Viv placed the snack box onto the table and sat back down on the sofa, Beth picked Viv's snacks and then walked over to her, Beth sat down and wrapped her arm around Viv, Viv rested her head on Beth's chest and Beth began to play with Viv's hair, every now and again placing kisses on her forehead. As the night went on the thunder grew louder, each time Viv flinched Beth would hold her tighter, "It'll be okay Viv, I've got you, nothing's gonna hurt you when I'm here." Beth whispered, Viv snuggled further into Beth's chest and fell asleep like she did whenever she was scared, but only Beth knew that. 

A few hours later, Viv woke up when she realised that Beth was still holding her comforting her, this made Viv fall in love with her even more, which to be honest nobody thought was possible, "You okay?" Beth asked when she looked down to see Viv awake, "Yeah," Viv smiled. As they both turned their heads to watch the movie that was playing. When the movie ended most of the girls said that they were going to make their way into the gym to use the mats as beds, when all the girls had left the room, Viv sat up and simply said, "Thank you." Beth looked at her with a grin on her face, "Nothing to thank me for Vivi, you'd do it for me." Beth hugged Viv tighter, "I love you, I always will." Viv smiled into the hug. The two girls got up and made their way into the gym and sat themselves down on a spare gym mat, "Aw look who's finally decided to join us." Katie teased, Beth flipped her off before allowing Viv to rest her head onto her chest, as all the girls were drifting off to sleep, Beth made sure Viv was sleeping before she placed a final kiss on her head before drifting off to sleep herself. 

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