Olympics <3

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Beth was at home waiting for Viv to come home from the Olympics. Beth felt so bad that Viv had lost the Olympics, there was nothing that Beth could possibly do or say to make Viv feel better. So when Viv was on the way home Beth had planned a surprise, she had arranged with Jen and Steph for them to set the house up for a movie night with all Viv's favourite snacks, drinks, blankets and candles while Beth went to collect her girlfriend from the airport.

When Beth arrived at the airport the Dutch players who played in England were getting off the plane, a few of them seemed to be okay and a few of them hung their heads low looking sad. When Viv was about to walk past Beth, she tapped her arm, Viv looked up, Beth wrapped her arms around her girlfriend, Viv immediately placed her arms around Beth's waist, "Hi Baby," Beth whispered, Viv buried her head into Beth's shoulder, "Can we please go home?" Viv asked, "Of course we can," Beth took Viv's suitcase in one hand and kept one arm around Viv as they walked out of the airport, when they got to Beth's car Viv took the suitcase and placed it in the boot and sat in the passenger seat, "I need to stop in the shop on the way home," Beth said as she placed on hand on Vivs thigh, "Okay," Viv smiled.

When they got to the shop Beth went in and Viv stayed in the car looking at her phone. When Beth was in the shops she picked up Viv's favourite flowers as she forgot to tell the girls and then went and bought Viv a little bar of her favourite chocolate for her to eat in the car. When Beth came back to the car she opened the door and sat back in the driver's seat, Beth handed Viv the flowers and chocolate, "You didn't have too," Viv blushed as she took her flowers and chocolates, "I did." Beth smiled and placed a kiss on Viv's lips before driving them back home.

Before they got out of the car Beth told Viv just to go in and she'd get her suitcase, Viv smiled. When Viv went into the house she was greeted by a candle lit on the coffee table, blankets spread out on the sofa, a bowl of her favourite snacks and her favourite drinks. Beth had told the girls to make sure they were out of sight when they got back and that they would have to leave out the back door, but wait until the door opens so that the candle wasn't left unattended, as Viv continued to look around she saw fairy lights hung on the banister and Beth's teddy which Viv had gotten her and Viv reached in to her backpack and took out hers that Beth had got her and placed it next to her, Viv looked at the TV and the movie had was waiting to be played, it was Viv's favourite, Pretty Woman. Beth walked and Viv turned around to face her girlfriend, "You did this?" Viv asked, "I had some help," Beth smiled at her girlfriend who was now making her way to Beth, she wrapped her arms around Beth, "I love you," Viv smiled, "I love you too," Beth whispered against Viv's lips.

The couple sat down on the sofa and watched the movie, Beth wrapped her arm around her girlfriend who now had tears in her eyes but not because of the movie but because of how thoughtful Beth was, she had done all of this, looked after her girlfriend, made sure she was okay after losing the Olympics, all while she was at home not being able to play, Viv in that moment realised how much Beth loved her. Beth looked at Viv and saw the tears, "Baby what's wrong?" Beth asked concerned, "I'm fine, just thinking about how thoughtful and caring you are, you didn't get selected for the Olympics after having the season of your life, watching GB must have been hard but you're still looking after me in the process." Viv whispered so her voice didn't break, "Vivanne, I will always do anything for you. You're my love, you just lost a major tournament, you played exceptionally, of course I'm gonna comfort you, I love you Viv." Beth smiled as she placed a kiss on her forehead, "I love you too, forever." Viv smiled, Viv snuggled deeper into Beth's chest and drifted off to sleep, "Sleep tight my Olympian," Beth kissed Vivs head once again.

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