Cuddles and Movies <3

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Beth and Viv were at training, throughout the day Beth wasn't her usual cheery self and Viv found herself glancing over and looking at her girlfriend worriedly, she knew that Beth wasn't okay regardless of what she told everyone else.

As the day went on Beth became more and more distanced and spaced out. At the end of the session most of the girls decided they were gonna go for food after training but not Beth, she went straight to the changing room closely followed by Viv. As they entered the room Beth went straight to her locker and got herself quickly changed, while Beth had a clean pair of shorts on and her sports bra Viv went over and wrapped her arms around Beth's waist, Beth snuggled into her chest and wrapped her arms around Vivs neck, "What's wrong baby?" Viv asked, "I don't know to be honest, I just want to go home and be with you." Beth cried into Viv's chest, "That's what we'll do," Viv kissed Beth's hair gently, Viv let go of Beth and went to get changed herself, "Shit." Beth shouted, Viv turned her head to look at her girlfriend, "I've forgotten a jumper.' Beth said clearly pissed off, "Come here," Viv calmly said, Viv pulled a spare jumper out of her bag and gently pulled it over Beth's head, "Thank you," Beth shyly said.

When they left the ground, Beth got into Viv's car, when Viv got in she placed her hand Beth's leg and gently rubbed her thumb up and down, when they arrived at Viv's apartment Viv took her both their kits into her kitchen and washed them. Meanwhile, Beth was sat in the living room still having a down day so Viv decided to surprise her. So Viv went into her bathroom and ran her girlfriend a bath, when the bath was run Viv called Beth into the bathroom, "Thank you princess," Beth kissed Viv as she undressed herself and climbed in the bath. Viv very gently washed Beth's hair for her and then left her alone in the bathroom while she went into the bedroom and put fresh sheets on her bed ready for when Beth came out of the bathroom as well as grabbing her a pair of shorts and a hoodie that was Beth's favourite and comforted her the most when they were at camp.

When Beth came out of the bath she walked into the bedroom with a towel around her hair and body, "Thank you for that, I needed it," Beth smiled, "I love you," Viv whispered, "I love you more," Beth kissed her gently, "Here's these." Viv handed her the clothes, Beth changed into the clothes and then began to towel dry her hair, "Sit," Viv pulled the hair dryer out and plugged it in and Beth sat on the floor infront of her and dried Beth's hair gently.

Once Viv had dried Beth's hair, Beth just laid on the bed, Viv went into the kitchen and cooked dinner, she cooked salmon, rice and vegetables, "Babe," Viv shouted through apartment, Beth came into the kitchen where Viv had lit a candle and made them dinner, Beth was forever grateful for the way her girlfriend treated her like a princess, "What did I do to deserve you?" Beth asked, Viv smiled and kissed Beth gently, "Hmm, be amazing." Viv laughed, Beth blushed. After eating their dinner, they went back into the bedroom and climbed into the fresh sheets, Viv opened her arms to allow Beth to rest on her chest, "What do you wanna watch?" Viv asked, "You choose, you've treated me like a princess," Beth smiled, "Pretty woman?" Viv suggested, "Sounds good," as they pressed play on the movie, Viv played with Beth's soft hair gently, and placed a gentle kiss on her head, "I love you," Beth whispered, "I love you too baby," Viv whispered back.

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