First game in a long time ❤️

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It was Beth's first game back, she was anxious, Viv could tell, as they drove to the Emirates Beth was silent, Viv placed her hand on Beth's thigh and rubbed it reassuring her, "Baby, I promise you'll be great," Viv broke the silence, Beth smiled at her girlfriend words, "Beth, please talk to me, tell me how you're feeling." Viv practically begged, "I'm scared Viv, I'm scared that if I play again it will happen again," Beth cried, everything she was feeling was let out as Beth cried, Viv's heart broke for her girlfriend, "Baby I promise you it will be okay, I'll be by your side through everything, I'm not going anywhere." Viv reassured her girlfriend, "I love you Beth, so much." Viv brought Beth's hand to her lips and placed gentle kisses on Beth's hand. When they pulled up at the Emirates, Viv got out of the car and walked around to Beth's door, she was adjusting her hair and attempting to sort the redness of her face, Viv opened the door and pulled Beth out of the car and wrapped Beth in the most loving hug, Viv placed gentle kisses on Beth's head. When Beth cleaned down, they walked inside hand in hand.

When the girls got to the tunnel Beth reluctantly let go of Beth's hand, "Viv." Beth whispered, "Yeah baby," Viv asked as she brought Beth into another hug, "Can you come sit in the changing room with me for a little bit?" Beth asked, her head nuzzled into Beth's chest, "Yeah sure baby." Beth smiled at Viv and then the couple made their way into the changing room, "Look who's here." Katie announced to the changing room, everyone looked at Viv and Beth who were now sat in Beth's seat, Beth sat on her lap and laid her head back into Viv, Viv had her arms wrapped around Beth's waist, "You okay now?" Viv whispered, "Always am when I'm in your arms." Beth whispered back. As the time went on the girls had to get ready for the game, "I'll leave you all too it, good luck girls." Viv smiled at the team as she got up and walked over to the door, when Viv went outside she was followed out by a particular blonde, "Wait!" Beth called out, Viv stopped in her tracks and waited for Viv, "Kiss please." Beth begged, Viv gave Beth a loving kiss and left for her seat.

As the first half came to an end, Viv was starting to get very cold, her hands felt so sore already but she knew that she couldn't leave, not when saw the way Beth was in the car, she couldn't do that to her girlfriend. The girls were up by 2-0 and Beth had gotten to play the remaining 25 minutes of the first half, Viv was so proud of her. Happy that Beth was back on the pitch and came back unjiured made Viv think that Beth had some reassurance. When the girls went in for the half time talk, one of the coaches came up and asked Viv if she could come and see Beth, Viv stood up immediately and walked into the changing room to see Beth with her head in her hands and tears streaming down her face, Viv walked over and crouched down in front of Beth, "What's the matter my love?" Viv asked, Beth said nothing, Viv realised that she probably wouldn't say anything in front of the girls, Viv took her outside the changing room and brought her into a hug, running her fingers through her hair, "Talk to me Beth." Viv whispered, "Just being silly, I just don't know, I'm emotional, I'm back playing football and the last time Mum saw me I couldn't walk, now I'm back on the pitch and she couldn't see that." Beth cried into Viv's chest, "Aw baby girl, she'd be so so so proud of you, she's watching down with a big smile on her face, watching her daughter again, she's got the best seat up there." Viv whispered as she kissed Beth's head, before the end of half time Beth began to calm down, Beth and Viv returned into the changing room, none of the girls asked any questions which was a relief, Viv and Beth sat like they were earlier, Beth went to hold Viv's hands that were resting on her stomach, "Ouch." Viv mumbled, "Your hands sore?" Beth asked, "Yeah just a little." Viv answered honestly, "Aw baby." Beth sympathised, "I'll be fine, don't worry." Viv smiled, "Jonas, where are the spare blankets?" Beth asked, "Over there, why?" He asked out of curiosity, "Viv's hands are painful because of the cold weather." Beth stated as she got up from Viv's grip grabbed the blanket, before the girls headed out for half time and headed back to her seat.

Viv sat back down in her seat and watched the girls with the blanket around her that Beth had given, hoping that it would warm her fingers back up. Beth was now off the pitch and watched the girls from the sub bench, "Viv." One of the coaches came back up, "You know you can sit down here with us." She smiled," Viv smiled and stood up, taking the blanket with her, she sat next to Beth and Beth was surprised but snuggled into Viv, "How are your hands my love?" Beth asked, "They're okay, slightly sore but they're okay." Viv smiled, Beth brought her hands up to her lips and placed kisses on them before resting her head on Viv's shoulder and doubling up on the blankets, "When we go home can we have snuggles?" Beth asked, "We have snuggles every day, why would it be different tonight?" Viv laughed, "Because I've been a mess all day, I wouldn't blame you if you needed space from me." Beth said as she sat up, "I promise you Beth, that's not the case, I'm going to be there for you, through everything."

As the second half came to an end the score was 3-0 to Arsenal, Beth and Viv did the lap of honour together, when they reached a certain part in the stands Viv and Beth saw a sign that read 'Meadema revenge tour has started.' they both made their way over to the girls that held up that sign, "We're loving the sign." Beth smiled at the girls, "Thank you." She smiled timidly, "Can we get a picture with you both?" She asked, "Course you can." Viv smiled, the two girls handed Viv her phone, Viv wrapped her arm around Beth's waist, they took a picture and Viv handed her back the phone, never taking her arm off Beth's waist, "You guys are so cute." The fan smiled at them, Viv got all shy as per usual when it came to things like this, she buried her head into Beth's hair, "Viv's gone shy." Beth laughed, Beth looked up at Viv, who was still buried in Beth's hair, "Aw baby," Beth laughed, eventually they got over that and carried on signing things until they left the pitch, Beth showered and changed and then they left.

When they arrived home, Beth collapsed onto the sofa, Rona came and plonked herself on Beth's chest, "Tea?" Viv asked, "I'll do it Viv, your hands are sore." Beth smiled as she stood up, Viv sat down and Rona ended up with her head on Viv's chest, when Beth came in she realised that Rona and robbed her spot, "I swear she's replacing me." Beth laughed, "As much as I love Rona I think I love you more." Beth smiled, "Well that's debatable." Beth laughed as she pointed to Rona's head, Beth came and sat down on the other side, Beth rested her head on Viv's chest and then Rona put her head on top of Beth's, "our little family." Viv smiled as she kissed Beth's head. The three of them spent the rest of the night on the sofa watching TV, snuggled up underneath a blanket, "Viv, how are your hands?" Beth asked, "My hands are fine. How are you?" Viv asked, Beth sat up, "I'm okay, I just had one of those days, everything hit me all in one go and it just kind of made me emotional." Beth sighed, Viv pulled her into a hug and kissed her head, "I love you." Viv smiled.

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