Panic Attack<3

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Beth and Viv were away with the team, they weren't roommates but were in the rooms next to each other. Viv was sharing a room with Katie while Beth was sharing a room with Jordan.

The night before the game Viv was in her room with Katie watching a movie before going to sleep in preparation for a big game, just as Katie and Viv were dropping off to sleep someone started knocking on the door frantically, I got out of Bed to find Steph panicked, "What's up?" Viv asked whilst yawning and stretching, "It's Beth, I think she's having some sort of panic attack." Within seconds of those words leaving Steph's mouth, Viv had left her room and gone straight to see her girlfriend lying on the bed not able to breathe, Viv took her into arms, "Beth, breathe babe, in and out," Viv said gently whilst stroking her girlfriends hair in attempt to calm her down, "that's it, deep breaths," Viv said to girlfriend, Beth slowly started to slow her breathing down and come back around, "What brought this on?" Viv asked in concern, "I don't know," Beth answered, "I need fresh air," she added, Viv nodded and helped her girlfriend up, she grabbed one of Beth's jumpers that were hanging up and handed it to her, "Thanks," the girls walked out of Beth's room and into Viv's for her to get a jumper and her shoes, once they had done that they had made their way out of the hotel and down on to the beach.

While the girls were walking along the beach, they were holding hands until they found somewhere to sit, "Beth princess, we're alone now, do you wanna tell me what happened?" Viv asked, Beth nodded her head, "I don't think I can play tomorrow, I'm not in the right headspace, I can't focus and I'm overthinking everything, and everything just has gotten too much and..." Beth cut her self off with tears, Viv took her girlfriend into arms and held her tight, "Baby, why haven't you said anything to me at all? I can help you," Viv said gently, "I felt as tho you didn't need my stress on top of yours," She mumbled into Viv's neck, "Baby, if you ever feel like this again talk to me," Viv whispered, Beth nodded her head. Viv took her girlfriend into her lap and let her lay there for a while, "Baby girl, come on, it's getting late, let's go to bed," Viv said, "Aww, I don't wanna leave you," Beth mumbled out, Viv stood up and Beth just refused to, "Are you actually going on strike?" She asked, Beth nodded her, Viv walked over and picked her girlfriend up, Beth wrapped her legs around Viv's waist and her arms around her neck, "Viv can you stay with me?" Beth mumbled out, "If Jordan doesn't mind then I will," Viv responded to her girlfriend. Viv continued to walk back to the hotel with Beth in her arms, when they arrived back at the hotel Viv took the two girls back to Beth's room, "Jords?" Beth asked nervously, "Yeah Beth," "Can Viv stay?" Beth asked, "Of course, I'll go in with Katie and you two can have this room," "Thanks Jordy," Beth mumbled, "Welcome," she said as shut the door.

Beth and Viv got into bed. Beth snuggled up to Viv's chest, Viv stroked Beth's hair gently, "Vivi," Beth said softly, "Viv looked at her, "Thank you for always looking after me and always caring for me," she mumbled, "Of course baby, I'm always gonna look after you," "I love you," Beth said, "I love you more," Viv said. The pair snuggled into each other, "Night," Beth spoke, "Night night," Viv said softly.

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