Bad Tackle (2) <3

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Beth and Viv were currently in the tunnel waiting to go out onto the pitch before the game, Viv was anxious before the game because she knew that United know to press the aggression buttons of the Arsenal Players.

As the game began the Arsenal team were playing phenomenally, Beth had scored top right and Arsenal were now 1-0 up, this seemed to wind United up and they started playing more aggressively.

As the half time whistle blew, the girls made their way back into the changing rooms, Viv hung back a little to talk to Beth as they entered, "Great goal Princess," Viv smiled, when they were in the tunnel and out of sight from everyone, Beth placed a kiss on the side of Viv's cheek. They entered the changing room and Jonas began to give his team a pep talk, "This second is going to be full of aggression, we're 1-0 up and united don't like it, they're gonna start being more aggressive, but you keep playing and we'll win this."

The girls made their way out of the second half of the game. As the game progressed it became more aggressive. Viv went to make tackle on Katie Zelem, but by the time Viv did the ball had been passed, it wasn't a bad tackle, just mistimed, as Viv went to apologize she got punched in the face by Millie Turner who was defending her team mate, Viv felt dizzy and knelt to the floor, before she fell to the floor. Beth who was watcheding this all unfold in front of her was furious, she went over and got up in the Millie's face, "What the fuck?!" Beth screamed in anger, "She tackled Katie without ball being at her feet." "You know as well as everyone else, Viv went in for that tackle but the ball had been kicked before she got there and by the time she did well." Beth screamed, Katie who had now come over to Beth, "Mate, she needs you." Katie said in her thick Irish accent, "If you've seriously hurt her, I will kill you." Beth shouted as she went over to her girlfriend, "Baby, where by does it hurt?"  Beth asked, Viv pointed to the side of her face, then the medics came over, Beth moved out of the way and took a step back, "Beth," Viv said, Beth knelt down by the side of her girlfriend, Viv looked for Beth's hand, when Beth saw Vivs hand looking for hers she placed her hand on top, "Viv, we're gonna have to take you off," Viv nodded her head, and stood up slowly, Beth let go of her girlfriends hand, "I'll come see you ASAP." Beth smiled as Viv left the pitch.

For the rest of the game, Beth was angry, annoyed and frustrated about the way her girlfriend has been mistreated by the opposing team, but more importantly Beth was worried for her girlfriend. Beth managed to score for the second time in that game, when she started to celebrate with the girls she whispered into Steph's ear for Viv.

As the final whistle blew, Beth didn't do the usual lap of honour with the team, she rushed straight into the medical room, "Baby, how are you?" Beth cooed, "Just a little sore, but other than that fine. How was the rest of the game?" Viv asked trying to change the conversation. "We won 2-0, I scored again. Are you sure you're okay?" Beth answered but didn't let Viv change the topic that easily, "Hmm, how is she really?" Beth asked the medic, Viv rolled her eyes, "I wouldn't ask if I didn't care." Beth reminded Viv as she turned the rest of her attention to the medic, "She'll be fine in a couple of days, she just needs to take it easy, it's a mild concussion." The medic answered, "You liar Vivianne Miedema," Beth laughed, "Princess, I'll be okay, I promise you." Viv reassured her girlfriend as she leant up to kiss her girlfriend, "Viv you can leave when you're ready." The medic interrupted, Viv stood up, "You're not walking." Beth stated, Viv looked at her confused, Beth picked her girlfriend up, Viv wrapped her arms around Beth's neck and her legs around her waist, "Is this how you're gonna walk around for the next couple of days?" Viv asked, "Yes." Beth answered as they walked into the changing room, "Vivianne!" The team cheered, Viv didn't like attention so she buried her head into the corner of Beth's neck, Beth walked over to her space and got changed. Viv who was already changed was sat scrolling through her phone and wasn't paying attention to what was going on around her, "Baby," Beth whispered as she placed a hand on Vivs shoulder and squeezed it gently, "We're going back on the bus." Viv stood up, Beth grabbed Viv's hand and held tightly.

When they got to the bus, Beth clocked Millie, Beth let go of Viv's hand and walked over to Millie, Viv who turned to face her girlfriend who had run off looked over to see what was happening, "Katie." Viv shouted her best friend, "Go over and get Beth for me?" Katie nodded her head and went over to get Beth, "You've given her concussion, hope you're happy." Beth said sarcastically, "She had it coming." Millie responded getting closer to Beth's face, "YOU TOUCH HER AND YOU'LL HAVE ME TO DEAL WITH." Katie shouted over at Millie this seemed to scar her and back her off a bit, "Come on Meado, you're girlfriend is missing you." Katie said to Beth, Beth turned around and climbed back on the bus, Viv was sat down at the back of the bus where I normally sit, Beth sat down and wrapped her hand around Vivs neck, Viv rested her head on Beth's shoulder, "I like this side of you, protective." Viv mumbled into Beth's ear, "Well what did she expect, she hurt you." Beth smiled, "I love you," Viv whispered "I love you more baby,"

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