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Chapter 79,"Lie Ability"

Chapter 79,"Lie Ability"

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Theo's pack cowers behind him, obviously frightened by Parrish's fiery figure. But Theo could care less. I can practically sense the wicked grin playing on his face. He suddenly disappears into a cell and comes back out with Lydia, his hand gripping her throat. I clench my jaw while grasping onto Stiles' arm.

I trusted him for the last time by letting him go with Malia and Braeden, but now I know that was a mistake. Another one to add to the list.

"Back off." Theo tells the Hellhound while lightly pressing his claws against her skin.

Tracey suddenly lets Valack go and the man crumples to the ground with a grunt.

Parrish takes a few more steps forward which causes Theo to draw blood from Lydia's neck. "I said back off." He seethes. Tears prick at my eyes. "Take him." He tells his pack.

"The guy's on fire." Corey states, clearly in disbelief over this order.

"You'll heal. Do it." Theo answers, becoming frustrated and annoyed.

Tracey snarls in response, preparing herself for what they're about to get themselves into.

"Katherine." A familiar voice says from somewhere behind me. I quickly turn my head to see Caleb making his way towards us.

"What are you doing here?" I ask quietly.

I sense Stiles' confused eyes on me but don't pay too much attention. Caleb was supposed to be distracting. Never once in the plan did he say he was going to be here.

"Katherine," Caleb tries again. "your magic is fading and it's killing your body. You have to get yourself and Lydia out of here before it's too late." he rambles.

"What do you mean?" I ask, not wanting to believe I'm fighting Death right now even though deep down I already knew that.

"You're dying and so will Lydia if you don't get the hell out now."

My eyes snap back to the scene on the other side of me and I take notice of how Parrish quickly took control of the situation. I glance over at Valack who's on his hands and knees and I focus on him as hard as I can. The atmosphere quickly shifts and that tells me that I'm in his head. However, the connection is so weak that it's almost impossible for me to take over, but I eventually make him take his stupid drill and dig it right into Theo's leg. The boy screams out in pain which causes him to loosen his grip on Lydia. She falls onto her knees with a groan. I use Theo's distraction to get Valack up onto his feet and hit him in the face with the butt of the drill. He sprawls onto the ground. And that's when I feel the connection become severed.

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