Captain's troubles and a sith's return

Start from the beginning

''Out, Kosvo.'' one of his usual torturers said, pulling him out of the cell. Another round of beatings, thought Brandon but not this time. The ISB interrogaters brought him out to a cell and tried scaring Brandon with a fake shooting. ''Confess, Kosvo. Confess now and accept your fate.''

''N-never.'' Brandon replied weakly. ''Saying that... I was involved in this shit-mess when, in truth, I was not... that, is betrayal. I will not betray the empire.''

The interrogater kicked Brandon hard in the stomach and called two guards forward. ''Get this maggot back to his cell at once.'' he ordered. He watched as the guards took Brandon away and gave a sigh of frustration. ''The guy just won't break.'' he muttered and left to report this to his superiors.

(that night, Ansion prison)

''Move it, Kosvo.'' the same interrogater said in his coarse voice as the guards grabbed Brandon and took him to a separate cell. Brandon looked up and saw a woman with mismatched eyes, bits of white on her hair and wearing a white uniform.

''Do you know who I am, Brandon Kosvo?'' the woman asked.

''You are Ysanne Isard.'' Brandon answered. ''Daughter to the director of Imperial Intelligence and a high ranking officer.''

''Yes. You got that right. I hear that you will not betray the empire. I'm curious as to understand what you mean by that.'' Ysanne Isard told him.

''They... your lackeys... torture me, telling me to confess. Tch. Confess to what? Lies? They think that I'll... betray my own dignity and honor and self respect? If you are going to torture me like they did, just get on with it.'' Brandon spoke with clear disdain and hate towards Isard, who found it amusing.

''Oh, I'm not here to torture, Brandon Kosvo.'' Ysanne Isard told him. ''No. It's clear that you're very much innocent and should not belong here. I want to reinstate you back into duty, with a promotion to captain for all your troubles but there is one thing I want you to do.''

''And what is that?''

''Kill a traitor, to prove that you truly are loyal to the empire. Can you do that?'' Ysanne asked and Brandon nodded with all the strength he could muster. ''Good. Bring her here.'' Ysanne ordered and Brandon got a heart attack upon seeing that it was none other than his own mother.

''M-mum?'' Brandon could not believe his eyes. ''But why? Why betray the empire?''

''No traitors are allowed to live, Brandon Kosvo.'' Ysanne whispered to his ear but she realized that Brandon needed a little more of a nudge. ''Zsinj is an admiral and moff of the empire. A strategic mastermind with few to call rivals. Did you know that his mother betrayed the empire and became a pirate captain? Do you know what Zsinj did? He hunted her down and killed her. Remember that you are part of the empire now and your past, identity, home planet... they are all secondary. Do it, Brandon, and rise as a captain of the navy.'' Ysanne whispered and gave Brandon a blaster pistol.

Brandon mustered his strength and walked towards his mother. He raised the blaster, pointing it at her and struggled to pull the trigger. ''Brandon? Please... don't.'' his mother pleaded but in the end, Brandon chose the empire over his mother. He pulled the trigger and killed his mother.

Ysanne Isard clapped at the scene in front of her and walked up to Brandon. ''Congratulations on proving that you are not a traitor and loyal to the empire, Captain Brandon Kosvo.'' she said and gave him a new rank plaque. ''Your new ship awaits.''

The arquitens class light cruiser named the Star-seeker was in need of a new captain. Brandon got his wounds treated and cybernatic fingers and teeth to replace his lost ones. He made it to his personal quarters and cried at the death of his mother.

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