-What About James?-

Start from the beginning

Author: everyone is now at work and having lunch in the cafeteria... you were all sitting at the same table... and Tae was opposite you

Y/N: *happiness is visible all over your face as you quietly eat your food*

Tae: *in mind* aww... her smile is so pretty, I can't decide whether to look at her or my food...

Joon: *kicks Tae's leg and mouths the words "You're staring"*

Tae: *looks at his food and asks you a question* so
Y/N did something special happen this morning?

Y/N: Yes!!! Something actually did, I've missed their cuddles and kisses...

Author: Tae thought that maybe you had a boyfriend judging by what you had said...

Tae: *looks at his food feeling emotional* y-you have a boyfriend?

Y/N: a boyfriend? Well, I did...up until a week ago...

Author: you had broken up with James before you left your country, he was your boyfriend, it wasn't because you didn't love him, it was because the long-distance relationship was not working out, but you didn't miss him as much anymore.... You knew you were slowly starting to catch feelings for someone else... with every moment you spent with him...

Tae: a week ago?

Y/N: yeah... His name is James...

Tae: *curious eyes* why did you break up?

Namjoon: *whispers to Tae* don't you think that's a bit intrusive?

Y/N: *heard Namjoon* no it's ok, we broke up because the long-distance thing was not as easy as we thought, I mean when we were in college we tried but it was too difficult, and since Korea is much further than our colleges were, I didn't want to feel that way again...

Tae: oh... so did you end it?

Y/N: yeah... it was really difficult though, he didn't want to end it and even said he'd come all the way here, but even though my feelings for him aren't completely gone, I do have other things I'd like to pursue... *smiles to herself*

Tae: *in mind* other things?

Tae's POV

Time skip

Tae: *in his apartment, hangs his coat on the rack* how can I be in love with her already??? This is only like the 3rd day that I've known her...

Tae: I have to tell her, but what if she still loves that James guy or whatever his name was... wait... is it really even love... I mean doesn't it take a long time to fall in love with someone... maybe I should google

Author: Tae pulled out his phone from he's pocket and searched up how long it's takes to fall in love

Tae: it says 88 days for guys, pfft, I knew there was no way... *scrolls down* but this one says there no such thing as 'how long it takes to fall in love' and that it varies from person to person... *sighs and tosses his phone on the couch* I suppose I'm just a bit crazy...


Y/N: *in her room talking to her cats* Kochi ( that's what she calls her cats when she's talking to both of them at the same time ) what do I do... I like Tae, but I'm not completely over James... I mean we were together for such a long time....

Clare: *has been listening the whole time, barges in* who's Tae?

Y/N: were you eavesdropping!?

Clare: listen, I'm bored ok... now explain...

Author: Y/N had explained everything to Clare... about the job, the apartment, the fact that he lived across from you and of course how he had managed to get into your heart, while slowly pushing James out...

Clare: Wow... you guys are destined to be... I mean, coincidence after coincidence after coincidence, that's too much to ignore...

Y/N: but what about James?

Clare: what about James? *sarcastic* just date This new guy Toe or Taeyoon or whatever his name is, I mean his face looks like it was carved by angels...

Y/N: his name is Taehyung, and it's not just about his looks, although I do agree with you, his personality is even more attractive than his outward appearance, but it's not like James isn't attractive either... *realises she's exposed himself too much* uhh...

Clare: *smirk* Y/N this is crazy, I mean I'm obsessed with boys but I don't think I could fall as fast as you did... I'm impressed...

Y/N: * in mind* fall? Have I... Fallen?

                        ...TO BE CONTINUED...

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