"You called me, sir?"

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Aftermath of emotional abuse (staying by mori's side, acting like his dog)
Physical abuse (maybe?)
Needle mention
Poison mention
Vulgar language
Suicide mention

Dazai made his way to mori's office, passed the guards and knocked on the door

Mori: "enter."

Dazai opens the doors to mori's office

"You needed me?"

Mori: "ah yes, take a seat."

"What did you need?"

Mori: "I've made a new poison, I was wondering if you'd like to try it out."

"Does it hurt?"

Mori: "a little, at first"

"How badly?"

Mori: "dazai, when have I ever had intentions of hurting you? Do you not trust me?"

"No-! Of course I do sir!"

Mori: "so you will try it? Or have I failed as your superior? Is that what you think of me? I'm a failure?"

"No sir, I just; I don't know what's in this poison, I don't know if it will hurt or-"

Mori slapped him

Mori: "did that hurt?"

Dazai rubbed his cheek, he was shocked

"It stings."

Mori: "that's what the needle will feel like. Will you?"

Chuuya opened the office doors

Chuuya: "sir? You needed me?"

Mori was in the middle of injecting dazai with the poison, he had the needle in dazais arm above his bandages, with a weird liquid in it, dazai gritted his teeth, he looked terrible already

Chuuya: "what are you injecting into him?"

Mori: "just a new medicine I wanted to try."

Chuuya: "why does he look in pain? Why is his cheek red?"

Mori: "he's fine."

Chuuya: "he doesn't look fine"

Dazai's voice strained, he let out a grunt of pain

"You have such a dogs vocabulary chuuyaaaa"

Chuuya: "what the fuck does that mean?!"

Dazai smirked, chuuya growled, Mori took out the needle, the bandages turned red with blood, Mori got another needle and took a sample of his blood.

Chuuya: "what did you inject in him?"

"Is my dog worried?"

Chuuya: "shut up!"

—time skip to a few hours later, they were done with work and dazai was in lupins with odasaku and Ango.—

Odasaku: "what did you get up to today?"

"I tried a new suicide method!"

Odasaku: "why arnt I surprised?"

Ango: "you shouldn't let him talk like that odasaku."


Ango patted dazai's head before sitting next to him.

—with chuuya-

Chuuya: "what's your relationship with dazai?"

Mori: "he's my executive, nothing more."

Chuuya: "you don't experiment on any other executives, and he sits by you like a dog in meetings."

Mori: "what are you suggesting?"

Chuuya: "nothing, just curious."

Chuuya was suspicious, he couldn't ask dazai. Dazai never opened up, he just made jokes. God how he hates dazai! He never takes anything seriously! Stupid mackerel.

Mori: "oh , would you mind going to lupins bar and ask dazai to come see me?"

Chuuya: "how do you know he's in there?"

Mori: "he always goes to lupins after work, with odasaku and Ango."

There was definitely something with these two, chuuya was sure of it. Although he did go to lupins and find dazai.

—at lupins—

"Odaaa..I feeel weirddd.."

Odasaku: "you barely drank any whiskey, how do you feel weird?"

Ango: "was he drugged? Oda did you drug him?"

Odasaku: "of course not! He's like a son to me."

Dazai groaned and rested his head on odasaku's shoulder, chuuya walked in

Chuuya: "how much has he had to drink?!"

Odasaku: "barely anything."

Chuuya: "I did see Mori inject something into his blood, it could be that. Anyway, mori needs you dazai."

Dazai groaned and stood up with the help of odasaku and Ango, he then stumbled over to chuuya.

Chuuya: "good thing I drove here."

——at the mafia building, they were in the elevator.——

Chuuya: "can't you stand still?! Stop bumping into me dammit!"

"Feisty dog."

Chuuya: "I am not a dog!!"

The elevator stopped, they got out and identified themselves to the guards, they walked into moris office, dazai sat infront of mori's chair like a dog.

Chuuya: "and I'm the dog?"

Mori: "that's all chuuya, you may leave."

Chuuya scoffed and left, there was definitely something weird going on, and he was going to find out what.

Mori: "how do you feel?"

"Nauseous, my entire body aches, my throat is dry, I'm freezing, everything is dizzy."

Mori: "the poison is working, how long have you felt this?"

"10 minutes."

Mori patted dazai's head, dazai protested so Mori slapped him, this woke dazai up

((A/N I know Mori would never hurt a child, deal with it, I need a reason for chuuya to be worried.))


Mori: "shh, I didn't want to hit you, you were confused, I'm sorry, it's for your own good."

Dazai was about to protest when Mori gave him a death glare.

"Right, sorry."

-end of chapter 1-
-word count:801-

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