Chapter Thirty Nine- Mia

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Arcee's POV

"I'm starving!" Brianna was now in pain, her eyes on the changing room in the distance as she rubbed her stomach and groaned. I placed a hand to her shoulder as we suffered due to a particular blond who suggested that we went shopping before lunch.

It was quite unfortunate that for the genius behind the idea she was still very much indecisive.

"If we were still in training we would still be on the field so quit crying!" Sandra yelled from the midst of the changing room and Brianna groaned.

"I crave a cheeseburger so badly!" she cried and I gave her back a gentle pat.

"Would you just find something already?" Keisha asked after what felt like hours of waiting and if I am honest my stomach was beginning to feel strange as well. Similar to Brianna I was eager to infuse human food with energon before I should experience a system failure (collapse in human terms).

"She is going to starve us to death" Hailey hissed and it actually felt as though Sandra was doing that. Sandra exited the changing room with a smile, my eyes moving all over the outfit why Brianna hung her head with her arms outstretched to the blond for mercy.

She had us in starvation mode, for this?

"What do you guys think?" Sandra asked before giving us a small twirl. Hailey eyed her with head movements, Keisha doing the very same while Brianna and I simply stared with an open mouth. Was she going to attend a party or participate in being a stripper?

"Where is the rest of it?" Hailey asked and Keisha snorted upon laughter only for Hailey to elbow her in the ribs. Keisha straightened her posture before coughing.

"Well, it's not so bad if you-" I did not allow Kiesha to finish whatever lie she was constructing.

"Hell no" I could barely find the outfit she was supposedly wearing, the other girls laughing the moment I chose to issue my honesty. I believed by the expression on her face Sandra agreed completely that this was not the one.

"I thought the same thing but how about this one" as she stripped right before us, the dress being pulled over her body the moment the previous garments vanished. I tilt my head as I gazed at her and a few passer-bys stared at Sandra as though she was insane.

Now with the right pair of heels that was a cute outfit.

"That's cute Sandra honey" Keisha mumbled and I scanned the shoes available at the moment. I handed her a nude pair of heels and Sandra's eyes approved.

"Great so now that plan A is covered I need plan B and C" our eyes widened at Sandra's statement Brianna stood via use of my arm for support.

The poor woman looked as though she was shaking from hunger and with another minute I could only assume that her organs would collapse.

"Okay bye y'all, I'll be in the diner down the street because I'd be damned if I am going to sit here and starve to death" Brianna was the first to leave and unfortunately Hailey and Kiesha followed, my eyes moving to Sandra.

By the Grace of Primus (God).


I still found humans strange, apparently parties were desired by most as it emphasized social skills, sex and liquor. For the individuals on the dance floor a few ladies gyrated their hips and men would follow their movements. It was like having sex with your clothes on.

My eyes moved to the bar where the ones that believe they didn't entirely fit in had small conversations over drinks. My eyes moved to Sapphire (Supersonic) and Shockwave who seemed busy undressing each other with their eyes.


I took a sip of my drink and surprisingly alcohol did not taste as bad as my first attempt, coloured lights moving all over the individuals present. I have yet to see Bee since I got here and I believe Sandra would soon learn that I was barely listening to the conversation she was trying to have with me over heavy music.

It was unlike Bee to miss any event that involved music and dancing.

"Ciara, who is Mia?" My eyes moved to Sandra's face the moment she said that name, my interest in her conversation now at its peak. Did she just call the name of my older sister?

"I beg your pardon?" I asked over loud music and the woman threw her drink down before smiling at me.

"Do you know a woman by the name of Mia?" she asked and I arched my brow.

"What about Mia?" I asked and she shrugged before speaking.

"Sherlock called me her name by accident and he cursed you when he did it" she told me and I took a deep breath. Well the latter part of that statement was far from surprising. In the mind of Sherlock I was nothing but a traitor to my very own sister.

While I wished to share the dirty secrets of her lover, the larger portion of me wished not to get involved. Something tells me with a female's intuition she would learn that her lover was far from entirely faithful.

I could not help but to ponder on the 'why' more than anything. The love dynamic was always unfair because it was impossible to love or be loved equally. It made me wonder, would Bee and I be able to love and if we did who would be loved more or less?

"Mia is my older sister" I told her before taking a sip of my drink, Sandra shifting her position on the bar stool in order to face me directly.

"And he is in love with her, now it makes sense" Sandra chuckled and I narrowed my eyes at her.

"What's so funny?" I asked before signaling the bartender in order to request another drink whereby Sandra took the opportunity to do the same.

"Your sister has his ass on a leash and something tells me that he provokes you because of his crush on your sister" she stated and I shuddered at the thought while Sandra stared at me before tapping her chin.

She leaned closer.

"Oh my god, I had sex with an extraterrestrial" she whispered in my ear and I choked. For something slightly disrespectful I could not resist the urge to laugh, Sandra laughing with me as she stared wide eyed.

"If what Bee told me is true he could have killed my ass" she stated and when I screamed my laughter a few persons eyed me as i tried not to send liquor to my nostrils. Sandra chuckled, her hand on her stomach.

"Enough about that, where is your boyfriend?" she asked and I rolled my eyes as I took aggressive sips of my drink. I believe I was seeking an answer to that question for the past two hours.

"I believe you could ask Sangster" I scoffed at my statement, Sandra folding her lips.

"You guys are fighting?" she asked as she stared at me and I wished she would stop speaking on this and most importantly that she would stop making that face.

"Bee is going through a lot right now, when he is ready he'll come to me" I ordered another drink while Sandra hopped from the bar stool with a smile.

"Well enough about men, let's dance CiCi" she stated and I stared at her in horror. Dance?

Where would the blond get an idea that I would engage in such an activity?

"Oh no honey, I don't dance" I stated and Sandra took hold of my arm. She seemed genuinely surprised but of all my sister's I was the only one who preferred not to give any form of entertainment.

"Yes you do, in fact you will" She stated and I was tempted to scream for help if this woman should continue tugging my arm.

"I would rather just have my drink, go on and have fun" I said and Sandra frowned before releasing my arm.

"Boring" She mumbled and I blew her a kiss the moment she took her leave.

I shook my head at the blond before staring at my drink.

There was a lot happening around me and it was all happening so fast sometimes I forgot how to breathe. The war that began on Cybertron was far from over yet on this very premise Autobots and Decepticons shared the very same air. In fact, there was a particular con I could safely say was in love with my sister.

Mia, there is so much I wish to tell you. 

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