Chapter Three- A moment With Arcee

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Arcee's Pov

"Can I have a moment with Arcee Orion?" and with that he nodded firmly and left the room. I knew what this meant, I was going to be lectured by my former female commander.

"He's no Cliff-jumper or Tailgate but there are a lot of things you wish for him not to know" at the beginning of my lecture I froze. Seeing this Elita placed the book down, her hand on the spot next to her. I knew just what was coming because being the spark mate (soul mate) of 'the father figure' made her the 'mother' so this was the impending lecture.

"Bee and I aren't that close for me to keep a secret" . It was a bit harsh to say that but it was the truth. Elita's face highlighted disapproval and I swallowed. I spent so many years on earth I had forgotten that she was once my commander on Cybertron.

How could I be so disrespectful?

"Commander Elita" I added swiftly and the pink haired woman rolled her eyes at me. If that was not the reason she held a look of disapproval then what was the reason?

"Save your title for Prime Arcee" She said that so calmly and with a smile. I straightened my posture somewhat, it was no mystery as to why she and Chromia were best friends. My sister and former commander held carbon copies of a personality.

I kept my eyes on the tiled floor as I tried to understand just how terrible I acted just minutes ago. There was a lot going on in this terrible world of mine and interference with space made me uncomfortable.

It was bitter to think about it but when there were just five Autobots around here we were never pressed on the issue of space. The idea of having to share your personal space was really nerving.

"In human years Bee is five years younger than I am, I believe he should be sharing a room with Smokescreen or Star" While it was good to have him as a partner in the field I don't believe we were the right fit to be sharing space.

"Because you see him as immature?" Elita questioned with the arch of a brow.

"I said that in anger, your husband wouldn't even hear me out" it was true, I believe Optimus disregarded my words the moment they left my lips.

"Well Optimus is rather of a strict nature but he was not ignoring your request Arcee, there were no other options to begin with" I did not believe her but I nodded regardless.

The options were plenty.

The real reason they paired us was because I was the woman who should not be left alone and besides my sisters, Bee was the only person that held the slightest hope of keeping me sane. I was a wildfire, the leaders knew it just as much as my comrades did.

"So he is not immature in your eyes?" Elita continued with that question and I took a deep breath before answering.

"Of course not, Bee is the bravest and sweetest fellow I know. Frag (curse word for fuck), he was brave enough to enter Megatron's mind just to save Optimus, a decision I refused to take" I burried my face in my hands as sour memories filled me. That was the day I almost lost a third partner to the Decepticon, specifically at the hands of their leader.

I could still remember how blank his optics (eyes) were as I yelled for him to return to me.

"One that almost had him killed" Elita finished for me and brought my fingers together, the room slowly growing to be chilly.

"How did you-" I paused when it dawned on me, of course her husband would inform her of his near death experience and how the brave scout managed to save him. I folded my lips and ran my tongue over them, humans had the weirdest bodies because constant moisture was required.

"Arcee, you feel for Bee regardless of you wishing not to admit it and it's okay. Being alone all the time is not the best way to heal but I see a potential friendship and it is beautiful" I turned to gaze at Elita.

"Friendship is only the mild part of what I am beginning to feel...We are from two different worlds" I confessed what I believed I was holding onto for some time now.

"I believe you are more worried about the age gap you two share rather than the privacy you two will no longer have" Elita stood, her smile soft.

"I've grown to love wine, would you like some?" She asked and I nodded. The moment she was gone I closed my eyes.

"You may leave me alone now" I turned to the yellow bot who joined me on the roof. He sat as though my words invited him, his blue optics adjusting to every feature of my face plate (face).

"Aren't the stars beautiful?" He asked as though what I had said did not. I turned my helm (head) away slightly.

"Stars won't bring him back Bee, now would you leave me alone" I hissed.

"Friends don't do that in the midst of grief" he beeped, and that's when he laid on his back, my eyes moving to the stars like he did.

"In a war we are not permitted to have friends, I've lost two" at my statement he replied with silence. How could this world punish me any further?

I closed my eyes, coolant (tears) I held so long after Cliff's death finally flowing. I was angry enough to kill yet soft enough to curl like a human fetus.

When I heard movement I turned right into the fellow who had his arms outstretched to me, my optics moving over his arms as if to dismiss the gesture yet he remained on his knees. No, only humans partake in such an action.

"I believe you spend too much time around the humans" I told him as I dried my faceplate (face). He tilted his head at me yet I found myself moving closer, my head resting on his shoulders, my arms moving beneath his arm only to have my hands caress his upper back.

"You are my friend and until you require one I am right here" my eyes then moved to our leader who was watching us for quite some time now. This was his spot for air and while I wished to leave I could not, I simply closed my eyes for minutes only to reopen them and find out that our leader left.

"Earth to Arcee" I opened my eyes to find that a glass of wine was reached towards me, Elita taking a seat next to me once again.

"Thank you" at the words she nodded.

"As mentioned before there is no need for you to be afraid, Bee's had matured so much since I last saw him in the war" she told me.

"Yet he is still so young..." She did not allow me to finish.

"So are you" Elita stated as she took a sip of her drink and when I did I choked.

"What's that supposed to mean and what is this?" I asked as I stared at the glass. What a rather strange liquid, humans digested this?

"It's wine silly, the familiar taste of energon makes it strange but you'll get used to it. If the worst should happen and you two feel as much for each other let me leave you with this, in human years I am ten years older than Prime" I choked again, Elita frowning slightly while I tried to force a smile.

"What?" I asked and she chuckled.

"He's a big bot but I'm his senior really" she smiled at her drink.

"How could you two bond without feeling as though you two lived in different worlds?" I was curious, Elita chuckled softly.

"Once I identified what I felt I allowed myself to love him" she told me and I bit my lower lip.

"And he loved you?" I asked and she toyed with her hair.

"He grew to love me, I confessed and while I was aware that he wasn't ready and was still learning how to be a true leader I became his friend. Bee is only trying to take the weight off your shoulder until you are ready Arcee. It is okay to at least understand him, you he may be in just as much pain and the pain hidden is the worst yet" at the latter part of her statement it just dawned on me how selfish I was.

I threw my drink down, Elita's eyes wide as I reached my glass towards her. Perhaps wine was not such a bad idea. 

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