Chapter Thirty Five- What Are You?

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Arcee's Pov

By the time the ambulance came Sandra had already fallen unconscious and with the noise of the crowd I could barely think straight. While she was very much still alive I could not help but to feel like a murder or the bad doctor. I could cry because if the woman should succumb to the chemicals energon contained then I would never forgive myself.

While I never told her openly she was a friend to me too, regardless of how hyper and annoying she appeared to be. She made it easy to feel comfortable around the humans and most importantly she led me to the realization that regardless of how scary it was I desired Bee just as much as he desired me.

"Cee, look at me" I stared into blue optics (eyes), my chest feeling as though it was compressed while my hands barely stood straight. As an Autobot I had faced many things yet I had never felt an emotion as powerful as the ones I felt now.

Had our emotions somehow tripled in such a form?

"She will be okay, accidents happen this is not your fault" Bee assured me and I believe the reason I was not pulled to his chest and cradled like a child was the fact that we were soldiers and with the crowd present it would be wise to minimize affection.

When a familiar red head emerged from the ambulance I breathed a sigh of relief, Ratchet doing his best to maintain the cover that he was familiar with no one here. If the blond was in the hands of our medic then I knew she would be safe.

If the human doctors interrupted in no way Sandra would be here to celebrate her enrollment into the US army.

"Smith Pax suggested that you accompany Foster to the hospital" Sangster's voice was firm and strict, void of any possible emotions. Bee gave a firm nod after his salute before joining my blond friend in the ambulance, my fingers being placed on my lips as I gazed at my little human friend. Others gazed at each other while some watched the ambulance pull away from the depth of the forest.

"I do hope she survives" a man mumbled and my head felt as though my head was spinning.

"It's just an expired drink, she won't die dumbass" hissed another and I took slow breaths as I chewed on the tip of my finger.

"Alright nothing to see soldiers, return to your tents" Sangster stated in a dismissive tone and I couldn't help but to turn and gaze at his face the moment he stood next to me. How could he be so cold?

Before I could move to the direction of my tent he held onto my upper arm, his eyes moving to my face while my mouth fell open.

"Come with me" he hissed upon releasing me and I followed his instructions without a word. He placed his arms behind his back while I swallowed my tongue.

There was an impending lecture, I could feel it. It was either a lecture or Sangster called me out here to toss me off a cliff due to the trouble I have caused.

"Sandra's condition is extreme for consuming expired goods, don't you think?" Sangster stated as he dipped in his pocket, a cigarette being placed to his lips while he made no attempt in lighting the cigarette. I was aware of what he was doing and I was not willing to play the game.

"I apologize for the trouble I may have caused with such a scandal" I apologized before it was forced out of me, my eyes on his back and lean shoulders. I could not help but to think of Bee and if he was okay. Unlike me the blond was far more calm so I knew he would be fine, I was just in need of one of his pep talks right now.

"Scandal? You consider that a scandal, Emilio?" Sangster asked as he turned to face me with a smirk, the first one I had seen coming from our leader since I have been here. His smile actually grew as he placed loose hair from my eyes to the back of my hair.

"I am assigned to a name that is always in the media so I assure you this is no Scandal" when he spoke the smile disappeared completely while my face remained strict.

"Yes, I am aware of your status Sir which makes me wonder, why join the army?" I asked as we were walking again, Sangster finally lighting the cigarette. He blew smoke, his eyes moving from me to the skies.

"I may share all this with you privately when you are no longer my recruit" he told me and I simply folded my lips.

"Sir don't you think we are a bit too far from-"

"Yes, we are. Ciara I examined the box of the expired drink, a box you tried to hide in the midst of the forest and the juice box was far from expired" I froze at the words, Sangster turning to stare at me.

"It was disposed of Sir, never-"

"You can stand there and lie to me or you can tell me the fucking truth private" hiss voice was laced with irritation and when he inhaled smoke I knew it was a way to keep him calm. If I were to get out of this mess I believe I had to play on human emotions and my gender. I stared at Sangster with wide eyes as I took steps back, his eyes going soft as he took small steps towards me.

"Emilio I-"

"Take me back" I hissed, my fist balled as I stared at him long enough in order to force moisture to my eyes.

"Emilio I can only help you-" I believed he wished for my cooperation but for the safety of this planet the less humans knew about us the better.

"I do not feel comfortable alone in these woods with you and you are scaring me now take me back!" I demanded and he tossed his cigarette to the floor. He stepped forward regardless, his hand on my shoulder as he stared into my eyes.

"I have no intention of hurting to the point of an answer because I am fond of you Emilio. I only wish to understand you and by that I point out that I am aware that you are not human, your eyes tell it all" he was close to my face at this point and staring up at him made me realize just how tall he truly was.

Fond of me?

So the rumors were true, I only gazed at him in silence while he searched my eyes, his hand on my shoulder. I had eyes for another male, a man who had always been gentle and would never yell at me the way Sangster did minutes ago.

I needed that man more than ever, Sangster's grip surprisingly bruising my arm. I gazed at my arm, the small reality caving in that in order to bruise my skin he had to be the very same thing he accused me of, beyond human. Regardless of the pain I felt I simply stood there and said nothing, he was doing this on purpose I saw it in his eyes.

I placed my feet to his thighs as I freed myself from his grip, my body being thrown as far away from his as possible. Sangster patted his hips only for his eyes to move to me whereby I stood at least nine feet away from him with his own gun pointed at his head.

"Ciara what are you?" I chewed the inside of my cheek as I tied my brows together, Sangster still approaching me as I kept the weapon raised.

"I beg your pardon?" I asked as my spark moved uncontrollably. Regardless of how Sangster felt about me I knew how I felt about a particular blond and for his sake and the sake of others I had to protect this secret. 

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