Chapter Twenty Four- The First Day

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Arcee's Pov

I wrapped my hair into a tight ponytail, my fingers moving to adjust the cuffs of my long sleeve blouse, one that struggled against big boobs. Actually, if I am quite honest I popped a few buttons this morning because the size small would be good enough for the woman with average boobs. I yawned but tried my very best not to stretch my body, the last thing I needed was to be sewing buttons again.

Bee and I spent the entire night talking and that rendered me to three hours of sleep. While the sleep was limited I did not feel tired and based on my reflection I appeared to look energized. I was far from surprised because we were far from humans, we only adapted a few qualities, qualities that fluctuated from time to time.

My eyes moved from my reflection to my combat boots, my toes that were covered by socks twitching slightly. I took a deep breath, again I had to avoid stretching too much. I could only assume that my partner was having a far better time than I was.

I pitied Bee somewhat because in his eyes I could see that he now believed that he held the capacity to be the monster that his father was. I wasted no time in reassuring the blond by reminding him of his endless sacrifices, sacrifices I would have failed to embark on. Optimus was a strict man but just like his leader there were a lot of things he kept hidden and last night was the first time I saw fear in his orbs (eyes).

To take the misery further Bee informed me of the possibility of him having a younger sister who perished on Cybertron by the war started by the hands of her very own father. I could only imagine a child suffering in the chaos we did when our world crumbled and again I had to lecture Bee not sink into darkness for the one life he failed to save. Megatron was the sole factor in the responsibility of the misery caused by our fallen planet.

How could the abomination have sparklings (offspring)?

I laced my boots on quickly after a series of batting my lashes, my eyes firm as I straightened my posture. When there was a knock on my door I wasted no time in having it answered, Elita and Celia gazing at me.

"Staff Sergeant Wong, Sergeant Mullings" I greeted both ladies with a firm salute, the gesture being returned swiftly.

"Sir Pax awaits" she stated and I took a deep breath. Okay Arcee, you got this.

"Well the boys will be distracted" Celia stated with a smirk and I gazed at my chest.

"My apologies Sergeant I-" she did not grant me the opportunity to finish.

"Girl don't you stand there and apologize to me for being sexy" Celia stated and Elita issued a wink. I half smiled, odd enough I would only approve of one male's attention today. I gave a firm nod before following my seniors, my walk equally stiff.

If only they could hear my spark (heart) fighting against my rib cage.

"I must commend Sangster on the two he chose, I actually offered to combine teams but he insisted that you two are capable" the brunette confessed as she glanced at me, a few unranked soldiers issuing their greetings and her answer was a brief salute.

"Thank you" it was hard for me to speak to my seniors who saw strength in me while my knees felt infirm.

"No, thank you" Elita added and I took a deep breath. Would the anxiety ever leave?

Bee was already present so I took my stance between Orion (Optimus) and the blond, bitter eyes of the cons on us as Orion awaited the greeting and small salute from the crowd before him. Once the required greeting was issued Elita and Celia left for their respective duties, Optimus said nothing of my attire thus far so I kept my mouth shut.

"I trust you are already familiar with your fellow recruits private Smith and Private Emilio" Orion gazed through the crowd that maintained a strict posture, Shockwave's vicious eyes fixed to me. it was only day one and I was already receiving the nasty gaze.

"I expect an answer" at Orion's firm voice I almost grab onto the blonde's arm. Well damn, Optimus already had a strict voice so him shouting at the crowd before him was actually terrifying.

"Sir yes Sir!'' The crowd yelled but there was only one person who refused to speak. Orion's eyes fell on the man responsible for Cliff's death, Orion stilling when a hand fell on his shoulder, a dark haired man with eyes that almost seem completely black standing next to him.

Megatron or as the humans may know him, Michael Smith. I found no irony in him sharing the same surname with Bee, Prime knew exactly what he was doing and even if the truth never left Shockwaves' lips Prime wanted it out. Bee would learn the truth one way or the other.

It was my first time seeing him since I had been here and it was unlike Megatron to hide his presence. My eyes fell on the insignia on his arm and it only took minutes for Bee and I to issue our salutes, the crowd mimicking our actions. Shockwave's strict face adjusted somewhat and of course he would, his master had arrived.

Megatron acknowledged our salutes only to issue his very own to Prime.

"Your presence was requested, I can proceed if you wish Sir Pax" Megatron stated and I could only assume he held a lower rank to Prime, something he was not entirely pleased about. He masked his emotions well, that much I could say because he spat the words out in the most discreet way.

It was actually on to see enemies communicating so subtly.

"Staff Sergeant Smith, permission granted" with that Optimus pivoted before leaving and I felt like a little girl who was going to cry for her father. Has Prime lost his damn mind? How could he leave us with a man who had Unicron's energon (the devil's blood) flowing through his circuits (veins)?

Bee and I gazed at each other but said nothing.

"Something of the bother soldier's?" Megatron asked without looking at us and I cleared my throat, the tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife.

"No Sir!" Bee and I yelled in a chorus and while I could barely stand next to the bastard I knew Bee was struggling. He gave a firm nod, his optics (eyes) scanning the crowd before him and kept my gaze ahead.

"For a period of three days you will engage in activities directed by Emilio and Smith, failure to obey will result in penalties. Do I make myself clear?" Megatron (Michael) asked and I took another deep breath. When Bee stepped a little closer I knew it was his way of providing comfort and with his new found closeness I knew it was his way of saying ' I'd hold your hand if I could '.

I smiled internally, who knew Megatron could play fair.

"Sir yes Sir!" the crowd yells in a chorus.

He gestured to Starscream who smiled as he moved forward, Megatron's teeth appearing to be fangs in my opinion because while he partially smiled you could see that they were sharp.

"50 push ups one handed and I believe your leader's shoes could use some extra touches" Megatron stated and the smirk fell from the lips of the slender fellow and vulgar laughs were permitted I would have issued one. Megatron nodded at Bee and I while Starscream moved to his knees, one hand being placed behind his back.

"One Sir, Ma'am, Two Sir, Ma'am, Three Sir, Ma'am..." I ignored his count, my eyes moving to Megatron.

Megatron issued a firm nod to the group before pivoting and marching away from us. Bee cleared his throat and took charge of briefing the team before us and after what took minutes I finally relaxed and helped to lead our team.

"We are allowing you to choose your partner from the box, there will be an individual without a partner" I paused to gazed at the man doing push ups before me. "You work with me" I hissed and Starscream paused something being mumbled under his breath.

"Start over, end count at fifty" Bee stated as he lowered and I must say this actually felt good. 

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