Chapter Twenty Six- The Third Day

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Arcee's Pov

"No, I believe the correct question is what drove him to wanting to kiss you?" she asked and again I choked. What the hell happened to my former commander, why was she so interested in the kiss Bee and I almost shared?

"It just sorta happened, I believe we were both curious" I stated and Elita shook her head before standing and in order to point a finger at me.

"Highly impossible, you are desired Arcee, I see the way he looks at you" she lectured and I scratched my hair, I don't believe I was following the path Elita carved. Was she going to scold me or was she highly disappointed that the kiss did not happen?

"Desired?" I asked as my eyes searched hers, Elita pacing the room. She said that as though I was a luxury dish.

"Actually, many guys desire you Arcee and while the same goes for me I am only concerned about the one that does not desire me" when it dawned on me I finally understood what this was all about.

I honestly felt though my watch was defective because as a human I was rather slow to everything happening around me. Just like myself she was beginning to feel human desires, feelings that grew stronger day by day.

"You are telling me that Prime has never touched you?" I asked and Elita scoffed.

"If the man won't kiss me, what makes you think he'll touch me? The man prefers to interact with old papers and dirt as opposed to his own sparkmate (wife)" when Elita hissed those words I couldn't help but to laugh in a vulgar manner. She turned to gaze at me swiftly and I covered my mouth as I struggled to breathe.

I had no idea as to why I told Bee all of that but I did, blue optics moving back and forth and I bit my lower lip. He handed another wooden weapon to me, that weapon being rid of dust by the cloth in my hand. I coughed, it all made sense as to why Sangster avoided this task in the first place.

It was as though the darn things were placed to gather dust. I could just imagine our sergeant sipping champagne on an island, a huge smirk on his face when he remembered what he left behind.

"Why not just tell Prime how she feels?" Bee questioned before shaking his head and I clicked my tongue. He asked as though I had an answer to that question.

"With my desires and a man like Prime I would be subtle too" I stated an honest fact, and the wooden gun in his hand was brought to his lap slowly. There was a small silence and I swallowed spit, my spark felt as though it would leave my chest.

"Do you feel the desire too?" Bee asked and I cleared my throat in an attempt to erase my laughter and Bee seemed amused by my struggle not to laugh.

My cheeks felt warm for some odd reason and it now dawned on me that I may have revealed far too much. I practically confessed to experiencing the side effects of being human, I observed Bee, my eyes moving over his biceps. I failed to understand why my optics (eyes) would move over his face and body in such a manner.

He scratched his hair and I stared at his lips. Sometimes I wondered what would have happened if Sangster and Prime had not interrupted our moment by the fountain. I ran my tongue over my lips before blinking.

"Have you kissed anyone before?" I asked the silly question, his smirk slightly visible at the silly question. There was a slight sting to my chest as I anticipated his answer, an answer I believed I would fail to like.

"No, I haven't" he continued to smile while saying that and I placed loose hair behind my ear. The small sting vanished, Bee's eyes asking for an explanation to my question.

"I never saw jealousy as a possibility until I saw you with that human female" I confessed the truth regardless of how vulnerable it made me look.

While I never told him I believed he was now aware of my fondness, a fondness that would not diminish anytime soon. By the look in his eyes I could tell that he was fond of me too and I wished not to have that fondness redirected elsewhere.

I moved closer, Bee's eyes on me as I gazed at the part of his face I was interested in. His fingers moved from the weapon to my hair, the darkness of the storage room tempting me to do the unthinkable. Our lips touched, our eyes searching each other's eyes for answers to unknown questions.

I allowed his lips to move over my own, my mouth open as his grip on my hair grew somewhat tight. I was impressed to find out that a kiss was as good as the humans made it out to be but when his tongue entered my mouth I couldn't help but feel a little startled. I relaxed when his hands provided comfort, either Bee was a good liar or he was a natural at being human because this felt good.

His taste would remain with me and his masculine scent had odd parts of my body in heat. I sunk my fingers to his shoulder, my tongue meeting his once again and I could now feel my lungs crying for air.

He broke the kiss with dim optics (eyes), optics (eyes) that searched me for answers to the feeling that kiss provided. Could he not see my visible hyperventilation?

"Actually the woman you refer to has eyes for Victor" he told me and I could go underground like Shockwave's pet I would. Well there you go with assumptions Arcee, with assumptions you drag yourself deeper and deeper into scrap (shit).

"Besides her you are adored in the eyes of many" I told him and I stilled when his gaze bore me in a manner of slight adoration. It was as though blue eyes rendered me to stillness, my fingers on my knee in order to provide some amount of comfort.

"So are you, you really are desired as your former commander implied. We may begin with our sergeant" he stated and I rolled my eyes, he was now beginning to sound like Sandra.

"I am stunned by just how many believers of that theory exists" I stated and he arched a brow.

"It's not a theory Arcee" he told me and I gestured with my hands for us to continue cleaning the wooden guns. He shrugged his agreement to drop the subject, his eyes on the weapons we had to get clean by at least 5:40 am.

The tiredness I did not feel before was starting to come on but I tried my very best to have it suppressed. I chewed the inside of my cheek as the room grew silent, wooden guns passing through my hands momentarily.

Today's training will be centered on weaponry and positions while holding weapons. Bee took an entirely different path from dropping the topic of crushes and changed our topic of discussion to the concerns of my former commander and friend.

"So she threw you out?" he asked and I took a deep breath as I tried not to giggle. It was a really awful thing to do but Prime had always been dense so it was surprising that Elita believed he would yield to human desires so quickly. I understood her frustration but her logic was flawed.

"How was I supposed to know Prime is not making moves?" I asked and Bee gazed at me in disbelief.

"Have you seen Optimus smile?" he asked and I made a face. Was that a rhetorical question?

"Of course not, Primes don't smile" I stated and Bee gestured with his hand that he was right and I gave his arm a light punch.

"I rest my case, I guess there are a lot of things that Prime's don't do" when a throat was cleared behind us we turned to face the pink haired woman who gazed between Bee and I, her blue eyes heated. Bee's eyes fell on me and I too gazed at him in horror.

"You told him?" she asked and my eyes remained wide, Bee giving an awkward whistle before he left me to whatever wrath Elita had to release.

Scrap (shit). 

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