Chapter Thirty One- Signal

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Arcee's pov

"I rather hear it from you as opposed to a con, my commander or my annoying roommate" I confessed and Bee cleared his throat as he gazed at me, his finger between his neck and collar.

"Very well, at nights when you are alone or even in the shower sexual desires may arise" he began and I tilted my head slightly.

"And this desire is far greater if I think of someone?" I asked and Bee adjusted his collar.

"Yes, you may place your hands on your nipples-" when I placed my fingers to the area suggested Bee's eyes widened in horror. He snatched my wrist, his eyes on my chest before moving to my face.

"In private" he instructed firmly as he brought my hand down, my eyes far from relaxed. We were walking again, our eyes on the field in the distance.

"Do you think of me at night?" Bee turned to face me, my fingers curling into the garment as I regret asking the question.

"It's hard not to think of you" he confessed and I chewed the inside of my cheek.

I believed my commander was right after all, I was desired and to be desired in such a way actually felt good. That good feeling had a lot to do with feminine energy, something we never paid attention to in our true forms as romance and pleasure was never of importance.

With the length of our friendship it was hard to believe that I had not paid attention to Bee's small gesture of care and compassion. By small gesture I referred to him being brave regardless of what we went into with the cons and the way in which he would hold and protect me during battles.

Again, he needed no human qualities to prove that he was a gentleman, the quality was innate.

I touched my lips as I reflected on kissing him, my tongue still felt as though it was filled with his taste and my stomach felt as though it was in a knot. Whatever could this be, were these the side effects of desires?

I genuinely despised having Sivon (Smokescreen) next to me because it was a sore reminder that Bee refused to pitch his tent next to mine due to Sandra and Shockwave's implication that Sangster was interested in me. If the implications were true then I cared not, what I cared about was what would happen between Bee and I when training came to an end.

Sure, he had asked me to move in with him but would that be us dating? Humans described the dating sphere in such a complex way that you could not give a single definition to dating. Regardless of what it was I was willing to experience it and I held an open view that there were going to be good and bad within this.

"Fuck yeah!" Sivon (Smokescreen) yelled in the tent next to me and I was tempted to crawl in there and pour hot soup onto his lap. With technology restricted, what the hell did he find so entertaining? My eyes then moved to the watch on my wrist, my eyes relaxing.

"Of course" I mumbled as I shook my head as opposed to issuing an eyeroll. Was he not able to be discreet like the rest of us?

I bared my teeth as I drank my canned soup laced with energon, Sandra got the rude awakening that you were truly all alone here upon her question of meal plans and schedules. You were given time to prepare your own meal, address your personal hygiene and making yourself as comfortable as possible was solely on you.

I found no comfort in the woods. In my robotic form I felt no fear of the Forest but as a tiny human and with emotions now fully involved I could not help but to feel a little scared.

Furthermore, Sangster advised that for those who desire intimacy he would not warn against it, he only hoped that they were wise enough not to get caught. I swallowed, I could only imagine the embarrassment for that unlucky pair.

It was now dark and the majority of the recruits were outdoors telling stories by the fire, an activity humans obviously found entertaining over squishy white treats referred to as marshmallows. Odd enough regardless of the amount of energon it was infused with, I believe I was allergic to the darn things. Sandra was addicted to the little devils and it was her addiction that led me to the discovery of my allergy in the bus ride that got us here.

I was the first since the technology to experience vomiting and I knew our red haired medic would be pleased to hear the news. I half smiled, team prime was family to me and for those I hadn't seen for so long I missed them dearly.

I folded my lips as I thought of my sisters. I could not wait to hug them and share my army experience but my happy thoughts dissolved quickly. Unfortunately I would be on patrol with Sherlock for the next two hours so I had no desire for small talk by the fire. Around that con I had to keep one eye open and my fist ready.

I placed the can to my lips again, my eyes scanning the dark room after flicking my optics (eyes) to night vision mode, my eyes scanning beyond tents and trees. Small animals and insects made their way through the woods and I could hear the cars in the city not too far from here. Among that noise I heard footsteps approaching my tent.

My optics readjusted swiftly.

"Can I have some?" I turned to gaze at Bee, his blue optics roaming my face.

"This disgusting thing, I hope not" I mumbled and Bee revealed his very own meal and let's just say that he was a far better cook than I was. I gazed over his meal because suddenly I lost my appetite for the canned soup in my hands.

What is it the blonde failed to be good at?

"Check your messages, Optimus has detected an unusual signal not too far from this planet" Bee whispered the words and I glared at my wrist as my watch transformed from its simplistic version to its advanced state. I tapped the tiny screen, my eyes moving over the numerous unread messages, some of those messages being from my sisters.

Star's messages consisted of goofy pictures with her human friends while Chromia sent me screenshots of the dos and don'ts of the US army. Who else but a big sister to be paranoid?

I placed the watch to my ear as I allowed my audio receptors (ears) to process the signal upon retrieving it, my eyebrows tied together. The message was in Cybertronian tongue but the words were muffled, my receptors trying desperately to move through the muffled words. We could always use another Autobot but we also had to be mindful that that signal could come from a con.

Another con would have Megatron at an even higher advantage.

"It is Cybertronian alright" I stated as I returned my watch to its simplistic state, the last of my can's content filling my stomach in one big rush. Bee placed food to my mouth once I was done swallowing, my eyes lighting up at the taste and sauce dripped from my face.

By the love of Primus (God).

Bee was able to prepare lovely meals all this time yet he had us eating junk from the cafeteria? I turned to gaze at him with wide eyes as I chewed, Bee smiling at me as he understood what my facial expression meant.

"I believe I should have told you sooner" he teased and I elbowed him in the rib as I chewed, my optics scanning his face that now held a smirk.

"You cruel man!" I exclaimed with a stuffed mouth, Bee staring at me with dim optics (eyes) while my eyes moved to his lips. My heart drummed in my chest, his eyes glowing in the darkness around us, his hand making his way to my hair while my lips moved to his. 

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