Chapter 28

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(A/N: ik ik I'm late and I don't have an excuse and my phones glitching so this chapter might have typos but this is the most I could manage I'm sorry.

Chaos is a male rn btw.)

(Also I'm sorry about the whole blood/ichor inconsistency thing, I keep forgetting Structs blood is silver and not red but I fucked it up too many times already. So idgaf just take it or leave it.)


The position we woke up in was cozy. Everybody had fallen asleep on the couch, sitting next to each other.  Dove, Forger, and Order were already awake, quietly preparing breakfast for everybody. Eta shifted in his sleep.

Struct was slowly waking up, leaning against me. I smiled and wrapped an arm far him. He yawned, shivering before sitting closer to me.

"It's cold," he mumbled.

"Do you want a blanket?" I asked, slightly concerned.

Struct shook his head.

"Just morning cold. It'll be fine," he waved off with another yawn.

He looked around the room before slowly getting up. He was acting a bit odd, but I didn't think much of it.

"I'll be right back," he said simply before going upstairs, struggling slightly with the casts.

I yawned as I got up, stretching tiredly. Eta mumbled incoherently and shifted, still asleep. I mumbled a 'good morning' to the ones already up, going to the kitchen for some coffee.

"There's fresh coffee," Dove told me, gesturing to the counter.

"Okay, thanks," I thanked her quietly, grabbing a mug and getting coffee.

I drank it quickly, trying to get as much caffeine as possible. After getting my third cup of coffee, I went back to the living room, finally feeling awake.

Eta was sitting on the couch, half awake. He looked up at me, struggling to keep his eyes open. He sat up straighter once he saw the cup of coffee in my hand.

"Morning. Is there... uh... is there coffee?" He asked eagerly.

I nodded.

"It's fresh," I added.

Eta got up, stumbling a bit in groginess and exhaustion. I sighed, sitting down on the couch and taking a sip of coffee. I saw Struct come downstairs and hesitantly enter the room.

He silently sat down next to me and put his head on my shoulder. I wrapped an arm around him, smiling slightly. Eta walked in, clutching a cup of coffee with both hands. He sat down on the couch.

"Morning. Oh- Alpha, are your pronouns he or they today?" Eta asked.

Struct shrugged silently, seeming exhausted. I felt a bit concerned at how he was acting, but I decided it was nothing. Eta nodded awkwardly.

"Let's go help the others, shall we?" I asked in an attempt to lighten the mood.

"Yeah, they're almost done preparing breakfast," Eta agreed.

Struct simply nodded silently. Eta and I shared a glance before getting up, followed by Struct. We went to the kitchen and began setting the table up.

In a way, having somewhat of a routine was comforting, normalizing something that wasn't. But after Star, it felt more like a forced attempt to pretend everything was fine. We all ignored it, but we all felt the absence of Star, whether it was the smallest thing or not.

We finally all sat down for breakfast. Dove and Forger had decided to make a big breakfast, most likely in an attempt to make everybody feel better.

During breakfast, Struct seemed silent, and with the other things, it began to concern me. No matter how introverted he was, Struct wasn't shy or quiet with us.

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