Chapter 17

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(Chaos is male. 5k word chapter, please leave a comment on every paragraph! I had a ptsd attack today so i think i coped by writing again, so angst most likely. Please vote and suggest my fanfics to others, im tryna get the first book of the two to 1k reads.)


I was very concerned about Struct.  I hoped that he was doing good enough. While he did cut again, it was just a momentary relapse. Or so I hoped. He was most likely just too overwhelmed and wanted an escape from reality by distracting himself with cutting.

It was currently around 10, and Struct was sleeping in my arms. I cuddled closer to them, not wanting to let them go. I felt so useless. I couldn't do anything for Struct, and he always did his best when I felt bad.

He looked concerningly thin. He usually 'forgot' to eat on a daily basis anyway, but I didn't believe he actually forgot because he didn't eat whenever I or somebody else reminded him to.

I was glad that entities couldn't get dangerous sicknesses because if we could, Struct would no doubt be anorexic.

Of course, just because he didn't have anorexia didn't make his not eating problem any less harmful to himself.

Struct slowly opened their eyes, snuggling closer to me.

"Morning," he yawned, his voice muffled slightly.

"I don't know what time it is except that it's, like, one in the evening?" I said like a question.

Struct groaned.

"I hate time," they groaned.

"Wait until Chronos hears that," I muttered, rolling my eyes.

"Chronos is okay, it's Kronos who I hate," Struct mumbled, burying their face in my chest.

"Do you feel any better? Are you still dizzy and anxious, or are you better?" I asked him.

"I'm better," Struct replied after a moment.

"Oh, by the way, I have something to tell you regarding Star," I began, remembering it suddenly.

Struct sat up immediately, listening closely.

"Is she okay? She's alright, right?" He asked anxiously.

"Shh, shh, it's okay, it's alright," I quickly calmed him.

"Thank the primordials," he breathed.

"She... she said that she rejoined Artemis' hunters," I told him with a wince.

"Wh-what?" They asked in shock.

I bit my lip, sliding my hand over theirs.

"She- she really just left us?" They asked in shock.

"No, not exactly," I said slowly.

"What d'you mean?" Struct asked.

"She's working for both us and Artemis, she's just gonna stay on Earth," I explained.

Struct gave a long sigh.

"How're you taking this?" I questioned them.

"I feel betrayed," Struct mumbled.

I grimaced. This was exactly what I imagined would happen if I told Struct. He seriously did not need any more trauma, let alone feeling betrayed again.

"She didn't betray us," I told him.

"I can't help but feel betrayed, though. It's irrational," they protested.

"I know," I said softly, kissing their forehead.

To my surprise, Struct looked up at me and smiled.

"Thank you for dealing with my mess-of-a-self," they laughed humorlessly.

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