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He took a deep breath as he leaned against the wooden cabin. He felt like he would regret asking the Fae for help. They were tricky, but it was easy to get information free of charge after inciting them with information on the vampire attacker that nearly killed one of their own.

Not to mention, they could find out information on anyone. But if they did find the speedy vampire, they were not allowed to harm another under the rule of the spring Queen. That's where Jack came in.

Jack had not seen nor heard anything about the pale bastard since the two girls were missing. Even with Megan Mant's name, he was led nowhere. It was like she disappeared from all records. Even her family did not know who she was.

His trail left him in the dust. The loose end frayed.

Until he reappeared in Whitby, tormenting the same group of witches. This was an act worthy of death. It would not be long until word got out, and mass panic ensued.

The poor young lass' would be dragged before the court, forced to drag up horrific memories, grilled for information and possibly accused of aiding the bastard and his plan.


Sighing, Jack shifted from the wall with three beers graciously provided by the Luna. He caught her caution and ensured they would not get close to the rest of the pack.

Approaching the pair, he offered his condolences for their fallen one.

He knew they were not using their real names. But Fred and John were the only two to reach out from his message to the Faires.

"So, you said he was in Whitby?" Jack asked, not beating around the bush.

John and Fred looked at one another, "Yes," replied Fred.

"We were there on a job to hand over a letter," John added.

"They were so accurate. The date, time, place. Even what they were wearing. Normally, witches aren't that good."

John quickly shushed Fred, "You'll break the contract," he grounded out to his partner.


"I didn't hear that." Jack smirked and pressured more, "Where did you see him?"

"Well, we weren't paid just to drop off the letter. Our boss also wanted us to follow them and report once they returned home." John started.

"Cornelius and Megan were trailing them from the start. They, too, kept tabs on these witches. Then came the Abbey..."

Fred and John took turns telling their side of the story. They did not intervene one bit; they only observed. It was none of their business to meddle with.

"She was as good as dead, the redhead. Her mate wasn't having that. The blonde screamed bloody murder and performed...the spell."

"The spell?" Jack repeated, eyes scrunched in confusion.

"Vitamortum," Fred whispered.

Jack's eyes bulged from his sockets. The unspeakable spell. A life for a life.

"The blonde bled out, screaming after she had done it. I heard she also had a lock on her powers. Who knows why," Fred hinted.

"Anyways, we left after the others finally found the two girls. The redhead survived, and as you can imagine, the other is dead."

"At least. That's what we thought. Until a few days ago, we tried to hand another letter to Edward. Turns out she is alive. We were both shocked."

"We decided against it and took it back to our boss. She was angry."

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