Chapter 23

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A few hours earlier...

Jungkook's POV

The sun was nearly set. How could it possibly be this late already? The worst-case scenario that could ever be a surrounding issue is the fact my ex-girlfriend has an account on me.

She reformed her clinginess like a toddler she ever was in our relationship. I was almost like her tattletale: telling her secrets I must've thought she would keep.

The presence of her reappearance, after for all eternity of being split apart, it was a little jarring. Except I didn't show it. However, why did I also feel like I was found again when I knew she was missing.

All this time, I forbid from ever capturing another second of her attention or appearance, then here she was.

"I missed you, Jungkook..."

That sound of her voice moved me back into my grieving of mother state. As if the tone in her voice sounded like the words of my mother, long before disaster. Like it was yesterday, not 10 years ago..

"Been a while, huh?" She used her head to tilt slightly. Outside of the school, after which we hugged, she spun toward the school building. "I hadn't been in this school for ages."

It brought the feelings back, but not permanently, just for nostalgia, of how I used to know what I liked in her.. and what not. Those memories brought me back to when we rocked past our classes just to see each other.

Or more for her just to see me..

"You have a dorm room, right?" She poked her head back to my direction. It interrupted my clouded mind, spacing out, which I caught myself doing. Unusual of me.

"Yeah." I responded, not much tone, almost deadpan. 

"How about crashing at your dorm?" 

"What?" I flicked a brow upward at her weird eagerness. 

"I haven't seen the dorms around when I left. The experience might be nice." She shrugged. Or she could've chosen to say 'Just wanna see what your dorm looks like.' Only mine.

She was suggestive of heading to my dorm room. I had no real interest in agreeing, but her mind was already automated toward that specific location, map-locked to go there with me feeling resistant but tailing behind her.

However, a random slip of a churning feeling fled loose in my stomach, sending the procrastinating thought of 'what if y/n is there?', which wrenched me even more the longer I thought about it.

She was almost a child, pointing at the candy store that sparkled like a wonderful place in her eyes whilst eagerly pulling her mother behind to get what she wanted.

A slight bit of my lip and the hesitation washed off. I just had  to go with her. Whatever her mind was up to. We walked from outside the entrance to the village of dormitories, leading up to the number on the door that I knew was my dorm.

The closer we walked toward it, the more I wanted to roll my eyes. Was this really what my skum of a father wanted from us? Her hair swayed back, twisting back to me with her eyes asking for the key.

The sense of regret quickly pierced through me.

"Are you crazy?" I widened my eyes. My mouth suddenly blurted out. "What if Y/n's in there?" 

Hence not really giving insight that I actually share a room with someone, nor mentioning y/n's name in front of her.

"It's whatever. She's probably not gonna come to conclusion if she sees us right away." 

Her gaze met with the door knob then back to me, straightening her posture and sticking out her hand like a detective.

In a silence of eyes rounding, my hand fished out the keys in my pocket and mic-dropped it into her hand. Acting as if she was surpassed as the owner of the dorm as she unlocked the door, letting us inside.

Her exquisite personality still tweeked when speaking around me. I never once caught up beside her and just strutted slowly behind, drifting my gaze around the dorm like I was the one being invited.

She had her eyes wanderously scanning the place. It wasn't that newly organised, at least when I last left, but coming back to my knowledge, it definitely had been refurnished by y/n. The neat freak.

Jieun Mi just let out a subtle "Wow." as she let herself have a 5 second still tour of the place. 

"You have a nice dorm." I was already out of words to say by that point. Her compliment was dry, to me at least. 

I was just awkwardly hanging around as she continued to look around. Her eyes divert from either direction facing our bedroom doors. Then focused on Y/n's room.

"Is this your Y/n's room?"

A subtleness laced her tone. 

I crossed my arms. "Don't go in there." I said coldly.

"I won't. I'm just observing." She grinned lightly. Something about her was ticking me off. I don't show it out of my own skin, but mentally, I'm willing to know.

"If you want something, say it."

Another stern pitch lingered in my voice. I was already getting quite tired of her presence, just laying around here.

She turned her head back around to me as I'm stone faced. Her brown hair draped down her shoulders.

"Maybe we should chill. Talk a little bit more. Get to know each other again."

Neither of our faces were smiling. I gave her a cold stare. Hers was lukewarm, giving that she isn't a blunt person.

"I don't know why you came over here."

She began to slowly wander with her hands behind her back, motioning steadily towards me.

"Why? Is it a problem?"

"It's none of your business."

"You let me in here." She cocked her head slightly. Playing the protagonist type of mindset.

"And yes, it is my business." Her toned lowered.

"Besides, the only secrets that you're trying to keep in here is that you own a gang and lead criminals into doing what you want."

"Forget it. You're nothing special. You best should just leave."

"Or what? What if I don't want to?"

She still kept her tone at a calm pace and not lifting any octave that showed she was getting angry. But she's becoming more forceful.

She came closer in front of me, making me tread backwards until I felt the back of my legs reach the couch.

I fell back where my spine was against the wall cushion, and I couldn't move any further. Her knees climbed over between my thighs, and her body hovered above me.

My brows creased together while I fought hard to keep a glare in her enticing eyes.

"I want you back, Jungkook."

The slide of her hand travelled up my shirt to the tie around my collar. I've never felt the movement of her hand ever lay on me since we were dating.

She wasn't into the intimate stuff as much as I was. Now, her sudden approach in seducing me is quite the opposite. There was lust hidden beneath the colour of her eyes.

Her touch.. felt good. But, not right at the same time.

She held that pose for some time until there was a click behind the door.

Y/n made her way inside, as per normal. But not normal to see us with barely any gap distance between our bodies.

I will never forget the expression on her face.

I won't be able to forgive myself either.

𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐌-𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐈𝐒 𝐀 𝐃𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐍𝐓  |  𝐉𝐉𝐊 Where stories live. Discover now