Chapter 13

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Earlier that day..

The gang leading boy swooped out of his large vehicle. Up to a hill of stairs in front of a particular house. A house he hasn't visited nor stayed in for a reasonable while.

That being his Parent's house. The tip of his finger pressed the button to where the door bell chimed. Almost giving nostalgia as of not visiting there for ages.

Stood with his hands in his pockets he waited, then out came a familiar woman to Jungkook, instantly opening her arms at the sight of her precious step-son.

"Kookie! How have you been?"

That long awaited hug was given to Jungkook as he fell into the sweet lady's open arms. Would say a replacement of his mother, but he doesn't consider her so much as that. She even calls him Kookie like his mother would.

She's the house maid of his father's house which he also grew up in with his long deceased mother. But still, she loved him as though she raised her own son. These emotions in him never seemed to show as much as when he lived with his parents.

She may not be his actual mother, but she treats him like one. She has been around the family for a couple or so years since he began high school.

The woman then let him step inside with his hands resting in his pockets, pondering those eyes around the wide freshly organised room.

"Have you eaten?" The women asked him, caressing his shoulder gently with her chin up. Yep. He is taller than the house wife. But that's quite telling of how giant he is.

Jungkook simply shook his head, not saying much but gesturing his emotions. She then invited him to sit down on the leather sofa, to which Jungkook followed.

He well respects the women who cared in his life. Her handy maid welfare was preparing a beverage for him.

"You must be living well in the dormitories."

That boy just sat arm spread across the wide couch, twisting his lips in thoughts. "How is it?" The woman asked a second time. 

"It's gone to shit to be honest." As if his laid back, restless posture was bad, he still was rarely excused for his language til the house wife arrived.

"Mind your language, Jeon." She placed down the made beverage, that as in just grocery store bought banana milk. But she loved making home made banana milk for him at some occasions.

Possibly because his spoiled self loves the taste of grocery store made ones. How loving can a son who's in a gang can get? For a house wife. His only mother was an acception.

The house wife continued further with the conversation just to check in with his now known risky life. "Do you have a room-mate in particular?"

He just scoffed a bit, probably not in the right fitting mood as he is. "Everyone has a room-mate, us much as I'd love to be alone and have my own room."

"Then, who's your room-mate?"

That made Jungkook silent for a while. Only just then would he not want to answer such a question as it felt highly embarrassing of him to spill.

But the house wife caught suspicion of his silentness. "Is it a girl?"

Only for that to make his eyes roll aside. Despite not wanting to give away, he just answered the question by making his brows raise in a you can say that kind of motion.

It brought a soft curve to the house maid's thin lips. "If only I got to meet her. I hope she's able to chat with you well."

Still, nothing remained in Jungkook's tongue. Not much really came out from him as a sensible chat with the house maid. She just wants to check in with her significantly raised step-son.

𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐌-𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐈𝐒 𝐀 𝐃𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐍𝐓  |  𝐉𝐉𝐊 Where stories live. Discover now