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"What the fuck is this?" He asked in a whisper. We continued until we came to the end of the hall. We could hear voices the closer we got. When we got to the end of the hall a large room came into view; a theater. Sidney was standing there looking up at the screen and when I looked up, there was out mom and Billy's dad. They were going into a motel room together. "Sid?" She turned and looked at me and Randy.

Shit was happening way too fast lately to even process anything. The director of Stab 3 turned out to be the killer. He also turned out to be our half-brother. When our mom was a young actress she went to a party where apparently she was raped and fell pregnant with Roman. She wanted nothing to do with the baby so she gave him up for adoption. He said he tried coming to her once but she had turned him away. That's when he started following her around. He knew about her and Hank Loomis.

He was the one that convinced Billy to kill our mother. Roman found out about Mrs. Loomis leaving her husband after finding out he had cheated on her and took that opportunity to get his revenge by having someone else do it. He found Billy and showed him the video of his dad and our mom going into the motel room. It didn't take much to convince him of taking his revenge out and killing our mom. Told him to make sure he had an accomplice just in case things went sideways. That way he would have someone to pin it all on.

He didn't expect us to fight so hard. He wanted Sidney and I dead. He was jealous because we had a relationship with her and he didn't. He dislikes Sidney more since she was close to mom than I was. But that didn't matter. She wanted us. She didn't want him. Now we were fighting him. Randy was knocked out after he threw himself at Roman when he tried to come for me. Roman fought with him for a good few minutes before getting the upper hand and hitting Randy over the head with a candlestick.

Sidney and I ran in different directions. We could hear Gale and Dewey yelling and pounding on the door from the other side. Sidney hid behind the bar. I ran towards a door that led behind the screen. I closed the door and backed away, looking around for anything I could use. I hadn't realized there was another door on the other side of the screen.

"You know, you should check your surroundings." I jumped and spun around. The only thing I could see in here were rolls of film and other movie and camera stuff, along with some movie props. I backed up towards the door I came through. "You should really seek some help for your mommy issues. I mean, come on, man. She wasn't as great as you think. She had a lot of affairs with men. She wasn't perfect. And you think she wanted me? I am pretty sure that I was a mistake."

"Cut the bullshit! Sidney might have been her favorite but she loved you and wanted you. If she didn't she would have gotten rid of you like she did with me!" Well, he wasn't wrong there. She did at least want me and didn't give me up. "So you want to kill Sidney and I because you're fucking jealous my wanted us and not you? She was groomed and then John Milton, your father, forced her to fuck him, he raped her. Was it right what she did? No, of course not. But that doesn't mean you go fucking killing people you psycho!"

When he jumped towards me I ducked, falling to the floor and crawled across the room, stood up, and yanked the door open. I ran back into the room and across to the other side. Roman came out a few seconds after, slowly walking towards me. Once he was in front of the bar Sidney popped up and stabbed him in the shoulder with an ice pick. He howled with pain, throwing her off of him, before stumbling backwards. "Fucking bitch!" He pulled the ice pick out and threw it to the floor.

It was back and forth like that for a few minutes before he got to a gun. He had Sidney and I backed into a corner, gun pointed at us, a smirk on his face. Kincaid, who I thought was dead, found a way in but unfortunately this time was killed. While Roman was distracted by Kincaid, Sidney and I began making our way to the hall that would lead to the study. Of course we couldn't have any kind of luck. Roman turned around just as Sidney was about to make it. His arm came up, the gun pointed right at her, and pulled the trigger.

It was like everything happened in slow motion. Sidney was pushed to the ground by Randy who had taken the bullet in the same shoulder Billy had shot him in. Then he took another one in the stomach. Sidney and I both screamed his name. Sid crawled to him and began putting pressure on his stomach. Roman pointed his gun at Sidney, "Stand up!" She stood up, bloody hands in the air. He motioned for her to back up and she did; then he shot her.

Another scream left me and I started to back up. He had the gun pointed at me while he slowly walked forward. "You know, Stu, helped me get you here. He came to me with a deal. If I killed Galex Dewey, and Randy, he would help me by getting you and Sidney here. The only catch is, he gets you. But I can kill Sidney, which I just did. Now, he can have you."

Arms wrapped around me from behind, "Surprise." Roman smiled at me and Stu stepped out from behind me. I looked at Stu and he winked. We were so busy staring at each other that we didn't have time to react to Roman raising his gun to shoot me. The bullet slammed into my chest, lodging itself into the vest, and knocking me backwards. The breath was knocked out of me and my chest burned. I heard Stu scream something before another shot went off.

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