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My back hit the door when Stu walked out of the darkness of the hall. I held my hand out, "Stop! Just don't move any closer to me. Stay where you are!" There was no hiding the panic or the fear from him. I'm sure he could not only hear it in my voice but could see it on my face as well. He stopped, arm up slightly, with his palms facing me. "I'm not here to hurt you, babe. I just want to talk. I miss you and I know you miss me."

I shook my head, "I don't–I don't miss you, and I don't want to talk," I told him. He chuckled, "You sure you don't miss me? Because you took some of my shirts and all the pictures of us…well, almost all of them…it all says that you do miss me. I know you've been sleeping in my shirts at night, too. I know you still love, so don't try and say you don't. Wouldn't want to get mad and something I'll regret." I slowly moved to the left, hoping I could distract him enough to either bolt into the theater or go around him.

"I thought you were dead. Then Sheriff Burke told me you weren't in the house and I've been terrified ever since. Just being in your room had the hairs on the back of my neck standing. I can always feel you fucking watching me. Why can't you just…I don't know…fuck off. Let me live my life without the fear that you're going to show up and kill me."

"I would never fucking kill you! I wouldn't fucking hurt you on purpose! I didn't want you to be involved in Billy's stupid fucking plan but he said there was no other choice. That's why I drugged you. I thought if you were asleep for the whole thing then you would never know what happened. I could convince you that your dad was the killer and killed Sidney before we could stop him. But then you and Sidney surprised us. You woke up. We didn't think you two would fight back as hard as you did." He stepped closer and I moved a little more.

"When you cried into my shoulder because you thought I was did it fucking broke me. God, baby…I just wanted to hold you and tell you that everything was going to be okay. I wanted to beg for your forgiveness. It was hard having to leave until I was healed enough to go back to Woodsboro. The first night I was back I watched you as you sat on the deck and cried. And you know I can't stand that. I can't take it when you cry. But I can't tell you that I regret what I did. Because I don’t. I like the feeling of how easy my knife slices someone open. The feeling of when it hits bone. And I'll do it again if someone dares to come near you and try to take what's mine."

He was so distracted with his rant that I was sure he didn't realize we had switched places from walking in circles. "I don't belong to you. I don't belong to anyone." He titled his head back and closed his eyes letting out a long sigh. That's when I took the chance to turn and run. I heard Stu yell, "Fuck!" As I ran around the corner. "What did I tell you?! You running from me make me fucking hard as fuck! I like the chase, baby! But I'm going to like it even more when I catch you!"

My heart was pounding against my ribcage and rushed in my ears. I frantically tried doors only for all of them to be locked. Fear shot up my spin and the hairs on the back of my neck and on my arms stood. I didn't know where I was going or where Stu was. The halls were pitch black, a loud crack of thunder rocked the building, and a flash of lightning lit the hall through a window that overlooked the campus just as I looked behind me. I screamed when I saw Atu standing a few feet away from me, I turned around and ran.

I kept trying doors as I went. Being chased in a dark building and the thunderstorm I felt like I was in a real fucking horror movie. But if I was being honest…it may have sent a joke of excitement through me. And if it wasn't for the fact my boyfriend was a fucking murdering psychopath I might have laughed. I might even let him catch me but he was a murdering psychopath and I didn't want to die. I know he said he would hurt me but I honestly don't believe that.

I tried one more door and was relieved when it opened. I slammed the door behind me and turned to lock it only for there to be no lock. "Fuck," I whispered. "You can't keep running, sweetheart!" I frantically looked around the room for something to put in front of the door. I didn't have time to try and push the cabinet in front of it. I slowly moved away from the door and backed up. I turned in a circle taking a better look at where I was. I couldn't see much but I looked like I was in one of the film school's editing rooms.

I quickly hid when I heard the door open. I couldn't see much. The only light was the red and green lights on the equipment. I pushed myself between the filing cabinets, hand over my mouth to try and keep as quiet as possible. I knew it was no good and that I should just give up. He had me cornered. "Just give in. You have nowhere to go, babe. So just come out and I promise I will not hurt you. I just want to talk. I want–fuck! I want to fix us. Please, baby."

I peaked around the cabinet to see his back turned towards me so I quietly moved towards the door while staying crouched. I moved slowly making sure I didn't run into anything. I kept my eyes on him until I got to the door. Just as my hand landed on the door handle I got yanked backwards by my bag that was on my back. I tensed as fear shot through me then I started to thrash as he wrapped one arm around my waist, wrapping a hand around my throat. He held me tight against his body, running the tip of his nose up my neck until his lips brushed my ear. And whispered, "Gotcha."

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