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The air finally returned to my lungs just as Sidney reached me. "Are you okay?" She asked, and I nodded. "Randy?" She looked down and shook her head. I took a deep breath and then looked around. I could see Roman, but I did see Stu laying on the floor a few feet away. I looked at Sidney, "Where's Roman?" She slowly stood up, and I crawled over to Stu. He had been shot in the shoulder. "Stu. Stu, wake up!" I shook him, but he didn't respond. "Damnit, Stu, wake the fuck up!" I slapped him across the face and he bolted upright. "What the hell?!"

"Where is he?" He pressed his hand to his shoulder and looked around. "I don't know. Fuck, this shit hurts!" He stood up, grabbing his knife off the floor and made his way towards the doors that lead behind the screen. Sidney came over and tugged my arm, pulling me backwards so we were ducked behind the bar. "Should we be trusting him?" She asked. I didn't know what to say. "I…I don't know. But what other choice do we have?" There was a bang from the room behind the big screen that cut us both off.

We peaked around the bar to see Stu pulling Roman and pushing him in the middle of the room and on his knees. "We had a fucking deal!" Roman yelled. "Yeah, well, the deal's off, asshole." I noticed he had replaced his knife for a gun. He brought it up and pressed it to the side of Roman's head and pulled the trigger. Sidney and I pressed our backs to the bar and looked at each other.

I wasn't sure if I should trust Stu or not. What if this was the whole plan? He used Roman to get us here so then he could kill us easily himself. It wouldn't be too far fetched. I just couldn't understand why he would still want to kill me. Not when we have a daughter together. I want to believe he's helping us and not working against us.

Footsteps sounded on the floor, growing closer to us until we were looking up at him. He dropped the gun and knelt down in front of me. "He won't be bothering you anymore. Are you hurt?" I shook my head and lifted my shirt to show him the vest I was wearing. He looked over at Sidney and smirked. "Chill out, Sid. I'm not going to kill you…yet." There was a loud bang on the double doors that led to the hallway making us all flinch.

"Yn! Sidney!" Gale's voice yelled through the door. Another loud bang sounded through the room. "Hurry up, Dewey!" Stu looked at me, brought his hand up, and pushed a piece of hair behind my ear. "I'll see you later." He leaned forwards and kissed my forehead and disappeared just as the door burst open. Gale and Dewey rushed into the room and yelled for us. We stood up from behind the bar and walked over to them. "Are you girls okay," Dewey asked. I nodded my head and Sidney told him we were fine.

There was a high pitched scream before I was being knocked to the ground. My head snapped to the left when a fist collided with my right cheekbone. "He was mine you, bitch! He is mine not yours!" Another hit was landed to my jaw before the person was lifted off of me. Sideny helped me up and I wiped the blood from my lip. I looked up to see the girl the we had ran into in the bathroom at the studio. "You?!" I laughed. She tried to get out of Dewey's hold to lunge at me but failed.

"Stu is mine! He doesn't want you anymore. He promised me I would be a big movie star and we would be the it couple!" She screamed. "He loves me!" I laughed more, bending over and putting my hands on my knees. "Oh, my god, this is too fucking good." I calmed myself and walked closer to her. "He used you, sweetie. You're nothing to him. You're not going to be a big movie star. Hell, I'm betting that you slept with this dead bastard here on the floor just to get the role you got in Stab 3."

That pissed her off enough that she got free from Dewey and charged me. She tackled me to the floor again, wrapping her hands around my neck, and began to choke me. She was once again pulled off of me by Dewey. I coughed and sucked in as much air as I could. I stood up, walked behind the bar, and picked up the gun. "Let her go, Dewey. She wants to fight me; wants me dead. So come on, kill me!" The three of them looked at me like I was crazy. "Let her go!"

Dewey let her go and she ran at me. She didn't get a chance to get too close before I raised the gun and shot her in the head. "What the hell?!" Our eyes snapped over where Randy was to see him trying to stand up. "Randy!" Sidney ran over and helped him up, pressing a hand over his stomach. We could hear sirens outside getting closer and closer. "Jesus, Randy, I thought you were dead!" I said. He nodded his head, "I probably should be! What the hell was that?!" He pointed to Angelina's body on the floor.

"She was crazy, part of this whole thing. She tried to kill me so I killed her. You're the one that said they always come back so I shot her in the head!" I walked over and helped Sidney with Randy and the five of us walked out of the house just as police cars, ambulances, and news vans flood the driveway. Randy was taken to the hospital right away. Some of the police officers and medics went inside the house. Pictures were taken, evidence was collected, and bodies were brought out.

Sidney, Gale, Dewey, and I were all questioned on what happened. We told our stories and I made sure to leave Stu's name out of it. I don't know why, not when I could end this all completely and have him arrested. Maybe I did it for our daughter. Or maybe I did it because a big part of me is still in love with him and hopes that he'll change his mind about wanting more revenge for his and Billy's failed plan back in ninty-six.

After we answered all the questions the police had for us and were cleared, I went to my dad's picked up Reese and made sure to reinsure dad that Sidney and I were fine. Then I took my little girl and went home. It was still early morning when we walked through the door. Reese wiggled in my arms and I let her down. She ran as fast as her little legs would let her and straight into Stu's arms where he was waiting in the kitchen. "I think we should move out of California. Start a new life. Just the three of us." He smiled, walking over to me and kissed me. "Agreed."

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