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I quickly ducked out of his way and ran towards the door. My fingers fumbled with the lock before I had to run again. The killer's knife lodged itself into the wooden door, giving me enough to run through the living room. I could hear the heavy footsteps of him behind me as I weaved between the furniture. When I looked behind me, I tripped over a cord, causing me to fumble and land on the floor.

A hand grabbed a hold of my hair, pushing my face into the carpet beneath me. I could feel the weight of him on top of me as I struggled, squirming around trying to knock him off balance. I was flipped over onto my back, and my hand flew up to stop the knife from penetrating into my chest. He pushed down harder, bringing the top of it inches away from flesh. I pushed back with all the force I had with one hand as I brought the other to try and grab something.

My hand landed on something, and I brought it up, smashing it over his head, causing him to fall to the side. I shimmed out from under him, scrambling to get to my feet and run, but a glived hand wrapped around my ankle. I flipped back around and kicked him in the shoulder. His hand let go of me, and I started to crawl away, climbing to my feet.

I ran through the dining area and into the kitchen when I was tackled. My head hit the floor with a loud thud, disorienting me. I screamed as ghostface stabbed me in the side before flipping me over again. My head was pounding, ringing sounded in my ears, blood soaked the side of my shirt and the floor below me. As he brought the knife up over his shoulder, he was tackled off of me.

I watched someone wrestle with him for a few seconds until ghostface got away and disappeared. "Hey yn, stay with me. You're gonna be fine." I looked up to see Mickey above me, then I heard Sidney yelling for Derek not to do something before my vision went black.

"She's going to be fine."

"I shouldn't have left her in the house by herself, Dewey. She would probably be dead if Mickey hadn't have ran inside after hearing her scream."

I laid there with my eyes closed and listened for a while. Then I slowly opened my eyes. "Sid?" I gasped when I tried to sit up a little more. The pain in my side was unbelievable. "Careful," Sidney said, helping me to sit up a little. "Is Derek okay? I heard you yelling for him before I passed out." She nodded her head, "yeah. He only got a cut on his arm. He'll be fine."

"Do you want something for the pain? I'll call the nurse. Just hold on." She got up before I could stop her. "Hey, Dewey," I said, looking over at him. "How ya feelin'?" He asked, coming to stand beside the bed. "Like I've been stabbed. No big deal though. Was someone killed in the Sorority house across the street?" I asked. Dewey let out a deep sigh and nodded. "Yeah. CiCi Copper."

"Whoever this is, Dewey, they're trying to retreat and finish what Billy and Stu started," I told him. His brows knitted together, "how do you know that?" He asked. "It's not hard to figure out. Maureen Evens, Phil Stevens, CiCi Cooper who's real name was Casey. Come on, think about it." He pulled a chair up and sat down, still confused a little.

"Dewey, think! Maureen Evens represents my mom. Phil Stevens is Steven Orth, and CiCi Cooper is Casey Becker. And what happened the next night after Casey and Steve were killed? Sidney was attacked. I was attacked tonight. That means they still have Himbry, Kenny, who was Gale's cameraman, and then…then Tatum. Randy, you, me, Sid, and Gale are the only ones to survive that night."

He slowly nodded his head and looked down at his hands. "And Stu Macher." I tensed when he said his name. "Yeah…and Stu," I whispered. "I need to ask this, yn, okay?" I looked up at him and nodded. "Have you heard from him? Has he tried to contact you in any way?"

Yes. He's called, left notes, I've seen him in person and I've been fucking him. I know where he lives too. Did I mention I like the sick game he likes to play? Where he chases me and when he catches me he fucks me into the next dimension? No. Well, I do. I know he's here in Windsor.

I shook my head, "no. To be honest I'm surprised he hasn't tried to contact me. I mean I get those feelings like I'm being watched but that's probably just me being my paranoid self. If he is close by he's being very careful." He nodded his head and then stood up just as a nurse came in to get me something for the pain. "Visiting hours are over in five minutes," she said and left the room.

"I'll be back tomorrow, I promise.  Randy said he'd be in too," Sidney said, putting a hand on my shoulder. "And there will be police officers set up outside your room and more outside the hospital," Dewey said. I said my goodbyes and they left. The room fell into an unnerving silence. If it wasn't for the pain medication making me drowsy I wouldn't have been able to fall back to sleep.

When I woke up again the room was casted in darkness with the only light coming from the small opening of the  bathroom door. Goosebumps pricked my skin, the hair on my arms and the back of my neck stood up, an uneasy feeling twisted in my gut. I had that feeling of being watched. But this time I was being watched from inside my room.

I looked to the other side of the room and squinted my eyes. I could faintly see a shadowy figure sitting in the corner. It was like something you see in a horror movie. My heart rate picked up causing the machine beside me to start beeping faster and faster. Fear was slowly making its way through my body as they stood up. I scrambled to try and push myself up closer to the headrest of the bed.

"Calm down, baby. It's just me." Stu slowly emerged from the darkness and walked over to sit on the edge of the bed. The beeping slowed but I was still all tense and was prepared to run if I had to. "I'm sorry." I raised my eyebrows at him but didn't say anything. "I left the party when I saw you talking to that guy. I had to or I would have killed him then and there. I left and you got hurt."

"How do I know it wasn't you? Huh? I think you need to leave before I yell for the officers outside my door," I told him. He laughed and shook his head. "You wouldn't do that. And it wasn't me because I would never fucking Stab you. I like chasing you but I wouldn't do that. I can't prove I wasn't there so you can believe what you want. Guess I should be thanking the person who did save you. Mickey, right?"

I just looked at him and he chuckled. "I know everyone who comes near you, baby. Do you need anything? Want me to sneak into your dorm and get you some comfy clothes?" He reached over to brush my hair out of my hair and pulled away from him. He scoffed and stood up, "okay. I'm going to go find a vending machine and get some snacks. I'll be back." I jumped a little when he kissed my forehead. "I love you."

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