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I walked into the living room and rested my hands on the back of the couch. "Yn!" I sighed, pushed off the couch, and made my way to Sidney. When I walked out the door and down the steps, I stopped. Right across from the set of Stu's house was ours. "What the fuck?" I whispered. Sidney was standing right in front of the house that was made to look exactly like our childhood home.

We walked into the house and looked around. They had a set for Sidney's bedroom and mine. They looked exactly like they did when we were in high school. "This is insane," I said, standing by the windows in Sidney's bedroom. "Yeah, it takes me right back to that week," she said. The next couple seconds happened so fast we had no time to comprehend anything.

We were running through the set of our house until we were back in the room that was burned into our brains forever. Our mothers room looked damn near identical to that very night. They even had a dumb under a white blood stained sheet on the floor. Then it stood up and started talking, saying our names. We backed up towards the window and I climbed out with Sidney close behind.

Sidney's foot slipped and she grabbed a hold of me only to make us both fall and tumble off the roof. Voices yelling our names caught our attention. Dewey and Randy came into view along with the detectives and other officers came running towards us. Sidney frantically told them the killer was in the house. But when they checked there was no one there. That wasn't a surprise.

Now Sidney and I were alone in Kindaids office. "So…Kincaid is handsome…" I was walking around the room looking at everything. I stood in front of the whiteboard where they had names and leads written on it. "Yeah, he is." Sidney said in a distracted tone. I turned around to see her looking at something. "What's that?" I asked.

"A file on me. There's one for you too,'she said and handed it to me. I opened it to see police reports from when our mom was murdered, newspaper clippings from after Stu and Billy's killing spree. When I flipped the page there was a paper that had Stu's name with a question mark. His wanted poster was behind it with other clippings. Then I saw something that made my heart stop then speed up.

Is yn Prescott hiding Stu Macher?

Is he the father of her child Resselynn Prescott?

Has she known where he's been since the Woodsboro massacre?

"Are you okay?" Sidney asked. "He thinks I'm hiding Stu," I whispered. "What?" She gently took the file from me and went silent. "Is…is Stu…" I stopped her before she could completely ask me that question. I walked over and closed the door so no one could hear us. "We both know that you all know he is. He was at Windsor. He was behind Windsor actually. And I know I shouldn't have done anything. I should have called the police. It was stupid and now… I love my daughter and I'm glad I have her."

"I know you were seeing him. You're not very good at hiding shit. Just like I knew every time he snuck into your room. Do you know where he is now?" She asked. I gave a look and she sighed. "He just showed up, Sid. Now Reese is attached to him. I couldn't just say no to him, I was afraid he'd do something. And I hate myself because I still love him!"

Before we could get into it more Sidney's cell phone rang. There was no surprise to who it was either. The killer had Gale and Dewey, she said she could hear their muffled screams in the background. Now we were outside a big mansion on top of a hill. There was supposed to be a party for Roman Bridge, the director of Stab 3, here. The mansion belongs to a big time producer or something.

Instead of going for the front door we went around back to where the pool was. Laying on the ground was one of the actors; dead. Sidney's phone rang and she answered. He made us use a metal detector and get rid of the guns we took from Kincade's office. When asked how we knew this wasn't some trap we were told to look inside. Through the window we could see Gale and Dewey tied to chairs with rope.

Nothing made sense when Kincade showed up. At first I thought maybe I was wrong and Stu didn't have anything to do with any of this. But he had admitted to killing Cotton. Kincade being the killer faded just as fast as the thought came when he was shot. Randy was right about this killer being "superhuman". He was shot several times and nothing happened except for him disappearing.

Somehow we all got separated. I was alone, walking the halls slowly, making sure to look around each corner. I yelped when I ended up running into someone. "Shh! It's me. It's just me!" Hands were holding me by the shoulders. I looked up to see Randy. "Randy?" He put his finger to his lips and pulled me into what looked like the study. "What the hell? When did you get here?" I asked. He looked at me like I lost my mind.  You called me, yn. You said to meet you here."

It was my turn to look at him like he was crazy. "Umm…no. No, I did not. What the fuck are you talking about?" I never called him. The last time I spoke to him was right before Sidney and I were taken back to the station. "You fucking called me…" he was cut off by someone banging on the door. I looked around the room for any place to hide, even though I knew that was impossible.

Then I saw it; the smallest amount of light coming from under one of the bookcases. "Hey, help me. This has to be one of those secret doors or something." I checked for a seam that could be pulled but found nothing. Randy started to pull on the books, throwing them on the floor, so I began to help him. My hand landed on one of the books and pulled down. The bookcase swung out towards us, and we rushed into a small hallway. Randy pulled the bookcase closed and locked it from our side before we continued on.

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