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I pulled open the drawer to the bedside table and pulled out the polaroids Stu had in there. I looked through them laughing at a few of them. These ones are just of us and our friends on summer trips and at parties. I set them down and picked the framed picture he had of us at prom last year. I stood up and walked over to the closet, pulling the doors open. I grabbed one of his shirts, bringing it to my nose and inhaling his scent. Then I knelt down.

In the back of his closet was a shoe box and luckily that shoe box still held the other polaroid's he liked to take. I closed it and pulled another box out. There was an open costume along with a knife then there were more polaroids. I dropped the pictures and felt my stomach turn. But one of them in particular caught my eye. I pulled it out, feeling bile rising in my throat. It was my mother. Specifically after they had killed her. I dropped it back in the box and closed it back up, shoving it to the back of the closet.

I grabbed one of the duffle bags he had in there, shoved the shoe box full of pictures of us, the clothes I had in the closet and maybe I took a couple of his shirts. Don't fucking judge me! I set the bag on the bed and rushed around the room grabbing anything that was mine and any other pictures, shoving everything into the bag. I was coming out of the bathroom when I heard a noise coming from the attic. I put my stuff in the bag and turned back to the door.

My hand wrapped around the doorknob and was getting ready to turn it. "Yn?" I turned and spun around my hand coming to my chest. "Leslie?" I was shocked to see her here. "I wasn't expecting anyone to be here. Sorry, your parents said it was okay for me to come over," I said. She walked into the room a little, stopping just inside the door and crossed her arms over her chest. "Yeah, mom told me. Sorry I didn't mean to scare you. How are you doing?"

I raised my eyebrow and she shook her head. "Stupid question. I'm sorry, yn. For what happened. For my brother did. I never liked Billy, I always thought he was a bad influence. And Stu is just too easily pressured." I scoffed a laugh, "that's an understatement. I just have a few more things to grab and I'll leave," I told her. She nodded and walked more into the room, picking up the picture of me and Stu at the prom. "He loved you. I know I wasn't the best sister and we fought all the time but when we didn't, he talked about you all the time.  before you guys got together officially."

She set the picture back down and looked at me. "He still loves you even if it doesn't seem that way. I don't know exactly what happened that night but I do believe he would have never hurt you on purpose. There's a letter in the top drawer of the dresser for you. I'll see you around." She walked out of the room after that and I stood there for a few minutes before walking to the dresser again and going through the top drawer. Sure enough, there was a letter at the very bottom in the back.


I'm sorry.

I'm sorry I killed your mom. I'm sorry I tried killing Sidney and your dad. I'm sorry for almost killing you. But I'm not sorry for how much I liked it when I killed your mom or Casey or Steve.

Billy came to me with what happened. Told me why his mom left. Told me his plan. I didn't agree right away. I didn't agree right away because you're the first thing I thought about. But he's my best friend or was my best friend. I'm far too sensitive. But I've always had those kinds of thoughts. You know…the thoughts about what it would feel like to kill someone. How it would feel to hit bone. How it would feel to gut someone and watch as their insides spilled out.

You weren't supposed to be the one to find her. Sidney was supposed to. But you came home earlier than planned. I'm sorry you had to be the one to walk in on that. Of course, once we got a taste…well, you know. We needed more. I'll admit I killed Steve and Casey because I was pissed she left me for him.

But I'm also happy she did because I wouldn't have asked you out. Himbry was Billy's idea. He had pissed him off one too many times. Tatum needed to be out of the way. We had to get away from Sidney so Billy could get to her. That cameraman was just in the fucking way. Gale and Dewey were never supposed to be there. Either way Randy.

I know you still love me. I'll be back for you. We'll be happy together I promise. Just don't piss me off and nobody will die.

I love you,
Stu xx

I wiped the tears from my cheeks and stood up. Going back into the bathroom to make sure I got everything and then double checking the bedroom. After I got everything I zipped the bag and headed downstairs, out the door, and got in my car. I nodded to get the fuck out of there. My gut told me he was in the house and my guess was the attic. As soon as I was in my car I got the hell out of there.

When I got back to the house nobody was home. I went straight to my room and locked the door. I set the duffle bag down on my bed, took out all the clothes, and set them aside. The photos were next and they went into the bottom drawer of my desk. I took the letter out and read it again. I read the ending several times.

"I know you still love me. I'll be back for you. We'll be happy together I promise. Just don't piss me off and nobody will die."

What the fuck does he mean by "We'll be happy together"? Does he have a plan to fucking kidnap me or something? I grabbed the notebook I kept songs in and put the letter in the back then headed downstairs to my little recording room. Guess I can make my trauma into something.

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