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Hallie squeezed her hands around my throat tighter, cutting off my airway. My nails clawed at her skin before punching her in the side. It was enough of a distraction to get her to loosen her grip on me, the air rushing back into my lungs, making me gasp and cough. I took no time in trying to suck more air into my lungs before punching her again, this time clocking her in the jaw. 

I crawled away from her, slightly coughing from the burning in my lungs. I heard Derek grunt and turn my head to see Sidney going for the knife on the floor that he had dropped. When Derek looked up at her, she swung but missed. He took the opportunity to tackle her to the floor in order to try and get the knife back. 

I felt Hallie wrap her hand around my ankle, directing my attention back to her. I kicked my other leg out, pushing the bottom of my shoe into her shoulder and pushing her away. I pushed myself to my feet, Hallie following me. "I'm going to fuckimg kill you!" You hissed at me. "Still won't get him to fuck you! He wouldn't touch you if you were the last pussy on earth. You're nothing but a pawn in his game!" 

She jumped at me and I stepped back away from her. I pulled the knife from my waistband and held it out towards her. "What? Did you actually think he likes you?" I let out a little laugh which only pissed her off more. Then she pulled a gun out and pointed it at me. I hate my fucking life. Why can't I just have a normal fucking life?! 

"Once you're gone…" she took a step closer to me. "He'll forget about you. You'll fade away and it'll be like you never existed. He'll see I'm the better choice for him. I understand him unlike you!" She pressed the gun to my chest and took the knife from me. I looked around her to see Derek had a hold of Sidney again, knife to her throat. He was whispering something in her ear. 

I looked back at Hallie and smiled. "That's cute. You actually think he'd ever forget about me. He doesn't want you. He never wanted you. He uses you so it was easier for him ro get to me. If I don't kill you…" I leaned a little closer, feeling the barrel of the gun press harder into my sternum. "He most definitely will. And it won't be quick and easy. He'll make you suffer by killing you slowly.” A gunshot went off and I flinched but there was no pain, I was still standing, and breathing. I looked up into Hallie’s eyes to see them wide with shock before her head turned towards the back to the theater where the doors were. 

It didn’t appear like anyone had been hit and the gunshot was just a warning; a way to get everyone’s attention. It was too dark to see who was standing up there. But then they slowly descended towards the stage. Of course, another ghostface. They did say they had a third partner. “Hello, yn.” Fucking christ on a damn cracker. Why can’t these assholes just leave me alone. Why me? Why not Sidney? Okay, so that sounds bad, but that isn’t what I meant. 

I just mean they all seem to want to come after me. The only one that went for Sid was Billy. Sure Stu helped him but he was more focused on me. And Derek was currently holding her at knife point, but he wasn’t going to kill her. I don’t think… “What did I say? She is mine.” Hallie looked at them and rolled her eyes. 

“Well, maybe if you were here when you were supposed to be. Besides, she just continues to piss me off.” Her gaze turns back to mine and the next thing I know, I was being stabbed…again…close to where I was stabbed a few days ago. My hand wrapped around Hallie's wrist to try and keep her from twisting the knife. 

"No!" Sidney yelled. Hallie pulled the knife from me and my hand went straight to my stomach. Blood seeped through my fingers and dripped onto the floor. "Oops. Looks like I stabbed you again," Hallie said, shrugging. 

Derek grunted and Hallie looked behind her at him. I took a quick glance to see him falling to the ground and Gale standing behind him with a gun in her hand. She pointed it at Hallie and Sidney bent down to grab the knife away from Derek. I looked around when I noticed the third ghostface was gone. "Wait, where'd he go?" I asked. 

Gale looked at me confused, "who?" She asked, the gun still pointed at Hallie. "There's a third person, Gale. They were just here before you came in!" Gale's eyes widened and just as she opened her mouth a pair of arms wrapped around my waist, lifting me off my feet, and pulling me backwards. Gale was pointing the gun at the person behind me, but didn't dare pull the trigger. She would hit me inside of the person behind me if she would. 

I struggled against the tight grip around me. My legs kicked back and forth, nails trying to dig into the skin of their arms under the black material of the robe they were wearing. I tilted my head forward and threw it back so the back of my head connected with the mask covering their face. The grip they had on me loosened enough that I could get away from them. 

I tripped over my own feet as I stumbled forward, falling to my knee, my hand shot out to help break my fall. Pain shot through my abdomen and I bit into my lip to keep myself from crying out. Hallie had cut me deep but not deep enough that it would kill me. My brain switched from the pain to survival when the sound of heavy boots sounded behind me. I scrambled to my feet, spinning on my heels. 

"What? You too pussy to show your face? Or is it because you're the person who said he had nothing to do with any of this?! I knew I shouldn't have let a tiny piece of myself believe that you were telling the truth. Of course you would have something to do with this. Why don't you just fucking me kill me already? Get it done and over with, Stu! You keep saying you love me, but I don't think you do." 

He tilted his head, right hand reaching up towards the mask, and began to pull it off. I would say I was surprised, but I wasn't. I should have seen It coming, honestly. "Oh, he loves you. He's obsessed with you, actually. Which is a huge problem for me. Because you see, yn…" I took a step back the closer he got to me. "I want you for myself. Lik  Derek has been with Sidney, I've been obsessed with you since I saw you on the news after what happened. And if I can't have you…well, then nobody can." 

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