Actually the prettiest girl my Gaviota ever brought home!

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Noa's POV

A few days passed after we went out to that club. That night, Pablo gave me his jacket and actually let me keep it. I don't know why he did that, but I think it's so nice from him.

That fake thing between us affected me and not in the way I wanted. I started to catch feeling for Pablo, but not a lot... No... Just a tiny little crush. Maybe it's because we started to spend a lot of time together and yeah...

Anyways... Today was the day when I decided to do something I never thought that I would. I decided to get a tattoo! Yep, that's it! I'll have a new tattoo in a couple of hours.

I've always dreamed of having those small tattoos somewhere on my skin, but I've never had a chance to actually make on. My mom never let me make it, even with all my effort to convince her that it's not a big deal.

She was always against those things. Also cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, but I don't do any of those things... Okay, except alcohol sometimes...

And it's not gonna be something that you see every day like lions or roses or snakes or some lyrics of the song. Instead, me and my best friend Hope will get matching tattoos.


"So what should we get? And where?" she asked as she took one of their magazines with only tattoos.

"Something simple.. But something that means something..."

"That sounded dumb."

"Yeah I know, forget about it!"

"So what do you think?" she turned the magazine towards me.

"Let me see!" I took it from her and started going through the paiges of it.

Like I said earlier, there were only some big tattoos on the neck, arm, leg... Nothing that would suit us.

"Hey how about this one?" she pointed at one mini tattoo.

"Yeah I like them! But where should we do them?"

"On the hands, duh!"

"Nah that basic... How about on the neck?"

"Nah, that's not visible!"

"Okay then what do you suggest?"




"But that's also not visible!"

"Oh... Oh well, but it's perfect."

"You think?"

"And what is the better place to do them huh?!"

"Okay then. Are we really gonna do this?"

"We're already here. There's no going back! I'll go first!"

I can't say that I didn't feel a little scared. Because I did. I was scared a little but that little amount of my fear would never go higher than my wish for doing matching tattoo with my best friend.



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