But my idea will set you free

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Pablo's POV

Sunday... I can't really remember when I fell asleep last night. I just heard my sister going to the kitchen in the middle of the night.

I was hungry too and I wanted to join her in her midnight eating, but I was too lazy to get my ass there.

"Weird..." I said when I checked my phone.

Usually, Pedri or Leah would send something. Or someone in the group chat. But this time, they didn't. At least my phone haven't buzzed every two seconds!

I went down to see if my sister was still here. I live alone, but Aurora comes sometimes for who knows what reason.

Our parents think that I'm old enough and responsible to live alone and take care of myself. True...but only partly... My only weak point is cooking.

Don't get me wrong, I know some basic things, but I don't know how to cook lunch or how to make cookies or other stuff. That doesn't mean I don't love to eat!

If I wasn't a footballer, I would definitely go around in different restaurants and eat things I've never seen in my life. Yeah... Sounds good.. Maybe when I retire one day...

I walked over to my fridge to see if I have anything to eat or should I go at Pedri's. His mother cooks for him very often and I got used to going to his place and eat things she makes.

She loves me like her own two sons... I bet she likes me more than Pedri but she just doesn't want to say it in front of him.

"Looking for food huh?" my sister appeared our of nowhere.

"Shit, why are you acting like a ghost?! You appear out of nowhere!"

"I just love to scare you... Your face is everything!"

"I'll replace the lock on the front door so you won't be able to come here anymore." I said as she walked past me to the sink.

"You know that I'll find my way to get in right?"

"As weird and crazy as you are, I actually believe you..."

"Hey I'm not crazy! Or weird!"

"You are!"

"Whatever... I'm going anyways so I won't bother you anyways." she said drinking water.

"Finally! My fridge is empty because of you!" I complained as I closed it and took banana instead.

"It is empty but not because of me. If you would actually go to buy something to eat, it wouldn't be so empty anymore."

"When will you leave me alone?"

"Now! I'll see you soon my little Pablito!" she walked over to me and kissed my cheek.

"Don't call me that!" I said chewing a banana.

"See you later Pablito!"


UGHH... I love my sister... And I hate her at the same time. She can be annoying as fuck when she wants. And that's very often. But she can be nice... Also when she wants which is rare. At least towards me.


Pedri... What does he want now?


"Hey Gaviota, what you doing?"

"Nothing much... I just woke up."

"You eating a banana?"

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