Isn't this what you wanted?

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Noa's POV

"Why is everyone running out?" Hope asked.

"Maybe because Noa's boyfriend just walked in!" Torry replied.

I quickly looked over at the entrance of the club. There he was... Smiling and looking good as always... Hand in hand with some other girl that looks almost like me...

Same height, same hair, same eyes... And same shitty taste for man. I guess he found the girl that is his type and better than me, although we look alike.

"Wait... What..."

"Let's go take drinks! I'm thirsty!" I grabbed Hope and Torry by hands and dragged them to our table. I don't wanna answer their stupid questions about what happened, when and why didn't I tell them... I don't need that shit!

"What is happening over there?" Alex asked.

"They're drooling over someone..."

"Huh?" he looked at me confused.

"Where's my drink?"

"Uhhh.... Some girl came over and took it... I don't know her." Fernando replied.

"WHAT?! And you let her took my drink just like that?! Why didn't you do something?!"

"She was pretty, you can't blame him." Philip said.

"Oh, so if she's pretty that means that she can take others drink without asking?! And who the fuck wants to drink something that is not yours?!"

"Sounds like she's more weird than pretty!" Hope added.

"He forgot to add drunk... She was pretty drunk." Alex said.

"Whatever, I'll just take something else..." I said as I walked away, leaving them by our table.

I sat by the bar and wait for bartender to come. I said that I won't drink but... You can always learn to drink right?

He got over us so easly... He replaced me with the girl that looks like me. There's no big difference. I guess she's the better type...

"Hi, what can I get for you?"

"Hi... Umm... I'll take...bottle of tequila!"

He looked at me confused.

"If you can, I'll pay for it."

"I'm not allowed to give you whole bottle."

"I'll pay for it!"


"Just get it! I don't care how much it cost!"


Fuck him.. And his girl... Fuck all the things he did. And our two years relationship and all the things we went through... All of that meant nothing to him!

"Here you go! Oh and also lemon!" the guy gave me cup, bottle and lemon slices.

"Why lemon?"

"Some people can't handle to drink tequila just like that, so we usually give them lemon when they order it."

"Oh... Okay. Thanks!"

"You're heart broken, aren't you?" he asked.

"How do you know?"

"People usually order tequila because it helps them to forget everything fast."

"I guess it will help me too then!"

He sighed and walked away. And what should I say huh?

I took first cup and poured a drink down my throat. I tried without lemon, but it was so hard. Eventually, I took the lemon. I couldn't take it anymore. 

The Rival's "Girlfriend" حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن