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taehyun, brought reina back in her assigned room. locks the door behind him, while reina yanked her hand, glaring at him.

"what is this?"

"i'm not letting you meet that man! he will ruin you!"

taehyun's scolding words slashed through the air, cutting like sharp blade.

her heart thudding, as she blankly stared at the ceiling tears threatening to spill. taehyun sighed as he pinched his temples in frustration.

"you know what? i'm calling heeseung." he said, his voice trembling with mixture of dissapointment and frustration.

taehyun pulled out his phone, turning he left the room. the room felt emptier, and colder as the door clicked shut, leaving her alone.


reina gazed up at the ceiling, a sigh escaping her lips and she closed her eyes. her mind drawing blank, nothing was coming in her mind. no thought, no emotions. it was completely blank at the moment, all she felt was exhaustion. from her interaction earlier, from what yeonjun said to her. all she wanted at this point was to disappear.

reina turned around and walked to the bed, plopping her self royally on the soft cloud like mattress on which she wished to submerge.

time passed and she was awake a few hours later, feeling a lot less tired than when she fell asleep. as soon as she did, her phone rang.


reina frowned, but picked up the call.


"why don't you come to dining hall? it's almost time for dinner." taehyun suggested and reina gazed out of the window, to see the sky turning hues of orange and purple.

"okay!" she replied monotonously, to which taehyun paid not heed.

hanging up, reina heaved a sigh. she fixed her hair and dress before stepping out of her room.

after arriving at the dining hall, reina was greeted by girls, hooting and shierking. it wasn't her who was receiveing all the attention it was someone else. someone in the middle of the room, who she was not able to see.

so she tried to eavesdrop, "who is that handsome guy over there talking to choi daniel?"

she heard a boy ask, as he folded his hand staring at his partner and she turned back to gaze at him momentarily, as she replied, "that's the lee heeseung, right hand man of the heiress of lee family,"

the moment reina heard the name lee heeseung, she cut through the crowd to go to the front. her eyes widened as she saw yeonjun and heeseung sitting together, talking to each other about god knows what? her heart beat quickened, clenching her jaws she glared at the man who had appeared on the ship out of nowhere.

yeonjun gazed ar heeseung, sitting rather eloquently than he had expected. he raised his eye brows, smirk twitching on the corner of his lips, "lee heeseung, you are younger than i thought you'd be."
"well, what can do? my uncle suddenly passed away and my sister who is still in college has to take the reins of family business in her hand. i had to help her right?"
yeonjun had a sinister smirk on his face, as he recalled women who broke into his palace and kidnapped a person, "your sister? she is such a amusing woman. i never expected someone could find loopholes in my security system,"
"are you satisfied with our service mr. choi?" heeseung playing along with yeonjun's word play.

"yes, so much satisfied that i almost wanted to crush your little family. by the way, i heard you have recently started working on a new project?" a playful smirk appears on yeonjun's lips, as heeseung's expressions hardens.

"...i hope your ceo doesn't fall in a mess with me again, so that your petty project achieves success," yeonjun added before taking a sip from his exquisite wine.

heeseung smiled defeatedly, "that's why i have come here, your highness daniel!"

yeonjun frowned in confusion, as he saw heeseung's expressionless face that stared blankly at the glass of champagne in his hand. suddenly, heeseung drank the whole glass in one gulp, putting the glass on the tray. he turned around leaving.

reina stared at the whole scene that unfolded before her eyes. she didn't dare to go near them, as she didn't want to attract any kind of attention towards her. but from the expression on her face with her brows furrowed and lips set in straight line, any one could tell she wasn't pleased with the scene.

reina watch him finishing his drink before he began approaching her. his steps were filled with mix of curiosity and frustration. as he nears, he motions me to follow him. and without a word, we slip away from the gathering.

"what are you doing here?" reina asked, clenching her fist as she glared at the raven haired man.

heeseung stops, turns around his hand tightly gripping my arms. his eyes boring holes in my soul, "you are really asking that reina?"

"did taehyun call you?"

"do what if he did? what will you do kill him? reina i'm warning you. do not mess with that man, do you want to know what he said just now. he will crush our family if he mess with him again. all the hard work we did. everything will go in vain if we mess with him. we are the size of ant in front of him. he former royalty, people like him have connections we can only dream off.

stop! before it's too late. and if you think you can't. think of all the people who's life depends on you. you're foundation of lee family. small mistake and everything will be ruined. hard work of all those years, everything reina! every damn thing, all those sacrifices will be for nothing."

though heeseung  was angry, his voice suprisingly remained calm. "listen reina, men like him will line up in front of you. you can have anyone, but not him."

tears welled up in reina's eyes, she looked at her cousin, his face etchedwith concern and hint of desperation, "if you don't give up on him," his threat hanging heavy in the air, as he gulps, "i'll do whatever it takes to protect us and protect you from him... even if it means i've to kill him,"

tears hot and unrelenting gushed down my cheeks, as i absorbed the weight of his words.

"you don't understand, i... i really like him, he...i just really do." reina hiccuped wiping her tears that never seemed to be stopping, "...his presence is oddly comforting,"

heeseung's stern expression softening, just by seeing her cry he could tell how much she adored him. his heart ached seeing her in tears. heeseung's anger and frustration began melting away, he stepped forward. wrapping her in his warm embrace.

whispering softly, "i'm sorry, but let us not get involved with him. he is not aligned with our purpose and you cannot hide the truth forever. if will come to surface one day."

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