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as the heavy hospital door creaked open, the bright sterile light cast a glow of his face. as he made his way towards the couch without speaking anything. his face etched with concern. his handsome face looked somewhat horrified, he was sweating profusely. his strong jawline was accentuated by hint of stubble. he was with my entire night. his eyes pierced through the floor on which he kept gazing.

my voice gentle and soothing, i asked yeonjun, "hey! is everything okay?"

his shoulder tensed slightly, as if unsure wheather to open up or not. i wanted to know but, he suddenly closed his eyes and remained quiet. signalling not to ask him questions at the moment. he softly exhaled and finally spoke.

"it's nothing! i just recalled something bad."

his eyes met mine, i see a flicker of anger admist of him trying to appear friendly. he suddenly gets up from the couch and walked closer to me, sitting at the edge of the bed. he breathed in and out.

as he spoke, his voice resonated deep within me, i sense danger here, "reina. can i ask you something?"

he took my hand in his big, warm ones. as the invisible wave of emotions washed over me. it was a electric moment where my heart skipped a beat and chills ran down my spine.

listening intently, i nodded. "sure, go ahead!"

taking a pause he asked, "what do you think of me?"

what? that wasn't the question he wanted to ask. no way, he is asking this childish question. i can see he is trying so hard not to ask me what he wants? what should i answer to this? i can't tell him, i thought he was jerk, playboy. whom i'm scared will find my secret and hate me. and i don't want him to hate me.

"uh. . . what can i think of you? you're a friend i made recently, you're popular, cute, straight a student. why are you asking this suddenly?"
"well, i thought you don't think of me as a friend?"
"wh-why would you t-think that?" i stuttered.
"you didn't even tell me that you— were. . ."

he gazed down pouting, relief washed over me like a wave. i sighed in contentment. i grabbed his both hand gave him a reassuring squeez.

"yeonjun, to be honest. i wasn't aware about this as well. i also came to knkw about it when i saw..."

as i spoke, my voice trembled with unspoken emotions, and sadness in my heart seemed to seep through word.

"...i saw all that blood."

i tried to maintain my composure, but the pain i was feeling was undeniable and it lingered in the air like heavy cloud.

"if i had known, i would have taken the best care of myself. i mean something was wrong with me..."

lump formed in my throat making it difficult for me to articulate my thoughts clearly. and the words that escaped my lips carried a hint of vulnerability.

"...if i had a mother, she would have told me what was wrong with me?"

my eyes were now glistened with unshed tears. i blinked them away hoping to maintain a control, suddenly he wrapped his arms around me, i felt the mixture of emotions were now  overwhelming me like a tidal wave. the pain that was building inside me finally rushed forth.

his arms held me close, providing me a sense of security and comfort i desperately needed in that vulnerable moment. i clung to him as if he was my lifeline, feeling his steady heartbeat against my chest, grounding the admist strom of emotions.

with each sob that escaped my lips, i felt a release of heaviness. i had been carrying. his hug was a safe space, allowing me to let go of my pain and sorrow that i've been holding back for years.

his soft soothing voice whispered comfort words in my ear. letting me know that it was okay feeling the pain and that he would support me through all this. in his arms, i felt understood, as if he could sense the deep emotions inside my heart without me having to say a word.

as the sob subsided, i still gently held onto him tightly, not ready to part. his hands caressed my back. as i nestled into his arms, a sense of serenity washed over me. the sound of his steady heartbeat quietned the noise of outside world. when i felt this rise of fall of his chesr syncing into my breath, i found myself sinking into the slumber. with the solace of his scent, a comforting fragrance wrapped around me. without me noticing, i fell into deep sleep.

i laid her on the bed making sure she doesn't wake up. her eyes were swollen and nose was red with all the crying, but her face somewhat looked relieved. i wondered, how long was she carrying all this feelings. while her wet cheeks dried. i could feel the dopamine rush, the more i gazed at her the more i felt the addiction.

my body was responding in similar manner to reina, like vivian. both of had one thing in common, the way both of them potrayed themselves as confident woman outside, which was stark contrast to the vulnerability that they showed me when we were alone.

as i watched her fall asleep, a twisted sense of satisfaction spread through me like dark tendrils. the soft rise and fall of her chest, the peaceful expression on her face—it all fueled my sense of possessiveness. i knew in the moment, it doesn't matter if she is vivian or not. she will be mine.

as i traced my fingers lightly across her cheek, a wicked smile played on my lips. she looked so innocent, so pure, unaware of the malevolence that surrounded her.

A/N: oh boi! thinks she is innocent, wait till you see her k1lling like a she is a protagonist of video game. Hehe! so i read some wattpad stories and i was full of motivation to write using cool words. i hope you like it! vote and comment.

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