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smile crept on reina's lips as she walked down the aisle of clothes, her fingers  tracing the fabric. she was looking for the clothes she would wear at the cruise party.

"all of them look same," heeseung whines as he narrows his eyes, trying hard to inspect the difference. reina frowned wondering what was wrong with heeseung's eyes to not being able to spot the difference in the colour.

"how is this same? this is blood red and this is peach colour. are these same?" reina asked annoyed with his unnecessary comment.

"yes, yes they are different. i'm sorry my mom. can we escalate things a little bit. you've a meeting!" heeseung rolls his eyes before he reclined back on the couch. completely annoyed with all this buying of clothes. all he wanted to do was get over with work and go back to meet ruri.

"okay! i just need one more and we will leave." reina sighs as she turns to flip through the dresses.

yeonjun stepped out his car, straightening his three piece suit, he buttoned then up. his face was expressionless as always as he walks towards the cruise ship. his bodygaurd following him from behind.

reina on the other hand, stared at the two couple which fell in each other arms as soon as they met. she swirled her eyes before turning around and began ascending the stairs. reina was well aware that she was going to do this mission all alone, because taehyun would be busy distracting yena.

she enters on the deck, her hand clasped behind her back as she walked around, trying to understand the enviorment of  society. her eyes flickers from one tplace to another. everyone she found on board was claded in branded clothes and jewelry. reina smiled, because for the first time in her life she didn't feel out of place.

attending these kind of parties was all reina did in her life, because her targets were mostly rich and powerful men and women.

as reina was immersing herself, the voice from behind startled her, it was taehyun, "reina, we are going to bar. want to come?"

taehyun, she frowned as soon as she heard the word bar. taehyun was fanatic for imported wines, through her eyes she warned him.

don't get drunk.

taehyun gave her a small nod, making sure it goes unnoticed by his girlfriend. yena asked again, "reina are yoy coming?"

"n-no not really, i'm in mood for some vitamin d today," reina gave her a polite smile, as reina did not wish to smell alcohol early in the morning.

reina was like that, inspite of her being an assassin who worked in underworld. she absolutely loathed drinking and smoking, people when heard that for first time wouldn't believe it. but, that's how she was.

"what? you take this everyday, come on reina let's get drunk!"
"c'mon yena, you're asking the wrong person don't forget!" taehyun chided as he wrapped his hands around her waist, pulling her away with him.

reina blankly watched the couple, somewhat grateful that she declined their offer or else she would've been third wheeling. a sigh escaped her lips as she wished dearly to be held like that and just she was going to get devoured in her over-thinking.

"it's peaceful here isn't it?" a cold smile appeared on her lips, as soon as she heard a male voice. rolling her eyes, reina turned around. before her sight was a young male, probably of her age, standing their in printed floral shirt and held a mojito in his hand.

"yeah, it is indeed, it's like a whole different world," reina replies as she gazes at the vast ocean before her eyes.

the boy smile with utmost sincerity visible in his eyes, "is it your first time here? by the way i'm yeo sang,"

reina gazed down at the hand he extended forward, looking back at his she joined hands with him introducing herself, "yeah, it is i've always dreamt of sailing. i'm reina."

"same it's my first time here too, its like dream come true."

ship horn echoed across the water as they continued to chat. on the other hand, certain someone's eyes as caught the sight of reina. yeonjun leaned on the metal post, as his piercing eyes fixed on her, reina, engrossed in coversation with another man.

he clenched his jaws and a surge of jealously coursed through him. as he watched reina laugh and way she twirled the strand of her with a smile. he was instantly reminded of the moments, he saw her twirl her hair as vivian.

reina lightly slapped yeosang's hand, as she laughed at the silly joke he just made. unaware of the figure lingering behind her. suddenly, reina noticed all the blood being drained from yeosang's face.

"re-reina, i just remembered my girlfriend was calling me?"


reina narrowed her eyes as she heard an absurd excuse, slipping out of the mouth of man. who seemed intelligent just a few minutes ago. before she could comprehend his actions, yeosang turned around and hastily left, leaving reina bewildered.

"suddenly girlfriend?" she asked herself, tilting her head as swirls the pink liquid in the glass.

clicking her tongue, reina turned around and instantly bumped into someone. a small shierk left her mouth as the glass slipped from her hand, spilling all the drink on the strangers clothes.

her eyes were wide open as her eyes stopped at the high quality white shirt the man was wearing. instantly, she pulled out a napkin from her pocket, without even caring to look at his face. she began mumbling.

"i'm so sorry, i didn't see you there—" she paused, when her eyes met his onyx ones.

instantly, a shiver ran down her spine.

ayo hoomans!
i was feeling genrous and motivated today, so here's a another boring chapter. please vote it, even though its kinda boring. T^T

sweet addiction | choi yeonjun Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu