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as he leaned in, his eyes locked onto mine, filled with a gentle intensity that sent my heart racing. his warn hand cupped my cheek, his thumb softly grazing my skin, and his lips, warm and tender, met mine in a slow, deliberate dance. it was a kiss that spoke of affection and longing, a connection that went beyond words. i could feel the soft press of his lips against mine, the warmth of his breath mingling with mine, and in that moment, the world seemed to stand still.

as his lips met mine, soft warmth spread from the point of contact, igniting a fire of desire within me. a rush of warmth and affection flooded through me. it was the man i loved, and it felt like his kiss was everything i had yearned for. as our lips finally melded together, i felt a soft warmth spread from the point of contact, igniting a fire of desire within me. a whirlwind of emotions consumed me. fear and confusion clashed with an undeniable thrill. his kiss was electrifying, sending shivers down my spine, it was a forbidden desire that I struggled to resist, even though I knew I should.

as he lowered me down on the soft bed, his lips never leaving mine. as our kiss deepened, his fingers wrapped around my neck nearly gave me chills. his hands went from my neck to shoulders and down to my hand. he grabbed my hands softly yet firmly.  he paused, looking at me as he places my hand on his chest. my eyes subconsciously fell shut as i feel his heartbeat against my hand.

he kisses my forehead, and runs his lips on my cheeks towards ear. i tilt my head giving him access, after a deep breath he softly bites me softly. invoulnatrily, a gasp escaped my lips as i felt the warmth  igniting in my core causing my entire body heat up. it didn't heart but only left me wanting more. but then, and he stops and next thing i know, is him guiding my face closer to his, leaning my head to rest on his chest. his other hand wraps around my waist tightly.

"yeon...yeonjun?" i called him out in confusion.

his embrace tightened around me, and i could feel the teasing smirk in his voice as he said, "feeling dissapointed? imagine how i felt when you went away from me?"

"is this a revenge? because i ignored you?"

his laughter rumbled against my ear as he leaned in closer, his lips grazing my earlobe."oh darling! when i take revenge you'll know. because, life becomes living hell for my enemies."
"i literally have no idea what you're talking about?" i sighed as i tried to move away from him.
but, his embrace tightened around me, i felt his lips touching my earlobe as he whispered, "be happy, you are not my enemy." 

my heart skipped, as i heard him saying those things in deep voice further turned me on. but, the way he is simply hugging me. i don't think he'll do anything to me. ugh!!!! i'm so pissed. should i go back to my room. but he is hugging me so tightly. did he fall asleep? should i sneak away.

all the thoughts run wild in reina's head, but her head and body was responding against each other. while in her head she thought of going back to her room, her body reacted in contrast with her thoughts. and, she nuzzled her face in his chest.

yeonjun smiled, feeling her against him, in his arms. closing his eyes the similar scent of cherries filled his nostrils, the smile disappeared from his face as he stared into the space. feeling of confusion and betrayal taking a toll on him.

Few Hours back:

as the moon cast eerie shadows across the room, i took another sip from the bottle of bourbon, feeling the warmth spread through me. it was all part of the plan, a dangerous game of cat and mouse.

i picked up my phone, fingers dancing clumsily across the screen, and dialed her number. the call connected, and i let out a slurred greeting, my words stumbling over each other.

"hey, it's me," i  slurred, barely recognizable. the act had to be convincing; she couldn't suspect a thing.

on the other end, her voice was laced with concern, asking if i was alright. i chuckled, a drunken, hollow sound, and mumbled something about needing her help. it was the bait i'd carefully laid out, the trap waiting to be sprung.

i told her i was lost, disoriented, and that i needed her to come to my rescue. there was a pause, hesitation in her voice, but i pressed on, desperation in my tone. "i... i trust you," i stammered, emphasizing how i had no one else to turn to.

"i'm coming, wait there." she said and as i hung up the phone, i couldn't shake of the feeling that something was amiss. a seed of suspicion had taken a root in my mind.

confusion swirled inside me like a whirlwind as i stumbled down the dimly lit alley, pretending to be drunk. my phone had only been off for a few minutes after the call with the heroine, and yet, here she was, appearing out of nowhere to pick me up.

i fumbled for my phone, still dazed by the alcohol i'd been pretending to consume. i hadn't given her my exact location; how had she found me so quickly? doubt and suspicion crept back into my mind.

"hey," she said, her voice laced with concern as she approached. "i'm here to take you home."

i tried to muster a drunken grin, but my mind was racing. how had she arrived so swiftly? was she really here to help me, or was there something more to this? i needed answers, but my disoriented state made it difficult to think clearly. as she offered me her arm for support, leading me toward her waiting car, i couldn't shake the feeling that i was walking into a trap of my own making. the confusion and unease in my heart grew with each step, and i knew that i had to tread carefully if i was to uncover the truth behind her sudden and uncanny arrival.

sweet addiction | choi yeonjun Where stories live. Discover now