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reina sat behind a sleek, polished desk, her gaze fixed on the intricate map of the city that adorned the wall in front of her. the dim light of the room cast deep shadows across her features, lending an air of mystery to her presence.

a single candle flickered on the corner of her desk, casting a warm glow that danced in her eyes. her fingers traced the edges of a dossier, filled with information about a high-profile target.

a discreet knock at the door drew her attention. without looking up, reina nodded, granting entry to one of her most trusted men, heeseung. the air seemed to shift as the atmosphere became charged with an unspoken understanding.

heeseung began to speak, detailing the progress of ongoing assignments and potential opportunities. reina listened intently, her fingers drumming rhythmically against the desk as she absorbed the information. her voice, when she finally spoke, was measured and authoritative, giving clear directives.

heeseung was about to leave, when reina's phone suddenly rang. as i glanced at the caller id, my heart skipped a beat. it was him, yeonjun. his name illuminated on the screen, and a wave of mixed emotions washed over me.

part of me wanted to let it ring, to ignore the call and pretend i was blissfully unaware. but a stronger, more worried part of me answered.

"hello?" i said, my voice tentative, my heart racing.

the voice that greeted me from the other end was slurred, filled with a mix of emotions that i couldn't quite decipher. "hey, it's me," he mumbled, his words stumbling over one another.

my chest tightened with concern. i hadn't heard from him in weeks, not since our paths had diverged, and now he was calling me in the dead of night, clearly not in control of himself.

"what's going on?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady. he let out a bitter laugh, a sound that seemed to echo with pain. "do you have any idea what pain i was going through? why did you disappear? why did you lie?"

i stood up from my chair, my concern deepening. "where are you? are you safe?"

he hesitated for a moment, and i could hear the distant sounds of a bustling street, the clinking of glasses, and the murmur of voices. "i don't even know where i am, to be honest. i just needed to hear your voice."

my heart ached at his words. it was a side of him i had seen that day when i was leaving as vivian, vulnerable and lost.

despite the pain and confusion that had led to this moment, a part of me still cared deeply about him." listen," I said softly, "what happened? why did you suddenly drink today?"He sighed, a heavy, defeated sound.

"so i can deal with your lies." i could sense his despair, and it cut through me. does he know something? my eyes narrowed as i glared at the screen,
"okay? but right now, you need to find a safe place. can you do that?" he agreed, and we ended the call with a promise to talk again soon. as i set my phone back on the bedside table, i couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions – concern, and anxiousness.

i pressed the bell and one of my henchmen walked inside the room. "find him," i ordered with an ice-cold tone as i tossed my phone at him.

"i don't care how you do it, but i want his location traced, and i want it now." my loyal henchmen exchanged uneasy glances, well aware of the consequences of failure.

i stood before the mirror, my reflection revealing the transformation i had meticulously crafted. the sleek, black attire that had defined my menacing presence was gone, replaced by a demure, innocent facade. a grey loose hoodie and pj's and my ebony hair was pinned up in a loose bun, giving the illusion of a normal person. it was a stark contrast to the calculated, ruthless persona i usually projected.

sighing, i grabbed my phone and dialed for a cab. the white car arrived, and i slid into the backseat, my heart pounding with anticipation. i gave the address and settled back into the shadows, my disguise complete.

as the cab pulled up to the dimly lit street, i spotted him leaning against a lamppost, his figure swaying slightly. he looked disheveled, his usually composed demeanor shattered by the intoxication.

i approached him with caution, the glow of the streetlight revealing the vulnerability in his eyes. "hey," i said gently, "i'm here to take you home."

he blinked at me, his gaze struggling to focus. recognition slowly dawned in his eyes, and he nodded weakly, his movements unsteady as he stumbled toward me. hiding his face in the crook of my neck. i felt his breath tickling my skin, making me subconsciously close my eyes. i managed to hold him steady and dragged him towards the cab.

i held the door open for him, and he sank into the passenger seat with a heavy sigh. the scent of alcohol clung to him, mingling with the cool night air. the driver started the car and the engine purred to life, drowning out the silence between us.

we reached my home, and i carefully guided him to the guest room, his steps unsteady but determined. as we reached the guestroom, i helped him settle onto the bed, watching as he lay there, eyes half-closed.

i began to turn away, ready to give him the space he needed, but his hand reached out, fingers wrapping around my wrist tightly. my heart raced as he pulled me closer, his strong arms encircling me, and i found myself beneath him on the bed.

the room was cloaked in darkness, save for the faint glow of the moon seeping through the curtains, casting eerie shadows on his face.

my breath quickened, a mixture of fear and desire coursing through my veins.
his fingers traced a delicate path along the curve of my jaw, sending shivers down my spine.

"reina! you won't be able to run away from me now."
"w...what are you talking about yeonjun?"
"i won't let you go away, you've messed with the wrong person reina."
"what are you saying? i can't understand a single word. you're drunk, you should sleep," i said as i sat up subtly pushing him away.

suddenly, he grabbed the hand that was on his shoulder, wrapping it around his neck, his lips brushed against mine, demanding and possessive, and my entire body froze in the moment. while he moved his lips against mine actively. his hand slipping under my hoodie. i found myself powerless against his touch, paralysing my body.

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