Stuck in Time

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"That's amazing!"

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"That's amazing!"

Melanie groaned at Derek's yell. Her head was pounding. She went to bring her hand up to her head, but her hands were tied behind her back she herself was tied around what felt like a rock.

She slowly opened her eyes and as soon as she did, Melanie saw Derek, Eli, Noah, Deaton, and Mason tied to of pillars on a building.

Remembering where she was and what happened to her the last time she was awake, Melanie gasped, catching everyone around hers attention. She looked down, expecting to see a hole her chest from being impaled, but she was completely fine.

"You're awake."

Melanie turned her head to the left at the sound of Theo's voice. He was sitting a few feet to the left of Melanie, tied up to his own rock, facing her.

"Are you okay?" Another voice spoke. This one's was to Melanie's right. Right beside her.

She didn't understand how on Earth she didn't notice someone squished beside her on the rock, but she turned her head nonetheless and realized Liam was tied to the same rock as her, their legs and shoulders touching from how close they were. Melanie's eyes widened when her and Liam's noses brushed. Her cheeks started to tinge red, but she didn't notice because all she could think about was how Liam's cheeks were pinking up.

Noah groaned from the rock in front of Melanie, making her and Liam look away from each other. They watched as the man moved to crane his head back so he can somewhat see Derek. "Hey, Derek. Maybe you want to be a little more subtle with your antics." Noah suggested before he turned his head to his right, looking off at something in the distance. Melanie lifted her head to look at the man and then where he was lookin, his eyes on the four Oni guarding the barrier.

Melanie shook her head, looking at the Oni before turning back to the Sheriff. "The Nogitsune isn't gonna kill us, not yet. He put us here to watch him win. We're here for our pain."

Suddenly, the sound of a crowd cheering faintly echoed through the forest. Melanie's head turned to look up at Liam beside her, Liam already looking down at her.

"Do you guys hear that?" Theo asked and Liam nodded, his eyes glued onto Melanie even though Theo was talking. "It sounds like..." He started before Melanie smiled. "Lacrosse." She whispered.

Melanies smile was wiped clean off her face when a low growl/hiss-like noise echoed through the woods and a chill went down Melanie's spine as a voice she hadn't heard in fifteen years spoke. "A man looks at a photograph of another man. He says, "Brothers and sisters have I none. But this man's father is my father's son." Who is the man in the photograph?"

Melanie turned her head to the direction she heard the Nogitsune's voice and watched s as he stood in front of Derek, their faces inches away from each other. Derek looked like he was watching Eli and even though she was far away from him, Melanie could see his jaw clenched. "My son."

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