Someone to Trust

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"I'm not letting them out

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"I'm not letting them out." Sheriff Stilinksi said, looking down at two kids files.

Scott got a call from the Sheriff that night saying Theo and two other teens had just been arrested and suggested he, Melanie and Belle come to the station.

Melanie knew she had to go, after Liam got attacked at school, she realized how many missed calls Theo left her. She felt horrible.

Now, Scott, Malia, Melanie, Liam, Belle and Lydia stood in front of the sheriff, all of them upset at his words.

"We've got two bodies covered in slash marks. They confessed to killing two people." Stilinksi said. Melanie, who had her arms crossed, nodded her head. "Hunters." She corrected and the Sheriff turned to her, his eyes wide, almost pleading.

"People, Melanie. Self-defense or not, they're still here, the other guys are dead. And there's a process I have to follow."

"Yeah, but you know what's happening around here. It's not safe for them." Liam said and Stilinksi turned to Liam, pointing at him. "This may actually be the safest place for them in Beacon Hills. At least I can protect them here."

"Would Stiles think that?" Lydia asked as Melanie heard the sound of the cell doors open from behind her, outside of the office. She turned around and watched as Parrish lead Theo to the front desk.

Melanie tapped Liam's arm, her eyes still on the Raeken boy as guilt flooded her stomach. "I'll be right back." She muttered to Liam before walking out of the Sheriffs office.

"Sign it and you're free to go." Parrish told Theo, handing him a piece of paper and a pen.

"I'm so sorry, Theo." Melanie said as Theo signed the paper. Her voice was soft and quiet. Theo shut his eyes angrily, not turning around to face the girl.

"It's fine, Mel." Theo grumbled and Melanie shook her head. She walked up to the desk and leaned up against it, facing him. "No, it's not. Since I came back from the Wild Hunt, I've been telling the pack that you're good and I trust you and that they can trust you, but..." Melanie sighed, looking at the ground before looking back up at Theo. "But when you needed me, I wasn't there."

Theo finally turned to her and Melanie took a deep breath. "I want you to have someone to trust. Someone to feel has your back. Because even if you may not be in the pack, you're in mine. So I'm sorry I wasn't there."

Theo looked at Melanie for a couple of seconds before sighing. He looked away from her and rolled his eyes as he sighed. "You're good. I forgive you." He said and Melanie smiled childishly and proudly.

Suddenly, bright lights glared into the Sheriff's Station from outside. Melanie winced, squinting her eyes. She slowly walked towards the windows and moved one of the blinds so she could see outside. Melanie's eyes widened at Monroe standing in front a row of cars, around a dozen men standing behind her with guns.

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