"I really should. I haven't had fum in so long," I admitted.

Life was dull in Chicago. People didn't really take a liking too me. The only reason I had friends in Wicker (made up city) is because it was small and everybody knew everybody. In this city, I didn't stand out. And when someone did notice me, they didn't want to be my friend. I really miss doing fun stuff with my friends. I haven't done anything exciting in so long. But I don't really know what to do.

"I actually have an idea," Aunt Miriam announced.

"What is it?"

"I think you should go visit Wicker."

"Are you serious?" I wondered. I never considered doing that.

"You were born there, you were raised there. Why wouldn't you go?"

"Grandma got buried here so I don't really have a reason to go," I responded.

"Well, I think some of your friends are still living there. Whats the girls name, Marie? Oh, and your neighbor. Are you still talking to any of them? You should definitley go see them."

"Her names Marie," I giggled a little. "But do you think they would even want to see me?"

"Of course they would, they grew up with you," Aunt Miriam said.

"I don't know. . ." I said skeptically.

Mary and me talked every few months. Kiana and me talked more frequently, like once month, but we definitley weren't as close as we once were. Despite what Auntie is saying, I think I'd be awkward if I went back to Wicker.

Auntie rolled her eyes at me. "You care too much about what people think. This will be a good chance for you to get out the house and do something. Go see your friends. And if they aren't happy to see you, then you don't have to see them again."

I chewed on the inside of my people, considering the pros and cons of going. "Okay, I'll go," I decided.

"Good for you," She smiled.
"Okay Khadijah, if you're a peice of paper where would you go?" I asked myself, outloud.

I remember that Mama J gave me her phone number. I'm not sure where it is but I think I kept it. Her number would probably be with all the old things I brought with me. I started rummaging through the closet. All the way in the back laid some old clothing. The clothing was small and I kept saying I would give it away but I kept forgetting. I looked through all the pockets and was unlucky until I felt something in a pair of jeans. I smiled at the writing on it that said Mama J ***-***-****

Hopefully, she hasn't changed her number. I nervously tapped my fingers on the table as the phone rang. A noise sounded indicating that the person has picked up.

"Hello?" I called out.

"Hello? Who is this?" A womans voice asked.

"Hi, Mama J," I said.

"Who is this?" She asked again, this time more sternly.

"Its Khadijah. Remember, I use to live down the street from you? I moved after my Grandma passed away."

"Oh yes, I remember you now! Wow, we haven't spoken in years! How are you doing, honey?" Mama J practically yelled into the phone. But I'm happy that she's excited to hear from me and didn't quickly hang up.

"I've been doing good, you?"

"I'm fine, thanks for asking. Honey, not that I don't love hearing from you but how come you randomly decided to call?"

"I'm sorry for not keeping in touch but now I'm actually planning to go visit Wicker, since I haven't been there in so long. And I would love to see you. So, I'm wondering if I could come to your house some time?" I wondered.

"Of course! Khadijah, you're always welcome here. When do you plan on coming?"

"Well, I work so I need to ask my boss first but I'm sure she'll let me come soon."

"Thats so great! We're still living in the same house, do you know how to get here?"

"Yeah, I remember. Thanks for letting me come," I said gratefully. Mama J is so nice.

"Oh honey, I can't wait to see you. And Chris is going to be so excited when I tell him!"

My breath caught in my throat at the mention of Chris. I admit that every once in a while, I stalk his Instagram. He is usually in Los Angeles. I didn't think he was still in Wicker. Oh my gosh, its been 5 years! I don't know if I'm ready to face him.

Hey everyone! I hope you enjoy the sequel. This is a fairly boring chapter but I was just trying to get all the info about the main character. Don't forget to vote and comment! -Khadijah

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